Hey everybody, welcome to Tomorrow’s Headlines today. It’s Robin with Fireside Grace Ministries.

All right, I don’t have a whole lot to share with you today, but I have some things that are very important. Two of them are actually crypto related, so that’s, or one of them is crypto related.

Okay, so I had a dream. I have a dream and here’s how the dream went.

There’s nothing. I see an orange sunset, which means it’s kind of that typically to me indicates an end of day scenario. And in this orange sunset, I see war clear as day. Like I see buildings burning very much like what I put as the thumbnail. Okay, and I hear Jesus speak and his voice is the most recognizable voice that you’ll ever hear. When you hear Jesus speak, you know it’s Jesus. There is no voice like his, no demon, no Satan himself cannot imitate Jesus’s voice. The sheep know his voice. That’s all I can say about that, and what he said was there will be war in 78 days. He said specifically 78 days until war.

Okay, I want to be very clear that was two nights ago, I want to say. I woke up yesterday morning, so it will be 78 days would be October 11th. I did the math from when I had the dream, which I think was the 23rd or so from yesterday or the 22nd.But the last time I typed on this was the was yesterday at 1:47 p.m. I believe. Yeah, okay. So there’s so I had the dream the night of the 23rd. Okay, so 78 days, the 10th or 11th. So something to be aware of. 

Okay, so that’s something that we need to pray about. I don’t know what kind of war. I don’t know all the details.I have been praying and asking the Lord. But I figured a lot of times with something like this, I would just sit and I will pray and I’ll wait until the Lord tells me something. But because he tells me these things on days when it’s supposed to be a headlines day, basically, or when I’m praying for, you know, the headlines and stuff. Typically, that’s something very important that we need to share immediately. So I wanted to share that with you. War in 78 days is what he said specifically, so that will be October 10 through 11.

So as I was praying, I said, Lord, what is it we need to pray about? Today, what do I need to tell everybody so that we can pray about it? Also remember to like and subscribe, by the way. So as I was praying, I said, what do we need to pray about? And he said, pray for the elections. He said, pray that he is allowed to bring reform and justice to how we cast ballots and how we count ballots. He showed me that if we pray, he can change things in certain States that can change the outcome of the elections. He showed me that some States would change things and that they would try to take those changes to the Supreme court and contest that being the left-wing Democrats would try and contest this, right? But it will be too little, too late.All right. So they take it to the Supreme court, but it would be too late to have it ruled on before the elections. And even then they will not have the outcome that they want.

 I heard the Lord say there will be a quick run up to a dollar for XRP that it would just go real quick up to a dollar. Uh, and that was pretty exciting.It was like, literally I saw it like it was running, like it was a person running upwards, like, like that, like, like a half of you. All right. So, um, that’s pretty exciting.And then I looked and last I saw it was at 62 cents. Um, so let me check it real quick and see where we’re at. Actually, it’s been almost two days.It’s down a penny now. I love it when I prophesy something and then it looks like it’s not going to happen and things get worse. And then all of a sudden it comes out of nowhere.And I’m like, see that God did it. Take that one. All right.Now, uh, there is going to be stuff coming about coming out about 2020. Okay. That you need to pay attention to.Um, it is, uh, regarding Tina Peters. This is what I heard. Um, and you’re going to see things come out that are going to be released on X and some other places.Uh, it will make Elon Musk a target, but you will see information coming out. Um, it’ll be shared with third party people and that’ll, uh, will pop up. And, uh, in this case, Mike Lindell will speak about it, but he won’t really talk about it.If you know what I’m saying, like it won’t be his thing and won’t be involving him, but it’ll be a big win. It’ll be a big blow.!

Remember like, and subscribe. Uh, Yom Kippur begins at sundown, October 11th. Isn’t that interesting day of atonement, huh?