He warns me of a lot, and so I usually say if the Lord ain’t, my wife said, do you believe this is coming? I said, well, he hadn’t said nothing, so I take it that it’s not going to happen because I look at more of what he doesn’t, what he does say than what he doesn’t say. You know, does that make sense what I’m trying to say? Because it, because, uh, he, he, he’s, we’re that close. I just believe it with all my heart.

He’s going to warn me. And if he doesn’t say it, I don’t believe it’s coming in that area. And if he warned me it’s coming, that means he wants me to pray about it and we can stop it or whatever.

But usually he shows me a lot. So I’m trying to tell y’all about the three weeks of, of power outage. It went alongside what the Holy Spirit warned me about to tell you all.

So there’s two mouths right there, two, two mouths, let every word be established. Okay. If there’s something going on with the power grid, and I told you all, I believe if you are a person who has to have electricity or has to have something to power something for medical or whatever, that you should try, if you can, if you can get, uh, some kind of solar power from Amazon, they have all kinds of stuff.

Some stuff is expensive. Some of it’s not expensive. That would last you to try to charge your equipment, your, your devices or whatever.

And then the Lord showed me about, uh, uh, three phase, like three power generators, like gasoline, propane, and natural gas generators that would sustain long time, uh, power that it would not run out of, uh, whatever you’re trying to fuel the generator with, you know, uh, because, because of the fact that gas stations would be closed, banks would be closed for this time for power outages, because it was a serious situation that they were going to try to do. And so he was even talking about the October surprise. Now, is it the October surprise? I told you all, I believe there’s a major event going to take place in October.

Um, I don’t know. All I know is that there’s, I believe I’m still praying over it. A major event going to take place in October.

And so I’m praying over that. So you, if it, if it comes and goes, nothing happens is because we’re praying over it. I want, that’s what, that’s what the Lord’s called me to do.

Y’all. I am on this channel. I say it again to pray that things don’t happen.

When the Lord warns you of a tragic event coming, we don’t want it to happen. We want to be able to use our authority and pray against things to stop them. Okay.

And so, um, okay. So this is what I saw in the spirit concerning, uh, again, the economy and stuff. Okay.

I saw the dam again and the Lord showed me, you know, it looked like Hoover dam, those massive dam. And it said United States of America. It was the economy written on the side in black letters on this dam.

Okay. And remember, I told you, so I’ve seen it twice. I seen the dam before, and there was all these 50 gallon drums all, uh, stacked up with dollar crash on them, written all on the side of these massive drums.

Well, this time the Lord showed me the dam and the dam had cracks all in on the, on the front of the dam. And some of them were big stress cracks. Some of them were pin rules, fine cracks, but there was a center place in the middle of the dam.

And all of a sudden it was like, you know, spider webbing out, it was like, like splitting out all around the center part of this dam. And it was like splintering out like this, but some of them were big and they were leaking that sludge going through those cracks. It was nasty.

You could see it was like putrid, gross, stinky, uh, stuff coming out of those cracks that were in this United States of economy dam. And the Lord showed me that that dam is starting to get stress cracks and starting to break. Now, some people say, well, do you believe this is going to happen in 2025? I’ve told you all I, I hear in part, I see in part what I believe, what I’m perceiving, what I perceive, what I’m looking at in the spirit is something that is coming like imminent.

I believe what I told you, 2025 has the potential to be a very dark year. There is, there’s, there’s a lot there in the spirit. I’ve seen a great storm coming, a great storm.

And I’ve told you it’s after the elections. Okay. I said it was something will take place in October and, and, and like I said, if we change in the spirit, I don’t know.

I mean, people say, well, that’s a cop out. No, I’m just telling you all what I see and I pray about. So if it goes clear into the first of the year, I’m telling you all, I’ve seen 2025 to be a very dark year.

So the timing of it is I’m still praying over it when the exact timeframe comes. Now you say, well, is it going to happen during the holly berry bush? Like I told you all about the economic stuff. Listen, I saw a supernatural wealth transfer coming for the body of Christ before the, the natural stuff happened over the economy.

Okay. So, because the Lord said, I will always take care of my beloved for the remnant who are listening. He said, they, I will speak to them and I will show them things to invest in, what to do with their money to protect it, whatever.

