TRANSCRIPT: My children, in this unprecedented time you are living in, will you continue to trust and rely on Me no matter what you see? Things will begin to shake like never before. You will be in an unknown place, a place where you have never been before, a place where it will look like there is no way out, a place where you will need to walk by faith, a place where you will need to stop the fear that is trying to overwhelm and overtake you. 

My children, I said great changes were coming. Well, now you are at the time of these changes—political change, spiritual change, financial change, medical change, and a changing of the tide, from where the enemy wanted this world to go to where I need it to be—with Me. I am changing the course of this world. The winds of change are here. What used to be your normal will not be normal to you anymore. 

My children, everything you know as normal will be shaken. There is a time (coming) when your day-to-day lives will be uprooted and shaken. That is why I have been warning you not to get comfortable where you are and to be prepared for where I will put you, where I need you to be. And that is with Me. 

I will not fail you. I will protect and defend not only this Nation and Israel but also all My children worldwide. I am separating you from the oppressors that have kept you bound by their global governments and their global regimes. Their destruction and their fall will be a devastating sight to see for the world, or so it will look like, because of all the things that will crumble and fall with them. You were used to that way of life, so at first, many will not understand how to live without this system. 

My children, I want you free to freely serve Me, not so sick that you can hardly survive, let alone enjoy life. I do not want your minds to be corrupted with their filth and their lies about who they said you were, where you are constantly medicating yourself to have any peace. This is how Egypt enslaved My people. And this is taking place again but on a major scale—worldwide control and oppression that the world just accepted. I am crushing their empire and oppression to free you, My children, to give you what belongs to you, and that is the freedom that I paid for, saith the Lord. 

Hold on because it will get dark. It will shake violently. It will seem like there is no end to this way of life, but that simply is not true. Read My Word—I will not abandon you, and I will not leave you under their control. Stay guarded with My Word because your enemies are forging forward to take you out and bring this Nation to a collapse. But I am moving in and saving you from their hands. Focus on Me because I will bring a great and mighty victory, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Secrets in California that have been haunting Kamala and bringing fear that she cannot escape from will soon come out. I told you the skeletons in her closet were coming out. This will be a nightmare for her that she will not recover from. 

Many things are coming out of California that will devastate the left and bring many government officials down. 

Pennsylvania is key to a great victory for this Nation. Many secrets and lies in this state that will devastate the establishment are about to be released. What has held this state captive will soon be broken. A shaking of truth in Pennsylvania will do catastrophic damage to the establishment’s narrative. Soon the governor will wish he had never helped to steal that seat because the establishment will be willing to let him go to save others. 

My children, states are about to shake. Governors and state officials cannot continue to hide the lies in their states—their audits, record books, and funding are about to be a major issue. The dirty deals that were made are about to be put out into the open. I am shifting and sifting the evil, drawing them out, and removing them all from where they are. 

My children, sudden changes will be made that you do not see coming. Even your enemies will not be able to devise a plan big enough to save themselves from the catastrophic damage that is coming, which is truth to destroy all their lies. 

I, the Lord, am destroying the division they caused across this Nation. I am eradicating the unjust laws and bills they passed to bring devastating circumstances and damage to this Nation, damage that they thought could not be undone. I will show you their budgets and who is padding their pockets with your taxpayer money. 

My children, your enemies have become extremely wealthy by causing great destruction to you financially. This is why I have been warning you about a political reset. It is not just Washington that needs to be cleaned out. It must be every state and local level position throughout this Nation. These treasonous traitors have been everywhere to systematically take down your country. They have weakened it militarily and divided it in every way possible. They were destroying it financially so they could bring in a global currency and a global market. 

I am exposing all the banks, corporate America, and Wall Street and how they were manipulated to enrich your enemies and bring financial devastation to the majority of the population. Your banking system has been working with the establishment and their plans to crush you. Hollywood helped to brainwash and distract you from the destruction that was happening right before your eyes. 

I have repeatedly told you that it is not an election that can expose and annihilate all of this. It is Me—the Great I AM. I stated in My Written Word that it was not enough for Me to just take My people out of the land of Egypt. I had to annihilate Pharaoh and his army because he never would have stopped pursuing My people unless he was eliminated. This must take place again with some of the pharaohs of today. 

Drastic changes and unprecedented events are coming to take out your enemies that you see before you. This is not to bring you fear but to bring you great celebrations because the ones you see, soon you will see no more, saith the Lord your Redeemer.