TRANSCRIPT: My children, the establishment in this Nation is in bigger trouble than they realized- with this new puppet, their fake campaign, and the counterfeit look-alike that is running for president. It is all a lie. They are trying to hide her just like “the Biden.” There is no difference. They know they cannot run a real campaign. Neither one of their puppets can run a true campaign against Trump. 

No one they have chosen can do the job because they were only looking for weak links to be their puppets- (puppets) that would use scripts, (puppets) that could not or would not (deviate) from what they were told to say. They did not want strong candidates, as ridiculous as that sounds, because they did not want anyone who would go against their design or their machine. They have had too many (strong candidates) in times past that they had to dispose of. So now they have changed their strategy, and they are struggling with people who cannot on their own put together a sentence that makes any sense. 

So, they will continue to hide her and also hide “the Biden.” They are panicking. They think that both puppets will destroy the momentum that they (believe) they have gained when they replaced the one puppet with the new one- through words that might slip out of their mouths, which would show the world how weak their puppets and their plans really are. Well, their ship is about to sink, and I am about to take the wind out of their sails. This puppet will not work just like the last one (did not work). Their strategies are not working. 

My children, the desperation that has grown in Washington is about to get much worse when they realize hiding their puppet will not work. Their scripts will not (work) either. She will have to go out on her own, and she will fail just like “the Biden” failed. Their plans are falling apart quicker than they thought they would or could. They truly believe that by having her as a candidate for only a short time until this election, they could hide her weakness and their hatred for her, but they cannot. 

There is a great divide in Washington that is about to grow even more. More confusion is coming. More distractions are coming. I told you that unprecedented things will pick up and become more frequent because, My children, unconventional, unprecedented, and unusual is the only way your enemies have a chance. 

The establishment will try to do more things to this country and to this election that are extremely unconstitutional, but they do not care. All they care about is winning and stealing another election so they can stay in control, but they cannot have either. 

My children, truth bombs are about to hit your enemies’ camp that they will not be able to handle. They will not know how to stop all this truth (coming) at one time, truth that is destroying their narrative. They will make massive mistakes trying to cover up this news cycle, and when they try this, more people will turn from them (because they are) seeing the truth. Deception can no longer control the masses and keep this country going on the path they want. 

They are falling apart. Their plans are falling apart. And their new candidate, their replacement puppet, is falling apart for the world to see, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The illegals they have allowed into this Nation are about to be a thorn in the establishment’s side. Resistance is growing, and more people will see the truth and (see) all the freebies (the illegal immigrants) are receiving to come here. They were paying them off for terrorist attacks and to steal another election with fake votes. (The fake votes would) overwhelm the voter rolls which are being wiped (clean) of (names of the deceased that were still on the rolls), and so the establishment had to make another plan to make up for those (lost) votes. 

But the ones they paid to come here are about to turn on Washington in a massive way. It will destroy their plans against My David and this Nation. A war is coming against Washington that they do not see and are not prepared for. 

My children, when you see this take place, remember that they will stop at nothing to stop My David and this country from coming back to life, but with every weapon they choose, they will lose. So do not back off from this fight- from what you see regarding events in November or regarding anything they try with this election. Listen carefully to these Words- your enemies lose no matter what they do. 

So, keep praying them out and watch them fall just like Goliath fell. Watch their destruction just like Pharaoh and his army (were destroyed). It is all coming down. It is all changing before your eyes, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Great consequences are coming against the enemies of Almighty God in more ways than one. They are growing weaker by the day as you are growing stronger. My Army is advancing while your enemies are retreating. The battle is the Lords, and the battle has been won, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

A democratic strategist is about to blow a major whistle and tell the truth. It will bring shockwaves to the left. More people are telling the truth than they ever realized would. 

Another major Democrat will turn and endorse Trump, one that you would not have expected. 

A major upset is coming to “the Biden.” His party will completely turn against him. Watch what takes place when “the Biden” comes out of his hiding place. 

Wormwood: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another major corporation is about to collapse. My children, something you do not see coming is about to rock corporate America. All the giants are coming down, and none will be left standing.