I don’t know. He just said he would speak to each individual person and that whenever he does this, that he would supply and take care of his kids. But I’m trying to warn you all that there’s, there’s very hard days for some very hard days.

And there will be people that will not make this. I’m telling you a major war is just fixing to break out. We’re about to see a major world war start up.

And it’s going to be, it’s going to be very bad. A lot of people are going to die. And so, you know, people don’t want to hear that.

And well, we’re going to be out of here with the rapture. I pray you’re right. But for what I have seen, we’re still here.

We’re here, we’re here for some of this stuff and people don’t want to hear that. And so I’ve seen, I’ve seen, we’re still here for, for some of this stuff. And so, um, you know, it is what it is.

I’m trying to tell you all, there’s more than me that’s speaking this. There’s more people that are warning about something coming. And so I want you to listen to this word that she’s about to give you.

And I’m going to come back and pray. And I want to, I’m going to agree with you all that, uh, that your house is taken care of. Hi everybody.

Um, Diana here, Brandon’s wife, and I’m just going to come on and read this for Brandon. Um, this was in an email. We got it.

So, um, just, I’m just going to go ahead and get started. The Lord spoke to me again today, and he said to warn America again, these Islamic terrorists will only stop when they are killed. They have been brainwashed from infancy to do what they are doing.

This will force the hand of Israel and even the USA into war. In my opinion, the Psalm 83 Obadiah war is on our doorstep now and cannot be held back much longer. The war will change our world.

Make no mistake about it. These present Middle East conflicts will escalate rapidly. If not held back by God’s mercy, and we will soon be in a full scale war.

Soon, Israel will attack Iran to destroy their nuclear capabilities. Iran will also strike back. This will also hit us in America, not just the Middle East.

There will be terrorism here in America as well with both murder and destruction of property. The house of Esau, Edom, will be destroyed by God as it is written in the prophet Obadiah and other prophets in the scriptures. Damascus will be destroyed very soon, according to Isaiah 17.

Obadiah wrote, as they have spoken against Israel, so shall it be done to them. But this will involve much collateral damage, both in Israel and America. We will be shaken to the core in the West, both economically and spiritually.

God must allow this to awaken the church and bring about national repentance in both America and Israel. Oh, prayer warriors, pray for protection of Israel, especially Tel Aviv. I saw an attempted chemical attack there in a vision today.

Pray also for protection in America’s major cities. Now God is separating cities and places of refuge, where he will also supernaturally protect and provide for his people. Make sure that you are exactly where God wants you, dear saints of God.

Riots igniting racism will begin in other places than just Missouri when food and water become harder to get. Beloved, wake up. Yeshua is coming for his bride very soon.

When Yeshua came to me in November of 1989, he gave me a panoramic vision download of the future. One of the things he told me was, I have given the United States of America and the western nation 70 years of grace, peace, and prosperity that is unparalleled in all history. This is because of what you did for my people in World War II by defeating Hitler and the Nazi regime.

When this 70 years have finished, there will be the final judgments to come upon the earth. I have not been allowed to state this with this clarity and boldness until now. It has been locked in my heart.

I have written about it in a veiled way and mentioned it to it in the past, but now I can openly say the Lord spoke those words to me personally. We just passed the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II. Lord, I have been faithful by your grace to obediently write what you committed me to today.

May God have mercy on us all. Okay. I want you to go back to this right here.

Okay. About this, about what he saw about the biological Tel Aviv right here. Okay.

Oh, prayer warriors. Oh, prayer warriors. Pray for protection of Israel, especially Tel Aviv.

I saw an attempted chemical attack there in a vision today. Pray also for protection in America’s major cities. Okay.

Pause now. Now, what did I tell you all I saw coming out of the mountains? I saw 50 gallon drums and the Lord warned me they were going to use a chemical attack and I don’t know where Tel Aviv is. I’m not, I don’t know where that is, but I know that the Lord showed me that they were, they had them, they were hiding them in Damascus and the Lord warned me about this.

