Prophetic word: It’s go time! The gold is about to be released!

Saturday August 3, 2024

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer

Barry, tell my people that it is go time.

What is unfolding right now is going to change the world forever.

Tell my people do not fear.

You are about to see the deconstruction of the most dark and evil regimes that you have ever seen!

What I am shaking – I am shaking on a global scale.

Keep your eyes on me, not to the right and not to the left, for they can’t save you or stop what is coming.

It is only I who can sustain you.

It is only I who can deliver you.

It is going to move fast.

The gold is about to be released.

Access to my treasury is now being granted to those I have entrusted in this hour.

For what I am rebirthing can only be done with My backing, My resources and my supernatural grace and empowerment upon My people.

You can be assured – it is coming through channels that will surprise you.

The enemies’ vaults are empty.

They are going down.

Even though they continue to steal kill and destroy they shall surely be defeated.

There are uprisings unfolding even on this day that shall escalate to bring us to the tipping point!

There is no going back from here!

There is nothing that is going to stop it!

Nations will fall.

Kingdoms shall be shaken to the core.

The Ecclesia is taking its place!

Righteous leaders are taking their place.

All systems are go!

Let the Kingdom Delta Force advance the Line!

Holy is the word of the Lord


Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer