I have a powerful word for you from God today, a message from God. I received this on June 29th, and it is called, They Will Be Gone Soon. So before we do that, I want to have a sunshine moment, and I want to share with you the book of Enoch that I have been reading, and I think you can see this now.

This is the book that I am reading, and it is quite lengthy, quite detailed. It’s the Books of Enoch, the Angels, the Watchers, and the Nephilim, and it has exclusive commentary on the three books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, and, let’s see if I can get this bigger so I can see it better, the Calendar of Enoch and Daniel’s Prophecy, and it’s got the three books of Enoch, and about the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Origins, I think it says, of Evil, with extended commentary on Enoch prophecies and calendars, and so this, and I’m not very far in it. I’m probably not even halfway.

It’s by Joseph B. Lumpkin, and I got it on my Kindle through Amazon, and I’m not trying to get you guys to buy this book. I’m not selling this book. I don’t have any stock in this book.

This was the copy that I got, so some people have asked, what am I reading? This is it. If you find another one, you can let us know in the chat. That would be great, but this might be helpful for you if you’re wanting to check out Enoch, so with that said, I still, I don’t have a page number to tell you to look at.

I don’t have a chapter number to tell you. You know, God wants you to do this research on your own, and honestly, I’m telling you what he’s told me. I don’t have all the answers, and you know, God knows, and he will tell you what he wants to tell you too, so anyway, this is the books of Enoch by Joseph B. Lumpkin, that if you want to check it out, you can, and it wasn’t very expensive.

I think it was seven dollars on my kindle, and I’m not endorsing the book. I’m not selling the book. I get nothing from this.

Y’all asked what I was reading. Okay, so let me stop sharing that, and we will get to the word of God today that he, the message that he has given me of they will be gone soon. These are the words that I have received from God.

You have witnessed some of the embarrassment and humiliation that I am bringing on the enemy. The debate was a start. Wait and see what happens next.

They are scrambling and worried and in great fear. The Bidens will not let go, especially the family. The Dems have run out of choices, and their party sees a massive upset in government control after the election.

They will be gone soon, all of them, and it will be in mass. Hold on, stay tuned, and secure your seat belt. The party is just getting started.

Watch for my glory. I have told you as the glory fills the earth, the evil will fade away. It all is going to happen in one day.

I do not need more than one day to accomplish this mission of setting the world free from this monstrous evil. Do not fear as it all starts happening. Alarms may sound, but I am on the throne, and I am protecting my little lambs.

Fear not. Did you know the marriage supper of the lamb? There will be beautiful wedding clothes, jewels, and even wedding gifts. Heaven is in great preparation for the marriage supper of the lamb.

To have a marriage supper, there must be a wedding. We are excited for the bride of Christ to come home and to be in preparation for the marriage of the church to my precious son, Yeshua. The glory filling the earth will begin the preparation period for my saints.

When the glory fills the earth, you will witness sinners saved, people you thought were doomed for hell. When the glory fills the earth, you will witness miracles, sickness eradicated in masses, miracles, healings, people waking up healed, limbs growing back. You will hear shouting and dancing and praising.

When my glory fills the earth, I am excited for this time in history. So we want to bestow our glory on our children, and we are excited for you to come home in the not too distant future, but not quite yet. My word must be fulfilled for this time, and we are awaiting the billion soul harvest.

It is coming. Be prepared to tell people about Jesus, how you found him and met him. Tell people how wonderful your life is with my son.

Tell people how much we love them. Invite them to receive my son. It is the perfect plan.

Have you prayed today? Spend a few minutes in your prayer closet or convert your car into a prayer mobile. Just give us a few minutes of your time. Sing songs to us.

We love your sweet voice. Give us your heart and let us manage your day. We know all of the answers and the outcomes.

We love you and want you to be excited and expectant for the coming days and events in the earth. Enjoy the day. Love Abba Father.

Amen. I just think there’s so much there that he told us, and it is all exciting. And some of this, you know, we may have already known.

We’ve seen the embarrassment and humiliation last week that is being brought on the enemy that the Father is bringing. He says he’s bringing it. He says that the debate was just a start, that there’s going to be a lot more embarrassment and humiliation for us to see what happens next.

And of course, we already know that they are scrambling and worried, or we felt like they are, and that they’re in fear. And, you know, it does seem that the Bidens aren’t going to let go. And the Father says they don’t want to let go, especially the family.

And he told us the other day it’s because of their power and perks. And that the Dems, the Democrats, have run out of choices, and their party is already seeing a massive upset in government control after the election. But he assures us that they will be gone soon, and all of them will be gone, en masse, en masse.

En masse means a lot. So he said stay tuned and hold on that the party is just getting started. Then he said, then he shifts and he tells us to watch for his glory.

And he’s talked to us a lot about his glory is going to fill the earth. And he’s told us before as the glory fills the earth, the evil will fade away. And the Holy Spirit’s telling me right now, it’s like when you turn a light on in the room, or the sun comes up, the darkness leaves.

There’s no more. So it’s, and he tells us again, this is to me is just remarkable, but God can do everything, that it’s going to happen in one day. Wow.

