TRANSCRIPT: Date: Thursday August 22, 2024,

Pastor Hank

Location: Tinley Park IL, FlashPoint LIVE Event

For I stand here, says the Spirit of God, in the midst of this, the windy city, and I’ve sent my vessels here tonight as even Ezekiel who went into an open valley in a time when things were scattered, the bones were scattered about. And so in this nation there has been a scattering, there has been a dividing, and God says, I said to the prophets: What do you see? Do you see this valley? And God said I spoke to him, and I said prophesy, ‘o son of man can these bones live? And there are those in this nation who are yet to decide shall they stand upon the Lord’s side? Shall they stand with who I have selected at this time, and I speak of 45 who will bring, like Moses brought, a nation through a time of hardship.

I have chosen this one to bring this nation from a time of harshness into a season of rest, reset, reversals, and removal, says the Spirit of God.

And so I said to Ezekiel, can these bones live? What do you see when you see this nation, can you see the future? For men speak of the evil, that the enemy shall do this, and the enemies shall do that, for I warn you now, says the Spirit of God, from now until your scheduled election they have looked for many things. You look to your day of the scheduled election, and you are concerned but they are plotting and they are manipulating and they are looking to deceive and to divide and to bring delays, diversions, distractions between now and the scheduled election. For they’re looking at how they can bring this nation into chaos, and God says, it is the people that I have called, like Ezekiel – prophesy to the bones, prophecy to the scattering, prophesy to those in this country who know what the truth is for they have caused harshness to rest upon them for they are looking for an answer, and God says, they shall have an answer as I raise up this country.

For I speak into the city, the windy city, and I said even to Ezekiel not only can these bones live but speak to the wind; and so it is tonight I have sent my servants here to speak to the windy city. You have been called Illinois, but I look from my throne, and I call you Illi-noise, for there is a sound and there is a shaking and there is a coming together that will be established in the United States of America, says the Spirit of God. This is why they fake. This is why they lie. This is why they make things look a certain way because they fear the coming together of the scattering.

They fear the breath, my breath, that is breathing upon this nation again like I did with the dry bones, and they fear the shaking and the noise of a righteous rebellion and a coming together of a nation. For I have said, and this is not a campaign slogan, you may think it, but this is my decree: I will make this nation great again. But I need my people to fast, to pray, and to stand with me. Fear me, not the day. For Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit because they feared me and not the day.

Be not like those ten spies who died off because of a plague. God says many things have disqualified many leaders and many in this nation because they have caused my people and the people’s hearts to melt.

I say to you, stay strong between now and the end of the year. Be not distracted, be not in fear. For there shall be much disrupted. It must be disrupted. For I’m pulling out the tares because it’s the time, America, of your harvest, says the Spirit of God.

Father, we stand with you, and we speak to the wind. We prophesy from the windy city that America is being saved. We speak to the scattering and command a unity to come to the United States of America.

We speak and we say to these bones, this nation shall live. We prophesy it. We set it forth by the wind of the spirit. And may the Hosts go now and annihilate every satanic force in the heavenlies and bring forth the noise, the shaking, and their coming together. And we say that that which they do and try to do to create chaos, diversions, and delay we call upon you Holy Ghost by the wind of the Spirit bring a restraint over this country, over the mouth and the hands of the wicked, and bring this country into great peace and shalom, I pray as we prophesy to the wind in Jesus’ name amen!