TRANSCRIPT: I heard this on September 14th.

My children, the middle class is being hit with everything the establishment and the globalists can throw at it. The middle class is being taken out to destroy capitalism and to take out the United States.

The middle class has been a threat to the globalists. The entrepreneurship is a nightmare and a thorn in the side of globalism. And that’s why they’ve attacked small businesses to gain more control over products and goods so their market and their companies would crush anyone who is trying to take out or trying to take more away from them.

Your enemies do not want any competition. They want to completely dominate everything globally. Your enemies want full control and they want you to leave.

They want you to be even more enslaved. They don’t want you to have any freedoms, free thinking, because you could potentially be a threat to them. And that’s why so much propaganda lies in deception for mind control.

So you would obey their every command and you would not be strong enough mentally or physically to fight them back. Your enemies are trying to take out anything that threatens their global control. The United States and the working class is their worst fear and has been their most annoying competitor that they want to crush as fast as they can.

That’s why my David is such a threat to them to save this country and to make the middle class even stronger. Lord, why do they hate the middle class so much? Because it goes against communistic and socialistic agendas. In a third world country dominated and controlled by the elites, you don’t see a middle class like you see in the United States.

They hate anyone who can make money on their own and can take it from them. The establishment’s war on the middle class is about to be more clear. Kamala will continue to slip and say words she doesn’t mean to say.

This puppet in your government hate the middle class and that is about to be proven. My children get ready for more things they will try to take you out with. Remember and pay close attention.

I said they would try. I never said they would accomplish their plans. As they pursue this war more and more, the war against my David and the war against this country, I told you before the more they will be exposed and the more they will be brought down.

They are nothing compared to me and they soon are about to figure that out. Say it the Lord of hosts. The mainstream media is about to tear itself apart.

More companies will attack one another and expose one another to try and gain more viewers and ratings that they have lost to this great deception. There’s a growing deception in the middle class or growing desperation in the media. Read that again.

There is a growing desperation in the media to try and gain back and to dominate the airwaves. They are trying to take it away from the independent journalists and that’s why they have tried to silence and censor so many. The mainstream media is about to collapse in a major way.

I will bring these giants down in front of the world, says the Lord. My children pray for your cities, pray for your neighborhoods, pray for your schools, pray and plead my blood for protection against their attacks that they will try against you and the judgments that will hit them. I repeatedly told you it’s about to get darker.

It’s about to look much worse because of your enemy’s destruction. Remember in my word, I am your fortress to protect. I am here to guide.

I am here to deliver and restore what has been lost. I am moving my hand to save and to defend you from the ones you see before you. They are being cut off and brought to nothing before you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.