TRANSCRIPT: But the zeal of the Lord of hosts has come at this time, and he is stirred. He is stirred. He is stirred.

The Lord himself is stirred like a mighty man of war. He is looking as he is pacing at the earth to those who are fully his. This is not the time of conformity, but this is the time of separation, says the Spirit of God, as there was a separation between that which was called day and that which was called night, and that which was called light, and that which was called darkness.

This is not the time to play the middle of the road, for the Lord of the church reminds you, nor is it a time to be hot or cold, to be lukewarm, but to be on fire, to be sanctified by your God and towards your God. It is not a time to be divided, that you don’t know where I stand upon the issues of your country, United States, says the living God. This is not a time for you to be caught between two opinions, for it is my opinion that matters and what I have declared in my commands.

Therefore, I am coming, I’m coming, says the Lord, in the season that I have told you of the great fall, it is upon you now. This is my season, it is my time of the great fall, where I’m tearing down kings and raising up others and pulling off the masquerading and the masks that you have looked at and been deceived. I will show you there is nothing that has been hidden, that will not be revealed in this time.

You think you know the truth, but you do not. You think that you truly understand the level of evil in their intent, for they sacrificed even in Chicago at what they call DNC. No, it was abortion, so they called, but it was sacrifice.

Worship, releasing incantations, so they think it’s their time to steal, kill, and destroy. Yet I have, and I am walking to and fro, listening to the sound of my remnant, praying, fasting, worshipping, and yet this shall be greater than anything that the enemy has planned or plotted. This is why I speak to you, do not be afraid in this time, for you will see the might of my hand.

The congealing as I did with the waters in the days of the crossing of the Red Sea, I will congeal, I will restrain, and I will bring forth my justice. For a deliverance is in process, this is why do not fear, do not speak wrong, for I am coming to shift the earth, and I will do it and you will see it even as far as Australia, where that which is upside down will be turned right side up and I’ll reestablish things in their government. I will unlock the chains of you Venezuela, and I will loose you into freedom that you have never experienced, that the effects of what will take place will break the satanic stronghold that has been over Brazil.

That a new leader arises, and Brazil you will be free, and this shaking that will take place will affect even the island of Cuba. Pay attention to Cuba, destructive storm seeks to tear you out. Watchmen you must pray for the enemy fears the freedom that is coming to Cuba.

Canada, they say you have one seated named Trudeau, but he is false, and I will cancel what has come through the seats of government, and I will reset you Canada, and you will see says the spirit of God that I have been pacing back and forth, and as you say in your own words, boots in a boot, I have been walking to and fro over you, to shake you, that it will be reported the soil of Canada has literally shaken, and they will say this does not happen, it does when I set my feet to establish and reset order in you Canada, and I have spoken my promise to you United States, and I say to you, many are afraid, but I say you are in a window, and this window is open for my power, but must be closed to the enemy, and it is not the time to be in fear or grow weary, but it’s time as the prophet came to the king, and the time when the window was open, and said take the arrow, and smite it upon the ground, but he stopped, and there was not the full breakthrough that I had desired, I speak this to this country, there is a return, and there shall be a return from the things that you have prayed, and you have desired, and there will be the reset that I have said, and removals, and there will be good ground from the prayers of those who are praying and fasting, but I say to you, do you want thirty, sixty, or do you want a hundredfold return, says the spirit of God, then I look, and I wait, what will you do, will you pray, will you fast, will you speak right between now, and even the time at the end of the year, and I will show myself strong, and I will show it even through your military, for this is of my mind, my power, and by my spirit, to reset, says the living God, it’s the craziest thing, but you know, I really feel like there is coming a major, major split in the Democratic Party, and that which was just done by Kennedy, is part of a realignment, that shall cause a new party to arise, from the right and the left, joining together, and agreeing on more things than they disagree with, and it will be reflected in the coming days, because I’m repairing the wings of the Eagle, left and right, so you may soar again, says the living God.