TRANSCRIPT: My children, chaos and confusion are growing in your enemies’ camp, not knowing what the best option is—to end this country or to end President Trump—with the least (amount of) backlash or resistance. Their desperation just hit another level because their indictments did nothing to stop My David and this election. 

Every lie, all the propaganda from their news outlets, the scripts that were given to change the narrative of the truth of who their puppets truly are and what they stand for, all their deceptive tactics, and every setup (used) to tear down President Trump did nothing but boost his popularity. 

Your enemies know they are in trouble. Their votes are not enough to stop his victory. They will know this even more after Kamala bombs in this debate. Her tongue will be her worst enemy. She will slip up on live TV, where she cannot be controlled. No matter what they have done to prepare her or what they have given her, it will not be enough to take her over the top and come out the clear winner. No matter how they try to spin the truth, she will have the same fate as “the Biden”—weak, a failure, and someone who cannot stand against Trump and win. This will be yet another disaster for the left as they watch their puppet humiliate herself and their party. 

Some of the news outlets will say this was a horrible performance. Watch how this will crash and crumble any advancement the establishment thought they had against My David. I will say again—the giants are coming down, and as they are rocked by this politically, this is when events will take place to rock and shock this Nation. 

Pray now and resist any fear this will try to bring your way. They control you by fear, so stop the fear and break their hold over you. My children, their illusion, their fear, their movie, and their machine are crumbling. Their walls are falling. They are in great fear, knowing they will lose their grip and way of hiding secrets from this Nation, which has helped them to gain more control over the people and the financial system. 

The next decisions they make will paralyze some with the fear it brings. The establishment is not willing to hand Trump the win or give him back the seat that is rightfully his. They will fight tooth and nail, you would say. They will appear more unhinged and desperate as the days pass by, knowing that their chances of keeping things the way they have been are looking more and more impossible.  

They will pull out the big guns, you would say. In their desperate attempt to keep the establishment, they will bring an attack, using foreign nations, that would literally and figuratively bring death to this Nation as you know it. But the foreign nations they are partnering with will turn on the establishment and help to bring them down because they do not want to share control of this Nation. This foreign enemy wants full control. 

My children, you are about to watch Washington tear itself apart as they try to save themselves from exposure and the proof of the establishment’s dark secrets that are being released. I told you to watch and follow the money—money is the key to their fall. Money is about to be the establishment’s worst nightmare, worst enemy because exposure and proof of how, who, and what this machine was funding will bring them down. 

Treason is at a level no one knew could exist. A government was purposely taking out its own nation, using outside help. All the foreign nations involved will be exposed. Another thing that will be exposed is the horrific truth about the Afghanistan withdrawal, the massive payoff, and why multi-billions worth of equipment and cash was left there; why the establishment was paying off Ukraine; why billions were given to Iran, and what were they doing with that money that would be used against your Nation; why there were all these contracts and contacts with China, and how many spies and infiltrators they have working for them in your government. Some in high-level positions in your government are employed and paid by China. 

This goes far beyond just “China Joe.” Most of the government is paid to leak information to China. China is about to turn on Washington because they are not holding up their (side of the) bargain by keeping Trump out of the seat of the president. It would not just be bad for China; it would be catastrophic. 

A war between the establishment and China is about to hit another level. I told you, My children, the battle is the Lords’. Your enemies are turning on each other and will destroy themselves without you having to lift a finger, as you would say, because it is My Hand that is moving. It is My Hand that is defending and protecting you. 

A war between your enemies is about to begin (and be seen) in the open. Proof will pour out from all directions. This will be a dark time across this Nation and around the world, but My light will destroy your enemies and all of their plans worldwide. So, stand and be prepared to receive your Nation back, saith the Lord of Hosts.