And so it would be says the Spirit of God that many are gathered here tonight and those that are listening and they are saying God we are hearing things that cause our hearts to be troubled that cause our hearts to be in fear. Is there a day of justice? Is there a day of vindication? Is there a time where God you shall come and you shall bring about a change?

And the spirit of the Lord says I have been declaring it and I have been speaking this through my prophets. That this is the time and this is the hour of great change. For I have said and I have declared before that there has been that which has been dark. There has been that which has been gross darkness. But yet I am the God of the light, and I am coming now in a way that you have not understood. And I am coming in a way that, God says, shall cause the darkness to begin to be disrupted, interrupted, and abated.

You will begin to see Great Signs even here in California. For you will look up and, you will look into your clouds, and you will say what are these strange lights? What are these lights that seem to come from the heavens even into our areas into our cities? What is happening with these strange phenomenons of moving light and light that seems to have a Brilliance of color that we have not seen before?

The spirit of the Lord says this I will show not only in the state of California but I will show these wonders across the United States as you head into 2024. And as you are in 2024–because I will show that you have seen— what Darkness looks like. Now I will show you what portals are looking like with Heaven’s Invasion. With my Angelic forces and my light that is coming to break through the darkness, the corruption, and the evil that has come at this time.

And look now says the spirit of God there are those who will say is this the rainbow? Is this the rainbow? Is this the sign of God’s covenant? And I will cause my rainbow to be seen over historical images. You watch God says over historical images you look and you will see the sign of the rainbow. You will look and you will see the rainbow in places of deep corruption. And why would it be that this rainbow will appear over places that men say is dark, is evil, is corrupt? Or this is our history of our country.

The spirit of God says because I shall remind the people that even though there is evil, I have heard the prayers of a few who have cried out to me. And they have said God would you remember your Covenant and would you honor that which has been dedicated and given into your hands. And I have said yes and so I will show the power of my Covenant, and I will show you the power —that I keep my word and I watch over it to perform it.

So look to the signs of the rainbow. And it’ll not just be one. Can there be that which they say is this a triple rainbow?

And the spirit of God says yes because I will show something that will cause men to marvel. And they will say this is but strange.

But the spirit of the Lord says no I am touching three generations. And I am raising up something that shall begin to happen. Listen to me California. God says they have left you, but there is a gold rush of a different kind that shall come. For there shall be a great return unto this state because, as it was with Elijah, who put and built an altar in the place of deep deep darkness and corruption in the days of Jezebel and her false prophets, yet he set forth an altar of an evening sacrifice. I have seen your sacrifice I have heard your prayers. I have seen the darkness. I have heard and I have seen the commotion of the false and the wrong and the evil and the corrupt in your state.

But yet I have seen also what I have released upon this state of the spirit of Elijah. That there are those that are standing and they are saying— but we will stand for truth. We will stand for justice. We will stand for God. And we will stand for the children.

And because of that stand of the few. I will bring fire and I will cause there to be a shaking. For they have prophesied and said California you will break away and you will go out into the sea. God says do not make me laugh!

But you will break away. You will break away from liberalism. You will break away from corruption. You will break away from that which the enemy thought that he could hold you.

And there shall be a sea that shall begin to flow throughout California. And it shall be a movement of those who say we have had enough. And the spirit of God says watch they will not be able to steal, kill, or destroy. As my hand shall come anew over you.

So look to the signs. I will bring you light. I will display my rainbow. and I will break the drought as I send glorious rain as a sign. It shall happen says the spirit of God in this time.
