TRANSCRIPT: My children, the news regarding this fake administration, the fake campaign, and the new puppet is about to change drastically. Some of the media outlets and journalists are about to crack under the pressure and weight they carry from knowing that everything they are reporting is a lie and is destroying this Nation as they know it. 

Some who were reporting the news thought they were helping to save this Nation and not destroying it. Some were so blind to the truth they could not see what was really happening until the truth finally hit them so hard they started to wake up from the great deception that had been controlling them. You will see more and more (people) start to boldly tell the truth now because they want to save this Nation. More (people) will be willing to lose their jobs to speak the truth. 

There are divisions between the news stations and the establishment greater than what people realized. More people will turn on the propaganda machine. This will cause the establishment to lose more allies. They are realizing that more are turning against them, their vision, and their plans. 

A great shaking that will shock this Nation is coming. More hot mics and videos of journalists and others speaking the truth when they did not think their mics were still on or their cameras were still rolling will be released. Devastating reports will come out regarding this. It will hit Kamala’s campaign hard because so many hate her and were only saying nice things about her because they were forced to. 

Many more leaks against the new puppet and her sidekick will be intentional, and it will send their campaign into chaos that they will not recover from. Kamala and Tim are going to be exposed and humiliated in front of the world. The theatrics of them being so loved and admired is the farthest thing from the truth. The Obamas and their team cannot stand her. They are trying to figure out every plan they can for removing her and keeping (saving) face while still winning this election. 

Desperation is at an all-time high because Trump is still alive, his momentum is still building, and his popularity is still growing. Nothing they have thrown at him has put a dent in his campaign or his message, which is still resonating with people. Instead, it has made him more popular. More people than before like him, and nothing they have done to get people to hate him has worked. 

They have another plan to assassinate him using another fall man. But remember, My children, they cannot kill him when he is under My protection. This does not mean to stop praying for him and His family. When every attempt fails yet again, they will start to turn more against the citizens of this Nation. 

They have more attacks planned against you which they are about to roll out. They will try everything to drop more fear into the hearts of every American. (They want you to) think that all hope is lost for getting rid of the establishment and saving this Nation. The establishment, in fact, is losing hope of keeping this Nation out of Trump’s hands seeing there is such hope in his popularity. The masses are turning more to him, and despite every lying strategy that they have tried, the truth is still prevailing. 

My children, there is an army of Americans building that will not let their freedoms die with this next election nor from the next efforts by the establishment. This Nation will be shaken like never before. I have repeatedly told you this, so that when these things take place, you are aware that you are strengthened by My Word and know that I am saving you from these oppressors, the ones trying to take this country and the world down. 

The old guard will be ripped out of their offices. (They will be) forced out of the seats they have held for numerous years. Nothing will stop My hand from moving across this land securing its safety and freedom from the hands that held it in a chokehold until it was totally theirs to control. 

Things will intensify even more than what you have seen. Your marching orders are to stand and to not back off from My Words. This Nation is not theirs, and they will no longer keep it under their control. I am moving in so that you can win it back, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

My children, it is time to hunker down and hold fast to My Words. Many things will try to move you away from the truth and put you into fear. But knowing My Word will set you free from all their tyranny, saith the Lord. 

Comcast: this company will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Chuck Schumer is about to have a medical emergency, you would say. Something has been wrong with his health, and they will not be able to hide it this time. 

Mitch McConnell will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Some senators will not make it to the end of their terms. Some will resign. Others will be forced out, and some will not survive until the end of this political reset. Get ready. A shaking is coming to the Senate Chamber, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Beware of what they try next with the monkeypox. Do not fear. I have told you, My children, similar things will take place just like the plagues of Egypt, and it will be seen. You are about to see this on the ones who try to cause this outbreak. Just like COVID, your enemies will no longer be safe from the diseases nor the viruses they are creating for you. 

My children, you have the promises of My Word and My Blood Covenant. No matter (if it is) this virus or another one that they try, they are not more powerful than My Word or My Blood

Go and read Deuteronomy 7. Go and read Psalm 91. Go and read Galatians 3:13 or First Peter 2:24. My Word has the answers you need to destroy every problem your enemies try to create. My Word is your solution. It is your answer. It will protect you. It will free you from the darkness that has been trying to swallow up this world. 

My children, this is the time, I said, to batten down the hatches. The storm is about to pick up with intensity and speed. The winds are moving and will change the course of this Nation. Hold on to My Word and hold on to Me for your great victory, saith the Lord your Redeemer.