TRANSCRIPT: He gave this to me on September 2nd, 2024. 

The move began a long time ago. It started before the 2020.Much has happened in about eight years since 2016. Many of the key players are gone, and the movie has been rolling. The commander-in-chief orchestrated the whole thing, along with valuable, trusted alliances.

There are many involved, and much work is going on. I gave them the plan, as we had to come in under stealth to keep the enemy from destroying our entire plan. The great reveal is coming, and it is coming very soon.

There will be panic and chaos, and a lot of worry. Be still, my child, and know that I am the great I am. I allowed and orchestrated all of this for your freedom.

The evil that they have committed is more than you could possibly ever know or think about. All will be told and revealed as the commander-in-chief rolls it out, rolls it all out. Many will still be in shock as they have done their due diligence in seeking me, or at least listening to my prophets.

My prophets and my dreamers have been telling and telling of the events to come. This movie is coming to an end, and great tidings await my children at the end. Much is not what it seems.

My United States could have never survived more of the Obamas and would not be the land of the free and the home of the brave under Hillary. Most of you would have been gone by now. I am saving the United States to save the rest of the world.

The reestablishment of the Republic of the United States will bring freedom to my other countries as well. Do not think that I have forgotten you. My world and all of my countries matter to me.

All of my precious children, this rescue mission is for all. As the events of the days to come occur, be ready to help people. Get them cash, excuse me, give them cash, give them food, and most importantly, give them love.

Point everyone to my precious son Jesus. We love all and want none to perish or to be in fear.Help people with fear and anxiety.

Love on them. Your prayers are powerful and move my heart. People need prayer, and some do not know to ask for it.

Offer to pray with them and speak words of peace. This will be very short-lived, but many will be afraid. Love on them and lead them to us.

Watch your bank accounts and see what happens. I have many surprises for you, my precious children. Your faithfulness and hope and prayers are in my books, and I am the best accountant.

Your rewards will be great. Now enjoy this day and go and play. Spend some time with us and those you love, and remember, fear not.You are my child, and I will always protect and take care of you, Abba Father.