TRANSCRIPT: I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that your enemies and all who are against Me are in for a rude awakening when everything they do with this election interference fails. The more they go after the votes, the more they will be exposed about how they have stolen so many elections in previous years. 

Pandora’s box of election fraud and election interference is about to be opened through a form of exposure your enemies do not see coming. They are up to their normal schemes and procedures to secure another election for their precious establishment and the One World Order. They do not know this yet, but they will be caught in every way they try to steal this Nation again. 

I told you before that I infiltrated the infiltrators. I showed them exactly where to go and where to put traps to catch your enemies. They are everywhere, but your enemies will never see these traps to avoid them. This election of 2024 is not as you expect. Things are different, and things are not how they appear to be. 

My children, get ready for a sudden impact against this Nation and your election. Their puppet is misfiring. Her performance is far worse than they ever thought it could be, and it is devastating to them. So, they have now changed their focus to stealing the down-ballot, to try and steal the House and Senate yet again. 

Your enemies have plans to impeach, intervene, or block Trump in any way from getting in. Or, in the worst-case scenario for them, if he did (win), they could question certifying the election or cause chaos or war, anything to keep him away from inauguration day. 

My children, your enemies have many schemes up their sleeves, but every scheme they try will just end in catastrophe and with more being exposed against them. They will try to find a way to disrupt your lives (with) viruses, financial collapses, cyber-attacks, everything they can. But their lives will be disrupted instead. Their plans will be foiled by Me, says the Lord. 

The globalists see they must help this establishment because they are failing at mind control. They are failing at changing the narrative. They are failing at killing President Trump. And they have failed to have the masses turn away from President Trump and the nationalist movement. Instead, he is more popular, and people agree with his vision for this Nation and are joining him to fight for freedom. 

So, My children, be prepared for the real puppet masters to intervene to help the failures in Washington and give them a boost by setting off things around the world to cause chaos and disruptions. 

They will set off earthquakes. They will set off volcanoes and insane weather. They will set a political windfall. They will send the markets into a catastrophic fall. The oceans are roaring, and a tsunami will be reported. Not only a natural one, but a political tsunami wave will also hit your enemies like never before. 

Putin will make an announcement that will destroy the establishment’s propaganda and their plans against him and the United States. I told you there are foreign leaders against you, but there are also foreign nations and their leaders who are supportive allies to the Land of My Eagle that will help bring down the globalists. 

Putin’s next moves will shock the world. He has truth that your enemies thought they had killed and buried deep down where no one would ever find it. But someone is about to release the skeletons of Washington DC, and many who are there that are being paid by China and other nations to destroy the United States, and the ones who paid for the terrorist attacks that are coming. Putin has a key to a victory in the United States, and that key is about to open a Pandora’s box that will crush the establishment. 

My United States, get ready for a shaking naturally for a shaking in the natural for a natural shaking that will get your attention and a political shaking that will knock your enemies off their feet in great defeat. Great political changes are coming, but not how you suppose. So, get ready for a changing of the tide in this Nation, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Spiders will be in your news for a significant reason. Their poison and venom have been used in a way you never imagined. 

My children, your enemies’ scientific labs are about to be exposed for how many diseases, viruses, and pandemics they have designed. I will show you how they are not just in foreign lands. These labs are in the United States, and one is about to be exposed to the world. What they are creating in this lab will not go the way they want because everything is backfiring on your enemies. They have infiltrators in their midst who will stop the doom they are supposed to create. Many whistleblowers are coming to end the world’s regime. 

Someone will come out against Klaus Schwab and his closest buddies. This person will expose the plans of the World Economic Forum. They have planned an attack on a grand scale, but even someone on their side cannot go along with this sinister plan. So, they will turn and expose the next global shutdown and death that they want to bring. A video will surface that will shock the world as they listen to the words of the harbinger of death—plots of death and financial collapse on a scale never seen before. That was their plan, but they will never see it come to pass. 

The days of Haman are here. Your enemies are in for a great harvest of destruction, death, and chaos. Judgments are hitting them, and the world will soon see your enemies on full display. 

You will see how many of your enemies are alive and how many are not, though they have appeared to be. Shock will come when you realize how fake all of this was, even though it seemed so real. Many actors in Washington are about to be unmasked and released from their roles and the parts they have played. 

A shaking is coming to the Washington elites. The skeletons that have been hidden for so long are about to come out into the open. Your enemies will go down in great defeat in front of the world. It is all coming, and you are about to see the end of your enemies, saith the Lord your Redeemer.