Prophetic Word for Israel

August 4,2024

Israel, my Beloved, I am with you!

Israel, it is time to do what you have to do!

Israel, it is time to throw off restraint!

Israel, just as in the days of old you shall overcome tremendous odds and once again defeat your enemies!

For My name is Adonai, The Lord God Almighty, and I am with you!

As you stand, as do what you have to do, you will have supernatural favor upon you!

Your enemies don’t know what they have got themselves into!

For when they come after you, they are coming at Me!

Time has been given to them for repentance,

but they have given themselves over to dark evil powers and principalities!

Israel – it is time to take the head off the snake!

I will give you what you need when you need it! Nor before, not after but when you need it!

Israel it won’t be long and you will be flourishing along with those who walk with you!

Israel, no more false peace treaties!

No more double mindedness!

Don’t relent until the job is done!

Israel I am releasing Angelic Hosts you know not of. For these Hosts are created and commissioned for this time!

They are fierce and nothing shall get in their way!

Israel, I have you in the spotlight, for those who don’t know me are not going to be able to deny me any longer!

Israel, protect your water!

The enemy has nefarious plans to take it out.

You will see that it is stopped.

Israel, the trigger that is being pulled shall ripple through the Nations!

They shall be held to account for who they are and what they stand for.

Sheep nations to the right!

Goat nations to the left!

There are those in Israel that use My name but are far from me. They parade around as a people they are not.

Mammon is their God.

Greed and power drive them.

Let it be known that I am exposing them clearly in this hour.

I am sifting them out even now.

For I am a God of truth, justice and righteousness and Israel I am calling you to lead the way!

For as you lead, others will follow.

Israel – no weapon formed against you will prosper!

Israel, you are mighty warriors, and I will lead you, and I will protect you, and I will be with you, and I will give you victory!


Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer