TRANSCRIPT: Praise the Lord, this is the day, come on, this is the day that the Lord has made and we rejoice and be glad to be in it. We’re living in such exciting days, come on, you got to speak it out even when you don’t feel it, even we don’t feel it. These are glory days and not gloomy days.

I’m excited because we’re seeing exactly what God has planned, just like we said. I’m gonna say it again, I’m not changing anything that the Word of God says. Many times you think that everything’s got to be in the natural, victory, victory, it’s not over yet.

Remember, God is working behind the scenes, okay? Heard correctly, God is working behind the scenes, saints. God bless you, come on, we’ll give a shout out there, turn it over to the chat, turn it over to the chat, chat, hallelujah. Alrighty, tag your family, your friends, because just like the disciples, like wow, Jesus was found guilty.

Wait a minute, what does that mean? All this was for nothing, no, no, no, no, Jesus was found guilty. Remember, God is working behind the scenes. We are about to, already, there’s still victory, it’s gonna lead up to it, it’s going to lead up to it, it’s part, everyone’s going, oh my god, this is, believe it or not, this is part of God’s divine plan.

It’s his, listen, it’s part of God’s divine plan. Joseph had favor everywhere he went. Did he sleep with Potiphar’s wife? Was he found guilty? There was victory, God, there was victory.

He had to go to the, he had to go. So, to get to the palace, remember, certain things are going to happen. There are certain things are going to happen.

The prophecy was that he’s going to receive, it’s going to be victory. He’s going to give it, it’s not over yet, it’s not over yet. This, hang on, hang on, saints, you’re going to see the glory of God.

Everybody’s emotions is up, oh my god, why? Don’t, don’t, don’t, oh my god, oh my god, that’s it, it’s done. No, it’s not. This is God’s divine, divine plan.

Remember, we spoke, God wanted the heart in Pharaoh’s heart. Give it your best shot, Pharaoh, give it your best shot in military, give it your best shot. Remember, give it your best shot.

Okay, there will be things. So, there is victory in the camp, as the Lord said. Things are going to be exposed from this trial.

Watch, it’s not over yet. I still have the word of prophecy that God gave me and it’s going to stand. Okay, America, I know it looks, oh my god, America, she is going to rise again.

Okay, God, watch, watch and see. No matter what, you’re going to see the glory of God. Things are going to be exposed.

You cannot make your decision based off of what you’re hearing from the what? Media. As, don’t, as a Christian, don’t do that. Do not.

They pronounce judgment on Christ and Peter and the disciples, they went buckwild. Oh my god, oh my god, all these three years for nothing. That’s not true.

There’s something huge coming. I said, also, there’s going to a major setback between the month of June and the month of May. Get ready.

Between the month of June and the month of May, it’s going to be a major setback for the enemy. Glory to God. Get ready.

There’s a Red Sea moment. I’m wearing this on purpose. There is a Red Sea moment coming, like you wouldn’t believe.

What does the Red Sea moment mean? The enemy is going to rise up and do everything he can to stop the hand of God. It will not prevail. There will be a Red Sea moment.

This is working in God’s divine plan. I know, oh my god, there’s no, no, no, no, no. This is working in God’s divine plan.

Working in his divine plan, saints. He, this is how, this has to happen. So, I’m going to remind you of some of the words that the Lord has given me in the past month.

Remember, God also said he’s going to set things in order. Listen closely. God, he’s going to set things in order where what, what his servant, just like he did Nebuchadnezzar, will have to depend on him.

Remember that. Remember those words. Many of you remember that.

That it’s going to be set in order. This, this is exactly what God wants. It’s victory.

It is victory. It’s not the victory that, it’s not the, oh, the verbal victory, but it’s the spiritual victory because the, because Trump, for Trump to enter and do another term by the hand of God, he’s got to be a different man. He’s got to be a different man.

And I’m going to keep saying this. He’s got to be a different man. You’re going to see a turn.

I saw it between June and July, just like we saw it in February. Remember the court case? Happened. We’re going to see another hit by June and July.

There’s going to be a major, a second, there’s three major pushbacks. Okay. Three major pushbacks.

The first one was spoken. It came to pass, just like Iran, the situation with Iran and the president. The second pushback will happen between June and May of 2024.

You’re going to see how all this thing gets turned around. You’re going to remember, oh my God, they did it, but look, it got turned around. But victory did come.

Listen, it’s not over yet as the Lord says. Okay. People are crying about Lazarus.

What? No, it’s not over yet. That’s not over yet. Don’t worry.

What do you see the glory of God? Very powerful in this situation. Very powerful in the situation. The red seat.

Remember that. So I want to put that on the screen. I want to put it on the screen right now.

Someone put on everything. There was another, another major, second major. I never said the pushback is going happen in May.

I said it will happen in June and July, but there will be victory in the, because there’s a spiritual victory. What? You know, I don’t always get the interpretations, but the Lord said it. He says, no, it’s going to be victory.

So Lord, they said this. No, it’s going to be victory. I’m not done yet.

Tell my children, I’m not done yet. Give, give, let the Lord be the Lord. Take the limits off of the Lord.

Take the limits off of the Lord and watch the glory of God these next two months regarding the situation. And then I’ll go see what God has done. Just let the Lord always allows the enemy to think, to think he’s gaining territory.

That’s what he wants the people. Oh my gosh. The Lord, when God allows something, it’s for the good.

That’s victory in the long run. God allowed it with Joseph for the good, because he was about to take Joseph into the palace, preparing him for the palace. Hallelujah.

Many people. So just hang on saints. That’s why we do these broadcasts because we know the enemy wants to, you know, he wants to make the, the saints believe he’s controlling everything.

No, he’s not. God is on the throne. God is on the throne and things are going to take place in this nation and in the body of Christ.

And I’m excited and I’m not, you see, you got to, you know, you got to listen, read the scriptures, read the scriptures, all things work itself out for the good for those that love the Lord. And we all love the Lord and according to this purpose, he has not forgotten. He has not forgotten his word.

He has not forgotten it at all. Hallelujah. Now I want my previous video that I made personally.

I’m hoping that YouTube didn’t remove it because I want it on there. I want it on there because we’re not backing down. So I got to see if YouTube removed it or whatever.

I don’t know if they censored it. I don’t know, but I removed it, but I got to find out because I want that, that you, that previous YouTube that I made back on YouTube, not backing down. I know the Lord and wait till you see the month of June and July.

Wait till you see the second hit. And then they’re going to think, we got him. We got him.

God’s going to say, no, you didn’t. We thought we did. The popularity of Donald Trump is going to start to go up high.

Watch, seeing it now, you’re going to see it. It’s thought the popularity of Donald Trump is going to start to go up higher, even after this. Okay.

You’re going to get the markers. You’re going to get down. You’re going to do with that little thing, because right now, the markers are celebrating.

The markers are celebrating just like they did in hell, because they thought they had Jesus. They just, they thought, you know, and also bang, next year, you know, resurrection. So prepare yourself, you know, the spirit of pride.

That’s right. Remember what the Bible says about the spirit of pride. Oh, we got this.

Pride comes first before what? Downfall. Lord is going to make good of his word. Although we don’t understand every little ingredient in the word of God.

I don’t understand everything God tells me, but I’ll read it and I go, wow. Okay, Lord, give me understanding. Give me understanding, but we don’t change.

We don’t change. You will see the glory of God this year. It’s going to be fierce.

This is the fierce year. That’s right. What do we do saints? We pray.

What do we do? We pray. We says, Lord, we why ignite the angels, ignite the angels that have been assigned to this nation. Ignite yourself with the word of God, with the word of God.

Because right now for the next 24 hours, they’ll be mocking, mocking, mocking. Not over. Watch.

You’re going to see. You’re going to see, whoa, whoa, whoa. It’s not over.

Yes, that’s right. That’s right. God uses on perfect people to do his perfect will.

Watch and you see, we have mature Christians. Be mature. Don’t let the media tell you what they want to tell you.

You got to listen to the report of the Lord. Remember Elijah and second Kings, first Kings. Remember how the lady couldn’t have a child.

