Restored Presidency and Vice-Presidency: 1 Man & 1 Woman—Hank Kunneman


What you are experiencing right now is the sound of justice— the justice of God that is coming in the earth at this time. And it’s coming at an accelerated rate says the spirit of God. It is the sound of my footsteps. And the host for I am the Lord of Hosts the Lord of Angel Armies and they are with me to come to establish and to reestablish order once again in the earth.

For I’ve allowed evil to raise its head at this time to show you what evil gross darkness of looks like. But now you’re going to see what the goodness of God looks like. You’re going to see what justice looks like, because you have seen corruption at its highest level says the Spirit of God.

But there is justice that is beginning to arise at this time, and as the Son of God went into the temple and he turned over the tables—because of the justice and the righteousness that was the foundation not only of my throne but the foundation of the messiah—and as he walked into the temple he turned out over the tables because they were corrupt. They were lying they were stealing and they were creating false narratives to the people. And the Son of God— the zeal the zeal of the Lord of Hosts was stirred up. And so my Zeal says the Living God is stirred up and now I shall roar like a lion. And I shall bring my justice.

Therefore pay attention! They have tried to corrupt the order of my covenant that I said marriage is between one man and one woman. Therefore, I shall establish justice. And I will show by the very high office of your land. I will show you what it looks like as a man and a woman arises again—who will join hands and from the place that is not known as a White House— now shall restore a white house that shall become a lighthouse once again unto this nation says the Spirit of God. And there shall be the sound of prayer that will be established from the lighthouse, as I restore and I show you what a husband and a wife look like together that shall govern this nation—but shall govern the earth. As a new reset a new world order that is not of the enemy but of my hands says GOD.

Therefore, pay attention even as they have counterfeited and they have said to you in America concerning administration. I have said to you 46 does not exist and i am not lying. For I will pull the masquerade and their party and I will reveal what is the truth. They say what you look at today they say concerning a 46 this is a president. Do not make me laugh! They say this one is a Vice President—the first woman. God says are you serious? Do not make me laugh!

For I will show the United States of America, you have seen counterfeit now there is a force that is greater than anything that the deep state and those who this country. It is the force it is the Spirit of the Living God. It is the Spirit of Truth, my Spirit that shall reign. And no man will contest me. No man will stop me. No man will outdo and outweigh the truth. No lie will be able to shield the truth.

For this is what i speak is coming at this time. Therefore, pay attention i will show you what it looks like to have a true President again. And I will show you what it looks like to have a woman— a woman stand with a President— a true Vice President. That it shall be in the form of a woman created by me. For they have tried to change gender. They have tried to redefine what your oval office looks like. But i’m going to show those who have tried with their pronoun redefinition. They will say this man is a President. This woman is a Vice President.

And then I will show you God says what another thing shall look like: as a man and a woman and a man shall arise at this time coming. It shall be the court of three strands and it shall not be broken in the future that is coming upon this land.

For I am roaring and I’m turning the tables over and legislation shall change as the spirit of truth hovers over your nation your schools your universities your media. You watch what I do to shake the media. For they have lied now God says some will be no more.

Spirit of god says listen when the Apostle John was carried up into the heaven a door was open in heaven. And so this time of Rosh Hashanah is the time of an open door. And it’s not the open door of the portals of evil but is the open door of my vengeance, my righteousness that is coming upon the Earth. And I said to John write the things that you have seen —the things that are, and the things that shall be.

And God says the things that I’ve just shared with you, you think is just for four years coming. But I speak to you and I say do not put your interpretation or your own timing upon what I have spoken. For I spoke to you a 12 year kingdom plan says the Living God.

Why 12 years? Because you have seen the demonic plan of the demonic kingdom and how they wanted to take over the Earth before to preempt war, to preempt things, that is before the time of what I said shall be the final thing of the ages. Therefore you saw the counterfeit of the demonic kingdom now I shall restore and bring kingdom order 12 years— and I will restore to the earth.
