TRANSCRIPT: My children, your enemies are shouting to shut down everything and do whatever it takes to keep their power, to keep their systems working to manipulate the masses, to keep their establishment in charge of this Nation, to keep their banking system working the way they want, to keep their medical industry working to keep people sick and weak mentally and physically, and to keep the education system going (their way) to reeducate and destroy any mindset that would deflect from their ideology. 

This was their time, they thought, to finally have everything they wanted. But they are wondering how all of this is happening. How are more people leaving their side instead of more people joining them? Your enemies do not understand how their plans have not worked because they worked in the past, but with everything they are trying (now), the opposite is taking place. They are trying to figure out a way to stop it. 

They are now thinking about the unthinkable—things they would never have done before. (They believe) they must think of the worst-case scenario and go with it; they need to activate their foreign military for more distraction, chaos, and confusion. The establishment believes you, as a Nation, will never see this disruption coming. They are willing to try anything to save themselves from Trump getting into the White House again. They know he will tear their system apart, and then they will never regain the power they once had. This is not an option for them. 

This is the calm before the storm to let people in this Nation and around the world think everything is okay. Then, the establishment will hit this Nation as hard as it can with everything they have. They are considering (using) China and Iran to do their dirty work. They are even considering (using) both nations at one time. The establishment knows that these foreign nations have a lot of information on them. So, they have to play it carefully (and allow) China, Iran, or any other nation they choose to use to think they have enough control with this attack. Then, the establishment will go after those foreign nations (as a way) to get the citizens of this country to once again trust that this establishment will defend this Nation against anyone who threatens it. 

The establishment wants to deceive you into once again trusting them to make the right decisions, even when they have weak puppets in the White House. My children, your enemies truly believe it is time for them to activate everything they have in their playbook to bring much confusion and devastation and then regain more control. 

Your enemies want what they consider to be apocalyptic events to shatter this Nation and things around the globe, where there is no chance of recovering because they want to stop the resistance against their global control. Too many people are fighting against the establishment and globalism. They want to regain some sense of normalcy. But there is fighting in your enemies’ camp because they don’t know who should call the shots or who they can get rid of and let take the fall for all the decisions they need to make. 

This machine knows its weak links—the people who have failed it in the past and the people who they believe are not strong enough to move forward. For distraction and diversion, they will let more people fall so they can continue to move on with their plan. They want to take out “the Biden” and eventually Kamala because both have failed them. They want to expose more of Waltz and his past because of his ties to China and how bad they are, and he also has his hands in other cookie jars as well. 

The establishment wants to take them all down and start with a new, fresh face—someone that people will accept, no matter what. They are trying to devise a plan where they can pull all of this off. They want to try and deflect from reality even more—a disaster or catastrophe so big it gets the world’s attention. No matter how bad or how risky this plan is, they will go with it. They do not care about the death outcome as long as they can get back on track with totally taking over this Nation for their global reset. 

My children, these are your enemies’ plans. They are petrified of you, your resistance, and your persistence to stay in this fight. Yes, they are willing to do anything to stop this movement. They will try to activate many things that will look disastrous, dark, and hopeless. But they are defeating themselves with every decision they make against you. 

When they activate the foreign invaders and foreign leaders, it will bring devastation to their cause. The power struggle will become greater, and the betraying will go to a new level. 

Your enemies will try to cause great devastation, destruction, and death to your Nation and freedoms, but the result will be death and destruction to their establishment and their global reset. 

There will be a reset of things around the world, but it will not be theirs. It will be Mine, saith the Lord. I have had to reset nations, leaders, and financial systems before. This is not new for Me, and it is definitely not bigger than Me. So, get ready for a great reset that I will complete against your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

I will say this again—the FBI, the Secret Service, the CIA, their connections, and who controls them are about to be exposed in a whole new way. The assassination attempt against President Trump will open Pandora’s box, you would say, one the establishment did not want opened. Great exposure will continue to destroy their plans to keep this Nation under their rule. 

The new Secret Service director will be caught hiding crucial evidence. Someone he trusted has infiltrated his camp. A video is about to surface, proving that it was a setup and that his agency was a part of it. Letting Kimberly Cheadle go is not going to save them from this truth. This video will also expose who gave the agency their orders. 

Another FBI whistleblower is coming out with a bombshell report that will be given (directly) to the public, bypassing those in Congress that are slow walking this truth along with (bypassing) the people who are sabotaging the investigation into the assassination attempt. 

My children, get ready for a war on Capitol Hill because many in your government are traitors, and the resistance against them is growing. This war is for control of this country—socialism and communism versus your freedoms. It is about to become more evident who wants this country to die and who wants this country to live and is actually fighting for it. 

Get ready for a shaking to save you from the treasonous traitors in your capital. My children, it is about to look much worse for a short time to take your enemies out of their hiding places and out of their places of power. Their regime and their mob will all be removed by Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Microorganisms: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An arsonist will be caught setting fire to another chicken farm. 

There will be more sabotage of your food supply to cause more shortages and skyrocketing costs. Many things against your food were done under the cover of night, but many have been caught on video, and those are about to be released. 

Something is coming that will wipe the giants from your land. So do not fear what you are about to see or hear because this is part of their removal. 

Mobile, Alabama will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

The East Coast will be in your news for a significant reason—a significant threat against this country. 

The establishment is about to let your infrastructure be attacked by foreign enemies in a major way, but disaster will instead hit them. What they attempt to do against you will instead be done unto them. Everything is about to explode back into your enemies’ faces. They will not recover from this, saith the Lord.