She had a child. She did every week. We know that.

And what happened after a few years, suddenly because of the looks like because of heat stroke of exhaustion, the child dies. The lady’s like, why? Why this? Why does it happen? I told you. I told you.

Don’t tell me these things. Elijah said, Lord, what happened? Elijah didn’t even know why, but what happened? That thing, that situation was turned around. God blew on that child and life was restored.

It’s not over. Remember those emotions are right now. That’s the way the emotions are.

They’re right now. Okay. It’s not over.

God said, okay, guys, have a little fun. Have a little fun because God wants to see who’s going to stand. He wants to see who’s going to stand.

You’re watching, see how things get exposed from this decision. You’re going to see how things get exposed from this decision. You think, oh my God, look at that.

No, no, no. Jesus never had anxiety because many times bad news would come down. So always, if Jesus wasn’t there, this wouldn’t have happened.

Jesus wanted Lazarus to die for a greater victory. If God would have destroyed the Egyptians while Moses was in Egypt, they wouldn’t be surrounding us at the Red Sea. God deliberately allowed the bigger demons for the last moment.

He allowed it. He could have destroyed all of the Egyptians, but he wanted the greater glory, the greater glory, and it’s about to happen. It’s about to begin.

Why do you think everything is so fierce right now? Because it’s about to begin. God doesn’t want you and I to get comfortable. He wants us to continue to pray.

Lord, I will be done. Lord, that word be established. Be established.

And God is going to heal this land and he’s going to heal many of you wonderful saints right now. And I urge you, stay rooted in the word of God. You will see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears.

Wow, look at all of this. And God turned it all around. But, but God’s going to stand and he wants to see who’s going to stand with him.

Who’s going to stand? We don’t understand every word we receive, but they get revealed and then I said, Oh, now I see why God did it this way. Hallelujah. Now, let me see.

Just bring it up right now and I’m going to give you some details about the next few months. Hallelujah. Let me see who’s out there who’s standing.

Come on. Let’s see who’s standing. Let’s see who’s standing.

Take it, bring it on. Bring it on. Let’s see who’s standing right now.

Okay. Listen, you’re going to hear from me. You’re going to hear from probably Amanda Grace.

You’re going to probably hear from Cath Kerr. You’re going to probably hear from Julie Green. You’re going to and all I’m saying, it’s not over the way they say it.

Okay. Okay. You know, you’re going to, you know, the next year.

And when people ask me, well, pastor, what about this? I said, Oh, it’s not over. God is having a good time. He’s having a good time.

And he wants you and I to do the same. I’m celebrating today. I said, wow, something bigger is about to take place.

I thank you Lord for what you’re doing. Something bigger is about to take place and only you and only you is revealing it. And the closer it gets, the more you will see who stands and who’s going to be full of the spirit.

Who’s going to stand and be established by God’s word, by God’s word. But I need to know because I’m not on there right now, but I need to know if my previous video is on there. I want to make sure YouTube didn’t remove it.

I want to make sure because if it’s on there and I need to, that’s good. Keep it on there. Not changing a thing.

Glory to God. Not changing a thing. Victory is coming bigger than you expect.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. It doesn’t matter what they said to Jesus.

Didn’t matter what they said to the three Hebrews. Oh, you will not bow to the statue. We’re going to throw you in the furnace.

No, it’s not over. This is the time where all the fire. Oh my God.

So don’t worry. This is the way we see this. Okay.

Don’t worry. Be a mature Christian. Be a mature Christian.

The world doesn’t get it. They’ll never get it. They’ll follow the things of the media.

That’s, you know, but God’s going to gain serious glory. Just like I said, that the Iranian regime was about to be shaken and believe me, and I also used the word on another live stream, somebody from importance of the regime was going to go bye-bye. Well, nobody, no one understood what that really meant, but we’re seeing it.

Okay. It’s going to take its place. They’re on slippery ground.

Okay. They’re on slippery ground. Pay attention, not just watch, but pay attention with your ears.