Now, I don’t know how far Tel Aviv is from Damascus, but I think it’s interesting that he is seeing, this person is seeing the exact same thing, a type of shadow. Again, we hear in part, we see in part. The Lord is warning his prophetic voices to pray against this.

He even said, pray, pray that we would stop this because I saw blisters all over these people’s hands. The children, the women, all of them, they sprayed it and I’m telling you, it caused a lot of death and it was very, very bad. What they were, it was, and the people said, well, it’s not a surprise attack.

This was a surprise thing. Nobody was expecting it. It came out of the mountains in Iran.

Read this. Okay. Pray also for protection in America’s major cities.

Now, God is separating cities and places of refuge where he will supernaturally protect and provide for his people. Make sure that you are exactly where God wants you, dear saints of God. Riots igniting racism will begin in other places than just Missouri when food and water become harder to get.

Beloved. Okay. Right there.

What did I warn you all about? I told you all about praying where you are at, not telling you to move because you could be called to your city, but just like he’s warning in here, he sent everybody food will be hard to get. I warned you all food lines for miles long, no food at all in some places. And they were, there were people lined up for a long ways, trying to just get a little bag of food for their family.

And so here’s another prophetic warning from somebody warning about food shortages. I, I’m, this is, this is so spot on in my, my opinion from what the Lord showed me. And, and like I said, it’s a whole, it’s like another piece of the puzzle.

I try to say, y’all, this is a piece of the puzzle. We put it together and it makes a whole picture. Whenever we put it together, prophetic words, because God doesn’t just download everything to one person.

He gives it to pieces to everybody. And so that, that was amazing to me, another thing. And I thought this was interesting.

Read this part again, read this. We just passed this. Yeah.

We just passed the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II. Lord, I’ve been faithful by your. So, so it’s 70 years.

The Lord said he was given us a special blessing and that just ended in 2015. So if we go by when that was 2015. So look at the patterns of, of the grace period that God has given America and he’s warning.

And he told me, he said, Brandon, America will remember, I told you, I had a visitation from Jesus and he showed me for an hour and I, and I warned you all about last video, two videos. And he said, Brandon, America will not be a goat nation. They will be a sheep nation.

And he said, there will be a shakening to awaken. He said a lot of people will call this a great Ichabod that I’ve departed, but it is not a great Ichabod. He said, Brandon, it is a time to waken.

The bride is awakening the church. And I’m telling you all, I believe very sobering days are come coming to the, to the body of Christ, to the people. Waking them up for one last call, one last push for an outpouring of the spirit of God with Harbor churches, brush Harbor churches, what they will have great revival.

And there will be women. Like I said, I saw the buns and the no makeup, the, the, I don’t know why the Lord showed me that, but I’m talking about a, a, a, a pure Holy ghost fire camp meetings. Not saying that you can’t wear makeup, whatever.

I’m just telling you what the vision was. And so I’m talking about an, a separation under God and everybody say, well, Trump’s going to come and he’s going to save America. And he’s going to ride up on his white horse and everything’s going to be okay.

If he’s reelected in November, I’m telling you all this now by the spirit of God, there is no man that will save America other than the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be an awakening unto God that saves America. There will not be anybody in Congress or Senate or anything that will stop what I saw coming.

I’m telling you, it will only be by the grace and the mercy of God in a great revival that will save America. Preachers preaching the truth behind the pulpits, preaching repentance, preaching, holiness, preaching separation, that we are, we are called to be a separate, be, be, be the light of the earth, to be the salt, not to be lukewarm. He said, if we’re lukewarm, he would spew you out of his mouth.

We’re either going to be hot or you’re going to be cold, but there’s no more in between ground riding the fence. And I told you all there’s a separation coming and you either on the right side or you’re on the other side, but I’m telling you there will be a great falling away in the midst of this. But people saw, well, I thought I served God the whole time.

Where did he turn his back on me? It’s no, you were in lukewarm the whole time. You thought you could ride the fence and woe unto you that think they can ride the fence and not be on fire for Jesus for what’s coming. You have got to get your house in order and you’ve got to say, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and we’re going to, we’re going to bow our knee to Jesus.

And as for me and my house, we serve the Lord. We’re not bowing down to bail. We’re not bowing down.

We will worship Jesus in this house.