TRANSCRIPT: Hallelujah. So, oh wow, this is good. August 14th, 2024.

Twenty, twenty, twenty four. Very, very, very powerful what happened here. Jesus, I give you praise.

The Lord took me in the spirit, and I saw the regime. Yes, I saw the regime, and it was dark. It was dark, and believe me, some of the things the enemy was planning, it was dark.

And they were discussing plans, but discussing and actually doing it is one thing. And I saw what they were trying to do, and I saw the leader for the very first time in the spirit. I saw the leader of the regime, and it wasn’t nice what he was planning on, what he was trying to do.

And the Lord says this, I said, well, look, can you pray this off of? And they really wanted to trouble Israel. They really wanted to trouble Israel. I remember this.

And I’m going to tell you what I saw in this vision. It was extremely powerful. That’s why I said this is one of the most powerful that I’m giving.

That’s why I’m asking, please, whatever you do, go ahead, because it was very powerful. Lord, I’m going to start. I saw Israel.

It did happen. There was an attack attempt on Israel. There was an attack attempt on Israel.

It was an attack. It happened. And Israel, and it says, but it didn’t prosper the way they thought it would prosper.

It prospered just a little bit, but not a lot. But it did happen. And I said, Lord, why are you allowing this to happen? We’re praying for Israel.

Why are you allowing this to happen? And the Lord showed me a bigger picture. He says, just like I’ve called my servant, he said, just like I’ve called my servant, Donald, to call upon me, this must also happen to Netanyahu. After this attempt, he will call on me.

So this is what I saw. Wow. Netanyahu, at that moment, or right around that moment, started to ask for prayer from the God of Israel.

He started to ask for prayer in his own council meeting. We need to pray and ask the God of Israel to intervene in our nation. And I saw him asking on different media platforms to pray, literally on different media platforms to pray.

This experience humbled him like never before. Very powerful. It went deeper.

And I saw God step in. I saw the Lord step in. He was already watching over Israel.

But after the prayers went up and Netanyahu’s heart shifted that he will not be able to do this by his own power or might, he needs divine intervention. Because the plan was that Iran wanted to do this before November of 2024. To launch this assassin attack.

I heard the word assassin attack before November of 2024. I saw the Lord step in. He stepped in.

And it was right after Netanyahu called a meeting together. And then the whole scenery changed. Then I was taken away from the things on earth.

And the Lord presented a different platform. And this happens to me from time to time. But this was extremely serious things.

What I saw. I have to take you back to what I saw. This was huge.

Please tag your friends. What I saw. And take notes.

Learn and listen. As the Lord spoke to me, I’m saying to you. Learn and listen what he showed me.

Wow. Okay, Lord. I have to take them back.

So they can get an idea of what I saw. Because they don’t know. It was very powerful.

I was in the courts of heaven. I was in the courts of heaven saints. Let’s bring it back.

Let’s bring it close. I was in the courts of heaven. And as the Lord brought me there.

I’m going to read to you what he said. And what I saw. I have chosen and called Donald J. Trump.

He will have a David spirit. Before the elections. I know people have been calling him Cyrus and all that.

But I will tell you what I heard. I didn’t hear Cyrus. I didn’t hear Cyrus.

I heard the word I’m going to give him. The spirit of David. Before the elections.

It was strong. And then it says. And when he sits.

He didn’t say might or should. He said he will have a David spirit. And when he sits in office.

He will have a kingship. Spirit. I saw things take place in the spirit.

And then in the courts of heaven. And then after being in the court. After God had put me in the courts of heaven.

I saw things take place in the spirit. In the courts of heaven. And I knew what.

It was. It was about a week. Before the elections.

It was about a week before the elections. Very powerful. So it was around a week.

And I saw. God’s people. I saw God’s people getting.

Dreams. And visions. I saw God’s people getting dreams.

And visions. Powerful dreams and visions. Coming on God’s people.

A week before the election. Powerful deep dreams. I saw God’s people getting dreams.

Before the week before. It was about a week before the elections. And it went deeper.

These dreams were telling the people. To pray concerning this election. And to seek.

To seek the Lord in the courts of heaven. The courts of heaven. As the supreme judge.

Over all of heaven. And earth. Because Jesus is the supreme ruler.