The stuff you’re, the things you’re going to hear in June, June is going to be what I believe the 1st of June is Saturday. It begins. It begins.

It begins with a Lord starts turning up the heat, turning up the heat against the enemy. It’s going to start beginning. It’s going to start as a Lord.

You’re going to start seeing it in July and between June and July. You’re going to see very, very powerful month and I’m can’t not stress this enough. Saints glory to God.

I cannot stress this enough. We’re going to stand and be strong. Hallelujah.

We’re not backing down. We see what God is and was about to do. And you’re a part of it.

You’re a part of the saints that stand and pray. God is taking a remnant. That’s you and me.

We are part of the remnant. We are part of the remnant. We’re taking you, you know, that’s going to stand.

There are people will I have, you know, I would love to say, but, you know, there, you know, sometimes, you know, they, they fall short with what sitting there, you know, allowing the media to dictate what, you know, but that’s something God allows. He allows. So tomorrow, next week, you watch how he’s going to start seeing things.

Whoa, this happened or this shouldn’t have happened, but it’s going to be huge. I’m very excited about today. And I’m very excited about June.

Like you wouldn’t believe like you would not believe God. This is the time you’re going to see America in a such a different platform. Get ready, saints, get ready in order for the Lord to bring the influence of his kingdom, using us as ambassadors to all of his to the places, the seven of influence, uh, influence mountains.

He has to expose evil from every platform. Remember that. Remember that.

Okay. So this is good. It’s all listen.

The demonic forces always gives their opinion. And right now the media is a platform that the enemy uses to put fear. Don’t let fear interfere with your faith.

Let’s say it again. Do not let fear interfere with your faith. And so I want to let you know something.

I do not. Thank you. Thank you.

I do not hide. I stand. I stand.

I stand on God’s word. And for some of you that are just coming right now, for some of you that are coming on right now, you haven’t seen nothing yet. You haven’t seen nothing yet.

Wait. God is so faithful. God is so faithful.

America is not going down. You think America is falling? No, it’s not falling apart. It’s actually falling together for God’s divine plan.

Okay. Don’t let fear interfere with your faith, which with the promises of God, the Lord didn’t make a mistake for you and me to be born in this time. Didn’t make a mistake at all.

He put us here. He appointed us to be here for this time. You’re going to see judges exposed.

You might even see jury exposed. You’re going to see things. You’re going to see things.

Watch. The enemy wants to try to put God’s people, God’s servants on lockdown. Okay.

The main thing is you will not, you will not see what the enemy plans to be. You’re not going to see it because they want to destroy what God is trying to do. They want to, anybody that’s in the way, the prophets, Trump, anybody that’s in the way, they want to destroy it.

But God is in control, not them. Hallelujah. What did the Lord tell Moses when the people were upset at him? Wait a minute.

We just got out of Egypt. Did you allow Pharaoh to come out here to kill us? Wasn’t there enough graves in Egypt? What did Moses say? As what Moses said to the people, I say to you, stand still. Watch the salvation of God.

It’s the salvation of God saints. I’m not just a vessel that will speak what God speak, even when it’s unpopular. It’s unpopular right now to speak what I’m speaking, but I’m going to speak it.

You will see the salvation of God. You will see it in our white house. You will see it in our political platform.

You will see it in God’s house. You will see it in the nation of the United States of America. You will see it in other nations.

You will see this. You will see the salvation of God. And so I’m going to put this video on all the platforms so nobody can remove it.

No one can remove the video. Because it’s very important. Don’t let fear interfere with your faith, with your standing with God.

Hallelujah. Let the enemy have his day. There’s victory in the courts of God.

Believe me. There’s victory in the courts of God. Let him.

There’s victory and you will see it. And I stand on what the Lord continues to tell me. Tell the people it’s not over and I’m working behind the scenes.

There is victory. You don’t see the way, not the way you thought it was, but it’s going to be a greater victory. Hang on.

Father, I just thank you. God wins every time, even when he allows things that we’re not uncomfortable with. Well, are uncomfortable, you know, my God, I didn’t watch and see the salvation.

Oh Lord, that you will encourage your people. Hallelujah.