I had a prophetic encounter early this morning as I awoke the Lord took me into the Spirt and began to speak to me.

Here is what He told me, nothing more nothing less:

“The resolution to defend, protect and rebuild a

Nation, standing to protect the children, family and faith

has been imparted unto Donald John Trump in ways that can not be denied.”

I was taken into the spirit, and I saw President Trump, He was alone and was processing fresh intel.

It was in the early hours of the night watch.

He was somber. Reflecting what was at hand.

He was once again in a posture of prayer, knowing what was coming and knowing what was going to have to happen along the way in order to defend and protect the Nation from the enemy with in and the enemy from outside.

The call was clear – to bring freedom to a Nation!

And the Nations.

Once again, one people, one blood, we the people, by the

people – for the people – one Nation under God!

There was also a clear mantle upon the President,

to bring Justice and freedom to many Nations.

And he did not carry it lightly – but with a humility and strength like no other.

He was sober as he reflected upon the required next steps.

He knew that it had to be done.

He understood the call of the Lord upon him.

I could see that he was not going to make a move unless the Lords timing was perfect, and it was led by Him.

I was then taken into the Spirit where I saw President Trump preparing to address the Nation and the Nations.

He was preparing to meet and deal with world leaders with an authority that only comes from God.

It was a moment of Biblical proportions.

The event that had just taken place left a wake around the world that had been a long time coming.

The moment was at hand to bring truth, justice and righteousness forth for all to see in the aftermath of what had just happened and the uncertainty of all the fall out that would be involved.

As the Lord put President Trump in position to broadcast, he was surrounded by dozens of Generals that stood at his side.

This was a briefing like we had never seen before.

They had been able to take down, and take out the Cabal, the deep state and the Illuminati foundations that had controlled things for far to long.

The Lord of Hosts led them step by step, inch by inch to eradicate these evil and demonic regimes once and for all.

As the dust settled the Nations began a reestablishment of Kingdom Governance that the manifest sons and daughters had been created for.

The seven mountains were being reestablished by the Lord God Almighty!

We have great days ahead!

Holy is the Word of the Lord”