So he says he doesn’t need more than one day to accomplish the mission of setting the world free from this monstrous evil. But he reminds us, because we’re humans, and he and Jesus, you know, became flesh for us. So he knows how it feels that he tells us not to fear as it’s happening, and that alarms may sound.

So I don’t know if this means your phone’s going to start buzzing or alerting. I do not know. He’s not told me that.

But he says, the Father is on the throne, and he’s protecting his little lambs to fear not. And then he moved to the marriage supper of the lamb. And I just love this.

It is so sweet. He tells us that there’s going to be beautiful wedding clothes, and jewels, and even wedding gifts. So I just want to think about that a little bit.

That just sounds beautiful, and wonderful, and glorious. And he says heaven is preparing for the marriage supper of the lamb. But he reminds us, if you have a wedding supper, or a marriage supper, there was a wedding.

Think about when you had the wedding reception. If you had a dinner, there was a wedding. And the Father tells us that they are excited for the bride of Christ to come home, to be in preparation for the marriage of the church to Jesus.

He said that as the glory fills the earth, that this is going to begin the saint’s preparation for the marriage supper. And when the glory fills the earth, we’re going to see sinners saved, people we thought were doomed for hell. And when the glory fills the earth, miracles and signs and wonders, sickness will be eradicated.

And he said in mass. So I believe in all these people that have been on my prayer list, and some including some of you in our community, immediately you’re going to be healed. That miracles, people will wake up healed, limbs will grow back, and you’ll hear shouting and dancing and praising.

And when the glory fills the earth, he’s excited for this time in history, as he wants to bestow the glory on his children. Yay. And he’s excited for us to come home in the not too distant future.

And he said there’s going to be the billion soul harvest. And we’ve been hearing about that for some time. He’s told us multiple times there will be a billion soul harvest.

And for what we need to do is be prepared to tell people about Jesus, how we found him, how we met him, how wonderful our life is with Jesus. And I’m just going to tell you, I feel like since the moment I bowed my knee in 1997 and talked to Jesus, and I truly got on my knees that I had been on an adventure with Jesus ever since. So I encourage you, if you don’t know Jesus, to bow your knee to him too, and invite him into your heart and repent of your sins.

All right. So let me get back to the key points here. And then the father said for us to tell people how much the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit love them, invite people to receive Jesus.

It’s the perfect plan, he said. Then he asked us, he reminds us, have we prayed today to spend a few minutes in our prayer closet or convert your car into a prayer mobile? I know when I was commuting 70 miles each way to work for three years, my car was a prayer mobile all the way to work and home. And, you know, I would pray in English for a while, and I’ll pray in my heavenly language for a while, and make declarations.

I would do all of that and worship. And, you know, I encourage you to do the same thing, if that’s the best you can do, is do it in the car. Because, you know, God’s everywhere, and he loves you wherever you are.

He said, sing songs to them, that they love your sweet voice, and give them your heart, the father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and let them manage your day. Every day, I ask the Holy Spirit to take charge, and that I submit to him, and let him make decisions, and be in charge of everything. And then I ask him all day long things like, where’s my necklace? And what do I do now? They know all the answers and the outcomes, and they love us so, and want us to be excited and expectant for the coming days and events in the earth.

And he says, enjoy the day. And then he signed it. He told me, beloved Abba father, and Abba father’s like, daddy.

Oh, so sweet. I love it. Okay, we want to do our declarations, and I want to just kind of share something with you really quick.

So, you know, what do you need in your life? And there might be something you need, but you might need something else too. So, you know, I had some debt that I had been praying about, and this was decades ago, and I also was not able to have children. And so, I was laying on the couch one day, and I was just kind of praying, and I really felt in my spirit, the Lord told me, we will perfect that.

I will perfect that which concerns you. So, I went to my Bible, and I found the scripture, and it’s Psalm 138 verse 8. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Your mercy, oh Lord, endures forever.

Do not forsake the works of your hands. I’m going to tell you, the Father answers all of our prayers, but that specifically, and I didn’t understand at the time, I thought it was about a bill. It was about me being a mother, becoming a mom, and my son, and me and my husband having a family.

That’s really what it was about, that he was going to perfect that which concerned me, and he did. I give him the glory for that. So, let’s, so whatever it is, and maybe it might not even be what you think it is, but God knows what it is that needs perfecting in your life.

So, let’s just make some declarations regarding that. The Lord has perfected that which concerneth me. I am amazed at what the Lord has done in my life.

The Lord is good to me and my family. We are blessed. I encourage you to use that scripture, and pray it back to the Father over whatever you need that concerns you.

It’s Psalm 138, verse 8. I love that scripture. I love Psalm 138. If you would like to connect with myself or with Audra, we would love to hear from you.

You can email us at declaringyourdestiny1 at, or you can send a letter, a card, if you prefer to write us. I like to send personal mail to people. You can address it to Carol and Dennis.

If you want to send it to Audra, just put it in care of me, and I’ll make sure she gets it. It’s post office box 225 Oak Island, North Carolina, 28465. And I love you.

Jesus loves you. I hope you have a beautiful, glorious day, and that the Lord perfects that which concerns you today. God bless, and Shalom.