Over all. As this was taking place. There were three things that needed to be addressed.

In the courts of heaven. The first thing was. To bring justice.

The second thing was to bring legal order. I remember these words. And the third thing is to bring.

God’s divine will to be done. And by this happening. The Lord said there will be a major shift.

That week. What will look one way will not happen. It will be a major shift.

It will take place. And when the major shift takes place. There was a disarming of all dark forces.

Wow. There was a disarming of all the dark forces. That would try to.

Shift the elections their way. But as I was in the courts of heaven. I saw Jesus.

Jesus there. And the heavenly father in all light. Not in its form.

But light. Powerful light behind Jesus. Powerful light behind Jesus.

And the saints that was called up to the courts of heaven. To speak to decrees. Regarding this election.

So it’s going to seem crazy. Lord I’m going to show them. As much as possible what I saw.

There it is. Very very powerful. Everyone was wearing white.

And nobody was sitting. Except the father. Except the holy God.

Except the heavenly father. But you couldn’t see him. It was light, light, light.

But you knew he was sitting. This is what I saw. And it was regarded.

And the saints was in the counsel of God. And it was getting even deeper. So here it goes.

And saints. As I was seeing this. It was getting even more deep.

With revelation. And I’m going to give you that revelation right now. Father I’m going to release it.

After this, the disarming of the dark forces. Many of those appointed to go to the courts of heaven. Will see things shift according to the divine will of God.

I heard the word Jezebel. I heard the word Jezebel. The spirit.

That came on. During the elections. Of 2016.

And it entered a woman. That was going for president. In 2016.

And. Now a new spirit of Jezebel. Had entered another woman.

That’s going for presidency. In 2024. And the Lord showed both women.

He said both plans will fall. As the first have failed. The second will fail and fall.

That spirit entered both of them. As a man. And as a man, a woman of God.

From the earth. Was part of the courts of heaven. I’m reading.

As I said before, making decrees. Over the nation. And over Donald J. Trump.

Speaking those things that be not as though they were. As though it has already happened. As though they had already announced.

The verdict of who will stand in the office of presidency for the next four years speaking those things forth as already as out has already happened they were decreeing these things the Saints of God was decreeing these things in heaven and calling they were not calling him president-elect the Lord would not allow them to call Donald J Trump the president-elect he said you must call him Donald J Trump the 47th president!

He is our president this was being decreed agreed in the courts of heaven they also they also had to decree the downfall of the enemy’s plans that the enemy’s plans will be totally exposed and come to nothing day and then the Lord said my servant David had to decree had to decree Goliath downfall before he threw the first stone he had to decree it in the believe it or not he says my didn’t say believe it or not he says my servant David was already in the courts of heaven and decreed Goliath downfall before he even met the Goliath oh he had already decreed it he was able to go and meet Goliath face-to-face and decree it a second time when he already decreed in heaven.

David went to the courts of heaven before he went to Goliath it was already done Goliath was already dead before he even knew it and he fell I never knew that until the Lord took me to the courts of heaven and showed me what happened behind the scenes as my children speak their declaration over this nation there will be a supernatural shift in the natural it looked like it was so close nobody knew but the saints of God that went before God in the courts of heaven already knew what was going to happen in the outcome of this thing.

If we leave it with even more the Lord says the declarations nations it from the church over the church will determine the outcome of what of what I heard in the courts of heaven to be in historic election to stay praying in the spirit there will be many there will be many Saints that will be in the Council of the Lord doing this most intense time in the in the history for our nation and the world this same degree was also for our economy for our economy whether there will be a crash is what the enemy wanted but the Lord says not so.

By decree this will only be an adjustment which is bid my divine will this will push back the plans of the enemy to attempt to change times and seasons and will open the door to one of the greatest harvest of souls coming into the kingdom of God glory to God this era and season has ever experienced there is a transitioning for positioning all over the earth.

I saw, I saw glory to God the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit removing again the spirit of fear from the church and the spirit and giving the spirit of boldness it came on upon me like the book of Acts as the Saints prayed in boldness this boldness came and there was a sword of the spirit that came forth from their lips which as you and I know with the Word of God this was so powerful as God threw that in there I said Lord I receive it