TRANSCRIPT: My children, nothing the establishment is doing to destroy My David or steal this election is working. It is not enough to keep this Nation under their control. They are growing in panic because everything they have tried has not worked. Some of their plans have completely backfired and others only worked for a short time, it seemed, then fell flat and caused more of a problem for them to fix. 

With every day that passes, the establishment regrets picking such a weak candidate, one that is extremely incompetent. She is just as bad as “the Biden” with her flaws and embarrassing mouth. The establishment truly thought this coup against “the Biden” would do a better job in the polls, shifting the momentum away from Trump.  This plan did not last as long as they needed it to- to take more attention away from their disastrous excuse of a candidate, to steal more time in the media, and to get the attention away from My David and how this country is going for him and not for them. 

They tried impeachments, but they failed. They tried indictments, but they failed. They tried to assassinate him, but they failed. They do not know how to handle the situation because they did not expect him to be alive let alone still be winning in this election. That is why their next moves will be even more desperate than their last efforts against him and this Nation. 

My children, watch what the establishment will try to pull off – something so unprecedented that has never happened in any presidential election in this Nation’s history. Their desperation is growing, and they will make every foolish mistake. They will act without thinking about the outcome of their plans when they do not work. And, My children, (their plans) will not work. Everything they do up until this election is supposed to end this Nation and President Trump, but everything they do will make everything worse for them and their narrative. 

Too many lies will be exposed. (There are) too many things to keep hidden. They will be uncovered, (especially) how much they are willing to do to enslave a nation. 

There is a foreign nation that is about to turn on the establishment and give up information. You would call it an information dump- letting many things come out of the bag that will destroy many in Washington. This foreign nation will bring much shock and shaking to the political world. 

Whistleblowers are getting where they need to be, to be the most effective in doing the most damage to the elites that they can. Soon many will sing like canaries to take them out. 

My children, you will be surprised at how many people in this Nation and in other nations are willing to join forces to take out this establishment. Washington is about to shake in a way they will never recover from- regarding these documents and all the proof that is coming to bring them down. 

My children, hold tight and fight. This battle is almost over. This battle is Mine, and you will win, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Dark horse: this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. 

“The Biden” will slip and say something that will cause a lot of damage to the establishment and Kamala. If he goes down, he will try to take her down with him. 

Elon Musk is about to release information that will shake up the establishment. They do not see this coming. They will regret ever going against him. He has more information on them than they previously believed. Elon is about to be a nightmare for the establishment. 

My David is preparing to throw the stone he has been holding onto. He just needs to trust Me and no one else on when exactly to throw it so it will do the most damage. 

My children, do not be afraid of this election, no matter what takes place. It is not theirs, and they will not have this Nation. Do not be afraid of their distractions, diversions, and the events that will take place. Nothing will work because I am restoring this Nation and giving it back to you. Your enemies are being forced out, and nothing will change that fact. So, stay focused on My Word and stand your ground. 

This Nation is about to come alive, and it will be fully restored, saith the Lord your Redeemer.