I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to stand at attention, stand guard, and watch over your words. Watch over your mind and what you are thinking. My children, I tell you to fight the good fight of faith. I have spoken this in My Word. It is not a fight to bring you discouragement. It is not a fight to bring you overwhelming circumstances and despair. 

No, this fight is a fight to win. It is a fight to regain and take back everything the enemies have been trying to steal from you. I have prepared your hearts. I have prepared you for this time. I have talked to you about a great awakening and that during the time of this great awakening, there will be great shaking. There is great shaking going on- great shaking amongst the nations, great shaking amongst governments, great shaking in three-letter agencies, great shaking in judicial systems, and yes, even great shaking in My church. 

(There will be) great shakings, mighty shakings, to shake you loose from the power of the enemy, to shake you free from their captivity, their mindset, and their train of thought- how they have been training and persuading you into thinking things are real and true. Great lies and deception. Yes, great lies and deception that have cheated you out of so many things that My Son already paid the price for. Don’t walk away. Don’t walk away, I say. Don’t walk away this day because great is your reward. 

My children, I have heard the cries of My people all over this world. You’ve cried in torment. You’ve cried in despair. You’ve cried because of oppression. You’ve cried because of pain. You’ve cried because of infirmity and pestilence. You’ve cried because of injustice. You’ve cried for truth. I have heard these cries. I have seen what the enemy has done. Yes, I have, and I see what the enemies are planning to do, but it won’t go through. No, it won’t go through because it can’t get through Me. 

I have heard your prayers. I have seen your consistency, how you are pressing in, that you won’t give up, and that you won’t quit. Great is your reward. I will not fail. I am the Deliverer. 

My children, why? Why do you question My Name? Why do you question My willingness to bring you out? Why do you question My Words when My Words are true? Why do you question My promises when I have said yes? Why do you question Who I am? 

It is because you don’t know Who I really am. Press into Me, and you will see what to expect from Me. Don’t get into despair. The enemy wants you frustrated. The enemy wants you divided. They’ve tried to divide you in so many ways. Remember, I am here to bring unity. Unity, that is Me. Unity with Me. 

Oh, My eagle, I see the wounds. I see the destruction of your land. I see. Yes, I see what they have done to you. Remember what this Nation stands for. I remember. I remember the sacrifice. I remember those who laid down their lives for such a great sacrifice. My eagle, you may be wounded, but remember Who I am. 

I am the Healer. You will soar, yes, you will. There is nothing that your enemies have done- not the fraudulent government, the swamp, or the globalists- to tear you down to the ground that I can’t raise up again. Remember Lazarus? He was dead for four days, and people thought it was too late. But no, it was not because I am the resurrection. I can restore, make alive, or make new anything in front of you. 

Do you see what they have done? I see it. They tore Me. They tore Me away from you, they thought. (They tore Me) from your education system. They kicked Me out of your government. They kicked Me out of your judicial system. They kicked Me out of your media. They have kicked Me out in so many ways- to try to get you to forget, to try to get you to turn away, to try to get you not to know Who I really am. 

Deception has grown so great. Yes, deception has grown so great in this time. But remember, truth prevails, and truth will always destroy deception- the decrees and the prayers that have been spoken over this Nation. 

They tried stopping you from saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Allegiance for what? Allegiance for unity and allegiance to Me. They don’t want one nation under God because that means they can’t control (it). They can’t control you. They don’t want liberty. They don’t want freedom and justice for all. No, they don’t want these things. They have tried to rip this Nation apart. They have taken the commandments away from your courts- the Ten Commandments. They thought that by removing them, you would forget. They destroyed monuments and what they stood for. 

They are trying to change you. Oh, My United States, they are trying to change you. But remember- Who causes the greatest change of all? Who can take something that is dead and bring it back to life? Who can take something that is so destroyed, has so much destruction, anguish, and pain, and then cleanse, heal, and make anew? That is what I have for you. 

Don’t despair at what you see. Don’t give in to their tyranny. They are no match for Me. They are no match for Me. I tell you, My children, there is no power greater than Me. 

So, press in this day. This is the time when you need to dig your heels in as deep as you can. Have your foundation be Me and My Word. Don’t move. Push through. Press in. Don’t give in, press in. Shout My Words louder. Praise and worship Me even more. 

It may not look like it, but your enemies are on the run. Yes, they are on the run. I will shatter and scatter everyone against Me. I say, I will shatter and scatter everyone against Me. The enemies of Almighty God are being shattered and scattered this day. Declare that every plan (they have) will fail. Declare it loudly and boldly, My children. Decree. Decree. Decree these things. Do you hear it- the crumbling of their walls? Do you see it- that they are in confusion and fear? And it is growing by the day. 

They are weakening by the day, and I am strengthening you by the day. Good versus evil. My children, who wins? Good always prevails. So, stay the course. Stay focused. Stay in the attitude of celebration and victory. Expect Me to do something that you have never seen. 

Awake this day, My children. Awake. Awake, now. Awake. My Glory, My Glory is about to fill this Earth, and the more you are awake, the more you will partake. 

So, when the enemies fail, when the enemies fall, and when you see it with your eyes, rejoice. I, the Great I AM, am alive. They want Me dead, but they can’t kill Me. 

I am life, so remember Who is alive. Remember Who is on the throne. Remember Who is the Most High God. And remember that I dwell in you. Remember these things when your enemies try to push you down. Remember these things when they try to get you to give up. Remember these things when they try to put pressure on you to turn your back on Me. Don’t do it, and you will see. 

You will see Me. You will see Me, I say. You will see Me do things for you that I have not done before. Yes. My hand is moving. My hand is moving. My hand is moving to bring great deliverance. The world is about to see that I am still the Deliverer. So, rejoice this day, My children, because your Deliverer is not going to come; your Deliverer is here now, saith the Lord. 

H/T: https://www.jgminternational.org