I went into a vision and I was being picked picked up off the floor while I was laying on my side with my face laid over my arm. And I was standing inside a delivery room at like an exceedingly high mountain. Caught up, Caught up in the clouds.

And there were four Angels— one at each directional point: north, south, east, and west. Each one of them had a shofar in their hands. Ready they stood. One by one they blew the shofar horns. 

And everyone stood on the edge because there was a lady in travail to deliver a child. Everyone was looking with great anticipation to see the child that was being born inside the delivery room. 

And surely it came forth and a mighty warrior was it— at that a manchild was born. And everyone was saying my, my look at the size of that child. Never has there been a giant of a man as this. This man was born full grown, you might as well say.

And I knew that it was representing Revival. But this child was huge! Now it was representing a baby but, I knew it was the Lord was showing something of what was coming. What is here.

But when it was born, there was too much at stake to lose. And there were some that knew by letting this child live, and help nurturing it, that they would lose much riches. The people that was looking at this was counting the cost. And they knew that if they let this live, if they let this go without destroying it, that there’s a lot that they’re going to lose of this life here on Earth.

I saw in this vision those that profited from the evil that was going on on across the world. That is all that mattered (to them). Never thinking what is the price they would pay for the choices that they have made. Clearly, there was a price to pay.

The Lord carried me back back in time by way of remembrance— back in time where there was betrayals from all of the of this past couple of years.

I remember the the different things. I had the the dream about the blackmail. Where the young man was blown out of the car— the car blew up completely. The situation there in Georgia and Atlanta.

God sees it. It ain’t done.

I was seeing thinking thinking back on the other dreams and stuff in this vision. How people had got involved in a pretense that things would be one way but, it turned out to be another. They was lied to. Manipulated to get involved in situations, only to find out that that what they’ve got involved with was far more evil than they ever thought it would be.

I saw blackmail and many other things take place. And now these same people that was betrayed in a large case of deception were now telling on the dirty dealings—because (they didn’t realize)  that it would be like this.

They started telling the news and other sources what had took place.

Truly there was a child being born—and the child was like unto one you have never seen before in your life. 

People they started realizing. They started waking up and seeing and realizing that they were lied to; that this was not just some simple thing.

I saw one particular Governor that had been lied to about voting processes and the machines. You used to do such and the other dealing hardware to software—whatever that has to do with the voting. They were they were told one thing and that they would profit a certain amount of money out of it.

So I saw where this particular Governor had said in their mind that “well maybe it wouldn’t be bad to make a little money off of it. Maybe that won’t hurt. Maybe that’s not evil.”

Only when they had agreed to do it —in the past tense—now to find out out that it had manipulated a way of voting and stole something that was not rightfully the way it looked.

I saw people start turning around. I mean just tremendous amounts of people have begin to turn around and begin to look at what was going on in their country. They started pulling together, going to the High Court judges. 

Things started moving in such a great manner that I knew that at the same time though, there was such a great great move of God that was being birthed across the Nations and across the world.  I knew that religion was trying to get their hands inside of it. 

This is the word of the Lord coming to pass in the time that we are living in. I saw a complete turnaround. I seen a move of God that you’ never seen the likes in all your life— and it was represented as the child born as I said at the beginning.

But there was people— Congress and senators and judges and other people in high influential places—begin to tell on others that had lied. Betrayed the betrayed —the people because they realized that what was going on is is it was destroying our country, destroying their children and their grandchildren’s life. They knew they had to do something to change it