2024–Where are we and what’s going to happen? I haven’t made made a video in about 4 or 5 days now. And this is what I’ve been interceding over.

And so last night, I had an open-eyed vision that lasted probably 40 minutes. I was caught up again in the spirit and in intercessory prayer for America for 2024. And wow I was shown a lot.

I was I was taken up in the spirit and I saw January, and I was shown into December— right now where we are. And I was shown in the next couple weeks —and the Lord showed me into January. And I saw Joe Biden and I saw— you know whenever you have no signal on a TV. A TV’s not plugged in into any antenna or or cable or anything. And you flip the channels, and it’s like grainy. You know you see it and there’s no reception. That’s the way it was around Joe Biden’s mind. Now that may sound funny, and I’m not making a joke. This is really what I see when I was praying. I saw like a confusion— and he was staring off. And he was even in a more state of confusion—it’s like it had escalated—escalated to another level in his mental capacity. It was like static.

Then I saw Hunter his son. And I saw an unveiling of things. I saw an exposing— like a ripping off of sheets. A ripping off of hidden things that were were were not supposed to be seen.

I was taken up into the third heaven. I could see the devil, and he was manipulating things like a puppet master through the spirit realm—over Financial sectors and over politics.

There was like some kind of perversion over this financial corruption. That was just the surface. Everybody was able to see the surface but they weren’t able to see the root of it. I saw the root was the devil.

And I saw things being hidden— things being revealed. I saw an exposing of things (at a) deeper level at the beginning of of 2024. Hidden things— but they were even tied to Joe.

I saw like whenever you’re rewinding a tape. I saw it going clear back into the Obama Administration— attached to the Obama Administration somehow.

And then all of a sudden I was praying over the BRICS Nations and what was coming in January. And them doing a new currency and a new Petrodollar.

And I saw the United States of America had a plan to combat what was coming with their agenda, because they knew about it so they were not caught off guard.

I saw Jerome Powell. He was sweating on his face. He had drops of sweat coming down like he was nervous and upset. He was worried.

And all of a sudden I saw this massive balloon. It was a latex balloon, and it was transparent. There was housing and big huge skyscrapers. I saw trees. I saw the economy America all on this big balloon. He (Jerome Powell) went up to the balloon (put it) to his lips to blow it up to make it bigger. To make the economy bigger. He blew the inflation. He blew it. And he blew it in he was he was lowering interest rates.

I saw interest rates being lowered in the springtime. It was the springtime I’m not I’m not sure what month. He breathed into it.

He was worried about what was happening because in his mind he kept saying— is this going to work? What is going to happen? And all of a sudden I saw him breathe into it and the balloon started to expand. Inflation started expanding and expanding, expanding, expanding.

All of a sudden the ballon started to shake. There wasn’t lot of turmoil at this time. Then all of a sudden I heard them speaking— which is the people at the Fed. They started saying it worked. It wasn’t that bad.

They waited a span of time. And then I saw into the summer— May and into June. And they said let’s do it again. And they breathed into the balloon again. They breathed into it and it expanded even more. But this time it was getting super big. The balloon was even bigger and he (Powell) was dripping sweat—There’s sweat dripping off of his face.

I saw empire state buildings—those huge skyscrapers were starting to rock a little bit. They were starting to shake a little bit but they were not in a lot of trouble like what I saw the housing. I saw housing shaking. I saw the houses— little houses and they were all trembling underneath because the balloon was trembling. The bigger the balloon got the the more the houses started to shake. The foundation of it started to shake underneath them—but it wasn’t affecting the big buildings as much.

And he was breathing into this this balloon and he was nervous because he knew knew that the balloon was about to pop. And there was nothing he could do to stop it. It kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

I could see into June, July, August with this situation. When it got into September, in October I saw the balloon bust. I saw the the balloon like pop. It’s like it wasn’t there anymore. And I heard the word quantitive easing.

So then I saw October I saw it was like things were different. And I saw a great economic crash— a major crash in the winter months of 2024. I saw going into 2025. And I saw it was very dark again. I saw black— I saw a great black depression. I kept hearing the word Great Depression and it was into 2025. I could see going all the way into 2025 something that we’ve never in this generation has ever seen before going clear up into 2026 going clear into 2027.

I saw America being changed completely. Isaw the the people that were evil— their job in their minds was done. Like we’ve achieved what we wanted to achieve.

I saw Canada, America and a Mexico becoming one— one currency Canada America and Mexico. They were all had one dollar. They had a new dollar type currency. There were still borders— but they had a currency that they used as a friendship—a partnership like the Euro.

I’m going to go back into 2024. I saw an economic boom. I saw things getting better. They were trying to represent that everything was okay. I kept hearing them argue in the spring about a soft landing.

And it wasn’t a soft landing. It was complete explosion. Is as a complete meltdown. They tried to make it look good for the election but after that was over it was completely destroyed.