TRANSCRIPT: Sunday September 15, 2024

As I was spending time with the Lord tonight,

The Lord took me into the Spirit.

What I saw is most difficult to share.

It was excruciating to watch and see.

Nevertheless, I share here again with fear and trembling.

I saw the state of the enemy. He was pulling out everything possible to stop what the Father is about to do throughout the Nations, liberating the captives and setting people free!

Rooting out evil and bringing truth and justice for all!

He is about to rebuild Nations on His foundations!

I saw the plans to poke the Bear one more time!

Evil ones doing so with hopes to provoke Russian retaliation and WW3.

I saw the WHO prepared to roll out biological warfare across the Nations to wipe out as many innocent lives as possible. Propaganda provoking fear much worse than before.

I saw a planned attack against the west to wipe us out in a way that would change western civilization forever.

I saw civil unrest and rioting on the streets.

Massive savage attacks on innocent men women and children by heartless blood thirsty demonized illegal immigrants.

Authorities watching but not responding.

I saw empty grocery stores, what little they did have left was being looted.

I saw UN soldiers being deployed in the guise of helping, when in fact they were enemy forces positioned to control and repress innocent civilians and remove patriots.

They were to enforce martial law to keep civilians under wraps.

I saw that the enemy is terrified and on the run.

Out of control, trying to turn the tide against what the Lord is about to release.

Playing every move possible to stop what is coming at him.

The enemy was well aware of his fate.

He is the loser, and he not going to win this battle!

The Lord God Almighty, The Lord of Hosts is about to turn things inside out and upside down on the enemy and take him out!

I saw the Lord about to bankrupt them.

The IMF.

The WEF.


The Cabal.

The Globalists.

Markets are going down.

They will be left with nothing.

Evil and dark regimes and their minions are about to be taken out and put on display.

Governments will be shaken to the core and will be held to account.

The media will be held to justice for they are accomplices spreading lies, brain washing the masses being used against the nations with psychological warfare. They will be on their knees crying like babies. They are going to be crushed. The gates of media shall be returned unto the Lord!

The gold and the silver are the Lords, and He holds it all.

The Lord is about to release the gold and the silver, and it shall flow through the treasuries He has appointed and established to take back and rebuild the land that the enemy has stolen!

I heard the Lord say:

“Prepare to deploy! Prepare to overtake and to overcome! Prepare to disciple the Nations! Prepare for battle with Me!

Armour up!

Blow the trumpet!

Sound the alarm!

Prepare to recover all the enemy has stolen!

The tables are not going to be turned they are about to be flipped!

The deep state cabal will not know what hit them!

It will be game over for them!

Each bad actor, is going to be held accountable, and justice shall be served! And we shall recover all!”

Holy is the Word of the Lord


Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer