TRANSCRIPT: Very recently I received a series of profound and encouraging dreams for America. In the first dream I saw multiple lines of people who represented different ‘mountains of society’, and other lines that represented different callings and positions in the body of Christ. Each line had a person assigned to pray and prophesy over them. In the dream, I was appointed to pray and prophesy over the INTERCESSORS OF AMERICA. I found myself boldly prophesying: “I call forth a great uprising from the intercessors, that the NAME OF JESUS will be upon your lips from the four corners of this nation, for the word of God is near you and in your mouths to prophesy. As you speak forth the name of Jesus over this land, the winds will blow, and a GREAT AWAKENING WILL SWEEP THROUGH AMERICA.” In the dream there was a very strong emphasis on the word SWEEP, and I knew by revelation in the dream that the great awakening that sweeps through our land is going to remove demonic structures and people that have been planted to oppose the Kingdom of God.

Much of our generation has been asleep, living under the sway of demonic narratives. The goal of such narratives have been to empower lies that hold souls under the captivity and dominion of darkness. More plainly, we have seen the fruit of witchcraft upon a whole generation. Because messaging is produced and proliferated from the top of the mountains of society, darkness has long occupied these high places of power in order to control the message. – However this is all about to change!

God is not about to let a mass revival and spiritual awakening occur in America only to loose the harvest back to the demonic messaging coming from the mountain tops of our society. The great awakening that is coming, and even now is upon us, is going to sweep thru the high places of cultural and societal influence. God is beginning to trumpet a new sound in such ‘mountains’ as government, media, education, and entertainment, that is deconstructing the narratives that have captured a generation through a frequency of lies. From the dream, I believe this awakening is about to sweep away the propagators of lies.

In another recent dream, I was told by the Lord that “FREQUENCY IS THE KEY TO DELIVERANCE.” By definition, frequency is the rate at which something occurs or is repeated in a period of time, or the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, (such as sound). I believe the dream was revealing that the right ‘sound frequency’ or ‘the right messaging’ is the key to getting people set free. Hitler and the Nazi’s understood the power of frequency to control, as they are famously quoted as saying: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” I believe the scriptures reveal two competing frequencies— Truth and Lies. Because Jesus is the truth, only his anointing can set the captives free (Luke 4:18). His life and message established a ‘frequency’ of truth. We can see from the life of Jesus, that truth, when manifested has greater power and authority over lies. “Then you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

In another recent dream for our nation, I saw many intercessors and prophets with the head of lions, and they were roaring over the nation. In the dream as I looked at one of the prophets of our land, I said, “as the truth is amplified, the demons get pushed to the surface and they have no choice but to manifest themselves before they are cast out.” I knew in the dream that a sound frequency of truth is going to be amplified throughout the land, demons will be driven out, and mass deliverance will result.

In the last dream of the recent series for our nation, I saw that the church was beginning to enter the ‘upper room’. From this upper room we as the church were releasing a sound that filled a building called ‘The Axiom’. The sound that filled the Axiom caused incredible life and freedom for all those inside the building.

The definition of Axiom is ‘a self evident truth’. I believe that God is inviting the church into the upper room of prayer and intercession to put the name of Jesus on our lips, to roar his name, and to prophesy his word over this nation. A sound of a mighty rushing wind is about to break forth from the upper room, that will reveal the AXIOM of God’s reality, love and power. Ultimately the truth shall be known, and “A GREAT AWAKENING WILL SWEEP THROUGH AMERICA’’.