I was praying and I received this message from the Lord on November 11th of 2023.

The message began with a vision. And in the vision, I saw a vector. I was a vector that was showing the locations of north, south, east, and west.

Right after I was shown that vision, the Lord gave me this message and I want to read.

The Lord said from the north to the South and from the East to the West— the world will know that I am the Lord. For my mighty hand is poised to strike and the wicked will be full of terror and the righteous will rejoice says the Lord.

Oh, I see their plans of war and their plans of takeover and I laugh at their plans say says the Lord. My laughter will shake the heavens and scatter my enemies says the Lord.

For my enemies have been scheming and planning but when I laugh they will scatter. When I laugh their lay lines are severed and their strongholds cut off says the Lord. 

Listen, listen, listen for my laughter against my enemies says the Lord.

I want to read to you Psalm 2 verses 1-5: Why do the Nations rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their Bonds in pieces and Cast Away their cords from us he who sits in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall hold them in derision then he shall speak to them in his wrath and and distress them in his deep displeasure then the Lord continued and he said my voice is mighty and will break the Cedars of Lebanon my voice causes the oceans to Roar my voice causes the Earth to split then they will know that I am the Lord Psalm 23 3 veres 3 to 5 the voice of the Lord is over the waters the god of Glory Thunders the Lord is over many Waters the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty the voice of the Lord breaks the Cedars yes the Lord splinters The Cedars of Lebanon then the Lord continued and he said the fear of the Lord will be upon the people and the Wicked Will Nash their teeth but the righteous will bow down and say glory to the Lord most high a time is coming soon my child when the world will know that I am the Lord Psalm 37: 12 and 13 The Wicked plots against the just and nashes at him with his teeth the Lord laughs at him for he sees that his day is coming.

Then the Lord said I have the victory when things look bleak and it seems like the whole world is upside down with wicked and evil works. Just know that I have the victory says the Lord. The season of wickedness and lawlessness is about to end and order will be restored— my order says the Lord.

So look to me— the God of order—to bring this chaos to to an end. Look to me to end these wars— the one between Russia and Ukraine and the war between Israel and the Hamas.