This mantle that I cast, this cloth that I cast upon America, shall cause upheaval. It shall cause chaotic expressions from my creation. It shall cause my creation to say, what must we do to bring them to the attention of the Godhead? And the Spirit of God says, do not fear people of the living God, for fear will only draw your adversary.

But listen, when you see these things transpiring, Ukraine, Malaysia, Russia, and even the United States of America, don’t forget the Balkan district, for I am raising up sounds that are coming from nations, from islands that will cause the earth to tremble. It is now not the time to give up, but to stand for Israel shall have victory, and it shall be a quick victory, for I shall cast my mantle, says the Lord. You have been raised up to lead the greatest nation on the earth.

Where are you? I look for strength, says the Lord. I look for strength when Russia has decided to be the chief superpower. Where are you? They have already crept close to your borders, to your seashore, in a way that you never thought would happen.

Where are you? Mr. Obama, whom I gave strength, power, when you were nothing. Now, where are you? It is time to stand and speak for your nation, for my people, for I am jealous of them, and woe to those who call good evil, and who call evil good. Woe to those who call pure impure, and those who say peace when there is war.

Woe to you, for I stand, says the Lord, and I want my prophet today to speak to the atmosphere and to the kingdom of darkness, they who are ready to terrorize my people with fear. No, I laugh at you. No, for they are people who are praying, and they are prophets who are being fed by Ahab.

They are prophets who are being fed by kings in caves, ready to emerge and rise up to the occasion. Summer shall bring disasters, challenges. Summer, oh summer.

I look at you and winter on the other side, and together you are embracing the tumultuous moments, the tests that God says I will cause a day that to arise. And as I was praying this morning, and this is me speaking, as I was praying, I was struggling. There was a heavy cloud.

I said, Lord, what is happening? The nations rage against your people. The nations rage against Israel. The nations raise a rage against the Christian.

The ecclesia of the church whom you are building, where are you? And he spoke then. Suddenly it came upon me, and he said, Samuel, go find David. Samuel, go find David.

And suddenly I realized there is a David in the midst of us whom God has raised up to lead the nation. This is a test. I will go and I will find for the Spirit of God and anoint the David who shall lead the nation.

Mr. Obama has done what he can do, but now God says it is a test for him. Summer is your test, for in fall the outcome shall be as a result of your reaction and your responses to what I desire as opposed to the desires of the enemies of the cross and the enemies of the throne of Christ, says the Lord God.