TRANSCRIPT: I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, that the silencers are about to be silenced in a massive way. They have done everything they can to stop you from telling or showing the truth. They have chained you in their prisons of disinformation and deception. They are trying to hold you in captivity. But just wait until you see how I silence your enemies, stop them in their tracks, and destroy their power. They will no longer be able to use their tech giants or social media companies to determine what can be put on the airwaves. No, it is not theirs to control. It is Mine, saith the Lord. 

Much truth will pour out over the airways, with no way for them to stop it. I am bringing the biggest social media giants down as if they were nothing. The ones who have been controlling the narratives will be driven from their seats of control. 

A great silence is coming for the ones that have silenced you. All the world will become very quiet; this is to cut off their power so it can be given back to you. As these outages take place, just know it is your enemies who will remain silent, not you. Your enemies will not outlast the silence because these are the days of Haman. 

My children, get out of those prison cells and shout My Words as loud as you can—they will destroy will destroy those chains they tried to keep you in. These are the days of My vengeance, and it is about to be seen. 

The rattling, the shaking, the unprecedented, the unconventional, and the unusual will intensify. You are going to see things you have never seen. You are going to hear things you have never heard. There will be things that will be hard to comprehend. You may be asking yourself, is this really happening? It will be like a dream for you but a nightmare for the ones against you. 

I am rattling the enemies’ cages and bringing them to where I need them for their final trap and destruction. I am shaking the Earth to break it free from the chains of the globalists. You are not their slaves. You are not theirs to control. Soon, this will be a reality worldwide. 

Just as in the days in Egypt, unprecedented weather and unprecedented things were seen and experienced by the enemies of My people, and judgment after judgment hit them repeatedly until they let My people go once and for all. They saw and experienced things that had never happened before on Earth and now all that is going to be amplified around the world and in My Nation, the United States. 

My children, you are in unconventional times. Things are not normal; things are not what you are used to in an election cycle. Your enemies are terrified of their numbers. They are terrified of your resistance. They are terrified of losing control. So, they are willing to do anything they can, no matter the cost, to destroy My David and this country the rest of the way. They will get other nations to do some of their dirty work, but it does not matter who they choose. It will be the wrong choice. 

No nation and no man or their army can stop what is coming for your enemies—My vengeance and judgment. It will hit them hard like the plagues of Egypt to rip them out of their power and (take) their chains off your necks. You do not belong to them, and I will soon make that clear, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, stand and pray like never before. You are about to experience a resistance like never before, but remember, it will not last, and it is not bigger than Me. Your enemies will try to attack you in unprecedented ways. They will try things that will look so devastating, but it will all backfire against them. Every move they make to take over this Nation will be a move toward their great destruction. 

Obama is nothing. Kamala is nothing. “The Biden” is nothing. The Clintons are nothing. Klaus Schwab is nothing. The elites are nothing. Their establishment is nothing. Don’t you see, My children? Your enemies are nothing. I am the Lord that will cut them off and bring their plans to nothing. My Army is moving forward to take them all out, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

George Soros’s money will be exposed in a major way, (showing) how he and his fellow elites used their fortunes to rule the world and change world events (such as) elections worldwide, how they helped to fund the machine in Washington, and how they paid many of your government officials to pass bills to take more of your freedoms away. 

My children, Soros, Gates, Schwab, the secret societies, and the UN are the ones who are really running your government, controlling the markets worldwide, and controlling the mainstream media and social media and what is allowed to be said on the news or spoken about worldwide—total censorship because they want total control. 

Their machine is dying. Their power is collapsing. Their house of cards that took so long to build is falling, crumbling to the ground. So, hold on for their last-ditch efforts to stay in power. But, (it will be) just like Pharaoh—his last efforts were for nothing. It was his final act, and then it was all over. 

My children, your enemies, the pharaohs of today, their end is drawing near, and that will be very clear, saith the Lord. 

The UN will make a bold move against the United States and the land of Israel. But, the UN does not have the power they thought they had. They will regret the decision they made when they give themselves away. They will not stay because the UN will be ripped apart by Me, saith the Lord. 

Something hidden regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal is about to make major headlines. It will be a nightmare for “the Biden” and Harris, along with the entire establishment. A piece of information that no one knew anyone had is about to be released. It will crush their narrative in one fell swoop. 

Pakistan will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An earthquake in Istanbul will be in your news for a significant reason. 

I told you that many unprecedented and unusual things will be taking place worldwide, and they will shock the world. 

Tamar: this name and this river will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A presidential seal will be in your news for a significant reason. 

My children, change is coming, and unprecedented events will start to take place for your freedoms. My vengeance is guaranteed against your enemies. Soon, they will not be laughing and mocking My Words when they see all of them come to pass. So, get ready for great and significant changes on Earth to bring you out of the hands of the pharaohs of today. Freedom is yours, and they will no longer be able to manipulate it with their power. So, prepare your hearts for what you are about to see, which is Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer.