August 20th, 2024. Get a number book or look up the number meanings online. Use a Christian source to decipher the numbers.

17 is Q in the English alphabet, but what is it in Hebrew in the Greek? It is very important that you research all of this. This will lead to new insight and intel as to what is going to happen. Don’t delay.

Do it today as you will not need to research it soon. But this will give you a heads up. Numbers are important to me.

I am the great I am and I can tie everything together. Look at the details of the world and all of my creation. Look at your human body.

I am the great I am. There is nothing I can’t do. No man can defeat or outmaneuver me.

The enemy Satan himself cannot beat or outmaneuver me. The defeated foe from long ago. The Vietnamese Dong is crucial in the global economy.

The Vietnamese are shrewd people and their money is on the gold standard. People only know Vietnam from the U.S. war in Vietnam. What was the real reason for that war? To fight communism and for the warmongers to make millions and billions of more money.

Plus to get South Vietnam free enough to extract the resources from the land. Everything is not as it seems. There is much gold in Vietnam and the Dong will be valuable currency and the great shift that is coming with my wealth transference.

One day it will all happen. They will try to say this or that caused it. But in the end they will know and tell that only God could have maneuvered everything and they will see it and feel it.

You will not miss this critical day in history. The great and terrible day of the Lord. So watch the dollar, the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong.

The Dong and the Dinar will affect the dollar. But all will be well. I am on the throne and I am taking care of my precious children.

This is the time to come to me and my son. Walk with us and talk with us or talk to us. We love you and have mysteries and secrets to share with you.

You don’t want to miss out. We are inviting you to come closer to us. Come, be yourself.

We love you the way you are. We created you and we want you to know us better. We are love.

God is love and he sent his son Jesus for you. I am love and I sent my son Jesus. Love Abba Father.