TRANSCRIPT: Woe to those who think they control this Nation and the elections in this country. Your manipulation and deceptive ways will not get you your desired outcome this time. Much chaos and division will consume your camp like never before. Like a swarm of bees that you cannot get away from, you cannot hide yourselves from this coming swarm, and this political storm that is heading your way.

This replacement puppet will misfire and go off script when you least expect it. The words that will proceed from her mouth will do catastrophic damage to your election and the plans to move this Nation in the direction you want. This puppet will not work to get the end result you so desire.

You had no choice for the time being. So you went with her, but soon you will regret this decision even more than you do now. Your plans are backfiring on you. As I speak these words, no matter your plan moving forward, you will lose your power, and you will lose this Nation.

Kamala, you think you are safe from a coup coming against you, but you are not. You will end up with the same fate as “the Biden” – betrayed and discarded. In this short time before this upcoming election, many things will come at you that even your own party will not stop, nor will they try to prop you up enough to see you through it. You have hidden secrets you never wanted anyone to know about- secrets besides the ones that are already (being used to) hold you captive. Those skeletons are about to be released by your own party’s doing. You are about to take a hit, and you will not be able to withstand the ramifications (from it) that will take place.

Remember, what you have sown with “the Biden” will happen to you. What you partook in against Trump, the same thing will happen to you. Do not get comfortable with your party’s and the news media support being on your side. This will all be short-lived. Your fall is coming, and so is your removal, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, what I told you regarding a political storm- it is approaching, and it is headed for DC. This (kind of a) storm is something that has never been seen nor taken place before in this Nation. There is nothing to compare this storm to. It is unusual in its size and the damage it will cause, catastrophic damage that will wipe out the establishment once and for all leaving no survivors in their positions.

The winds have shifted. A great and mighty wind is about to hit many who will not expect it. It will knock them off their feet and the platform they are standing on. Unprecedented and unconventional turn of events is about to take place in this country that will change the scenery from what you now see to what it should have been all along. The winds of change are changes in your politicians, where they stand, and where they have planted themselves. They are about to be uprooted.

My children, get up. Do not back down. You are winning this fight, and the giants in your land are about to be forced out. I will say this again, the giants are falling. This Nation is being ripped away from their hands and is being given back into yours. Children of the Most High God, this is your land. Never stop fighting for it, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another presidential debate disaster is about to take place. The puppet they picked will not perform the way they want her to. She is not up for this fight, and she will fail like the last puppet fell. Humiliation will be the outcome.

My children, watch and see when more momentum is back on Trump’s side. The media can no longer suppress it, not again. Watch and see the steps they are willing to take because the honeymoon is over. The celebrations are over. I told you they would be short-lived.

The fake polls cannot hide their new puppet’s disastrous performance. Another event will shake up this upcoming election. You do not see it now, but you soon will.

My children, remember they will try to stop My David at all costs. They will stop at nothing. They are willing to put everything on the line, no matter how bad it is nor how bad it makes them look. 

The clock is ticking on their time to stay in power. That clock is about to strike midnight, and the show will end. So, hold on. It is almost over, but this time will be the hardest not to walk by sight. Do not fear and remember that the Great I AM is here for vengeance. I will deliver you out of it all, saith the Lord your Redeemer.