TRANSCRIPT: Violence is coming from the far left and the extremists—violence on a record scale because their desperation with losing the narrative and losing this Nation is causing your enemies to make decisions and plans they never would have done in times past. 

Your enemies in Washington are getting ready to activate their foreign militia. Yes, that is what I said—their foreign militia, designed to tear your country apart from within. They are here for destruction. They are here to help steal another election. They are here to steal your peace in your cities. They are here to devour your assets and destroy the freedom you once had. They are here to put a massive strain on your country financially, to overwhelm the states and their budgets so they cannot afford what they once could and to prevent your states from helping actual citizens of this Nation and those cities. 

The foreign militia is here to bring violence and to terrorize you on many levels. My children, this foreign militia has many purposes, and many plans were given to them that were designed by Washington. They are here to help their puppet and the establishment in every way they can to help keep President Trump away from power. 

I will expose the leaders, the contracts that were signed by Washington, and the other nations they are partnering up with for their great reset and to ensure that Kamala gets into power. But “the Biden” and Harris are in for a rude awakening because their militia is about to turn on them for not doing what they promised—for not paying them what they wanted, for not giving them housing, control, or the freedom to get anything and everything they desired. 

My children, violence is coming, and it will be directed at the establishment, though it was originally designed for you. Everything, and I mean everything, is backfiring against your enemies, and they will be consumed with failure and destruction. So, get ready for the different styles of attacks they have planned for you. But it will not go as they hoped. 

This is the time to stay on guard. Stay prayed up. Fight these fights and this violence they wanted with the power of My Words. It will destroy everything they have prepared against you. It will destroy your enemies and bring them to nothing, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Laura Ingle will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Robert Pattinson will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A great shaking is coming to the Hollywood elites—those who are connected to Epstein and P. Diddy. Your enemies truly think those men can fall for them so that they will stay out of the spotlight, and the attention and evidence will just be put on the ones chosen by the elites to fall. But no one who was part of child trafficking is safe from exposure and destruction. That system is about to be rocked, annihilated, and brought to nothing. 

My children, the shock it will bring when you see all who are involved besides Hollywood and your government. They were not just a part of it; they controlled it. I will show you how and who has been involved. I will drag them out of their safe places, and judgment will hit those who partook in such evil, says the Lord. 

Oprah will be exposed for who she really is. An insider will expose her and her empire. She is not who people think. I will show you the ties she has to the establishment and the elites, and many skeletons in her closet will all come out into the open. Recordings will be released of things she has said and done that she never wanted the public to know about. I have warned her and many others to turn from their wicked ways and repent. But they refused, doubled down, and kept going in that direction of evil while their hearts turned cold against Me. All who are against Me will be exposed and judged for the world to see, says the Lord. 

My children, many celebrities are about to be exposed and brought down in unprecedented ways. I am shaking every system, government, corporation, financial market, and the entertainment industry. Everything that was designed against you will shatter before your face. Get ready because things are about to shake more violently to release you from the hands of the wicked. 

Catacombs: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another major Democrat will change sides. This person will surprise many, as they never thought (this person) would change sides. Many more are about to come out and be more outspoken against the left’s radical agendas. 

Nevada will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. 

A fallout will take place with your leaders in New York City. A shaking and massive exposures are coming. I told you that your leaders would be exposed and that judgment would come to them. The governor of New York will also pay a high price for all she was involved in. You have seen other people exposed in New York City. Just wait until you get to see the blueprints and the architects who designed the corruption of that city. I have told you before that it would shake because I am destroying the corruption and the evil that has devoured that city for so long. 

Governors and heads of state will be exposed big time. My children, it is time for explosive exposures of the leaders who have committed treason against this Nation. Many leaders are about to pay for the crimes they have committed, and you are about to see them all fall, saith the Lord your Redeemer.