I dreamed I saw the lion of Judah and he was walking around the steps of the Supreme Court. And he then entered the building and was walking through the building past each of the judges Chambers. Outside the court house was a group of people. They were circled around a small desk and they were writing up proposals to the Supreme Court in hopes to change some laws in America.

And I knew it had something to do with our schools, our school government, and the government grants. And was trying to be able to band all Christian activity—and wanted to stop the action of our faith. And not just Christianity— they were targeting all religion just so they could try to stop Christian faith. They used every bit of it. They cAme against it all so they could target Christian faith. But they came against all religion in every aspect, so that they would tear down one that’s a Christian.

Out of the top of the building—on top of the Supreme Court was a strange creature that had two wings. And the bottom part of it’s body was was like an animal. And it’s head was a man’s head with a long beard. It was talking—speaking a language that I did not know. And this Beast was evil. I know that it was a evil spirit that was there to destroy any law that would benefit Christians.

I then wanted to my went to my knees and I started interceding. After this this dream, I went on my knees. I started to bind the demons. Bind the spiritual wickedness that was set out to change our times and our laws. I was binding it, praying against it. 

And as I started praying, an angel of the Lord took me to a place place somewhere out in the spirit where there was all kinds of different looking beastly beings. And the angel of the Lord spoke and said I am the Messenger. I am a messenger of the last and final days of battle for freedom to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth.

And I knew that the angel had carried me out into a place of the spirit where there was a great battle and many different spirits and the demons. And the looks of the different types of creatures— were representing the the different evilness. Different demons could take on different forms, different bodily forms. 

And I was given a message from the Lord. I started writing it down the message that the Lord was giving me. 

I have set before you an open door that no man can shut saith the Lord. There is a separation that has begun between those that are mine and them that is not. Those that will obey and follow after the ways of righteousness will prosper and they will never beg for bread. 

But thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob: I will go through the land and see who it is that has forsaken all to answer this call. A call to the willing and obedient to go forth in all nations and teach my name. Baptizing in my name everyone for the remission of their sins. 

For behold, I come quickly. Who shall be able to stand in the day of the Lord? The day of the Lord. For I will judge between the good and the bad—The righteous and the unrighteous.

Because of the times, the days are evil—more evil than ever before. Why does not my people choose to follow the ways of me instead of the ways of death? Why do they choose death saith the Lord of hosts.

I am fixing to open the mouth of the Earth and I am going to swallow up the evil ones in Washington DC and abroad through the different places that they hide. They cannot hide from me saith God. My wrath is coming on the ungodly that has forsaken my statues and have went into sin and has led my people so.

I will close all doors that blessed the wicked. for they have prospered from the wealth of my people . This nation I blessed for many fled from other ungodly countries and the founding founders and forefathers of this nation at one time sought after my Divine will and my ways. 

The days has come that I will bring to pass the Prophecies of old. The words of the prophets shall stand and come to pass. For I give my angels charge to watch over my word that my word shall not fail but will find its destination.

I will stop the globalism that is pressing against America. Satan has made an advancement to bring forth the last and final attempts to bring a great fall of Christianity. I will not always strive with man for his days are numbered. 

And woe unto the ones that speaks against my word and teaches men to follow. For my judgment is being poured out on the persecutor— those that persecutes my people. I’m going to judge. Their days will be shortened and their soul will be required at their hand. For they have no fear. For in their ignorance they have become a fool and my judgment is at their door. 

It would have been better that a millstone be tied about their neck than to speak against the powers that they know nothing of. Therefore, their foolish heart has been darkened and their eyes are blind to my paths. Hell has enlarged itself and Satan awaits the fall of these men.

But to them that puts their trust in me and calls upon my name shall find me and shall find rest from their labors. For there is yet a day of entering into my rest. 

I will turn the Captivity of my people that they shall be first and not last. The great day of recompense has come. To as many as put their trust in me— (they) shall stand through the storms and the joy and blessings of the Lord shall overtake them. That they will not go lacking of any provision that I will pour out on the righteous.

Look unto Italy, for I shall even cast more judgment upon the evil ones that hides behind the curtains. Look in Italy as the Earth splits in two. For the leaders that hides behind their false painted deceit. I see the lies and I see the sins. I see the deceit and I see the mockery. 

And the cover up the great sins of tragic shall fall upon their own heads. I have called unto many to repent but they have refused. They’ve laughed at my messengers, so now their time has come to an end. 

There is evil that awaits and (it) hopes to destroy America in 2026. But I will hold back the bigger plans of destruction for America. For it shall come to pass that I will bring a down pouring of my Spirit on the land. And great shall be the moving of my spirit in those days saith the Lord God of heaven.

And who shall it be that will be able to stand in these last and closing days as I stand upon and walk to and fro in this earth and look in the hearts of man to judge every man by the things that they have done? Surely before this life leaves their bodies— they shall reap what they have sown. And to them that is the hypocrite—that leads my people astray by their false teaching and by their lying wonders— that’s against the prophets. Your days are numbered saith the Lord. Repent of your sins or you’ll be destroyed along with the others of the sodomites and all of the ungodly. For the day of the Lord, the great day of the Lord has come.
