TRANSCRIPT: Woe to those who have hijacked this Nation and the White House. Woe to those who think they control the presidency, the people, the laws, the news cycle, and the entertainment industry. Woe to the ones who think they control the money markets, not only the stock market but also the purse strings of this Nation or any nation. You have had your unlimited spending and your budgets, which were a joke, with their hidden agendas and corruption. You hid your criminal activities in every one of them. 

You truly thought that money and the American tax dollars were yours to do whatever you wanted and to get away with it. You padded your pockets with blood money and bribes for the globalist agenda, no matter the cost. 

To all of you in Washington or any governmental seat: your secrets are going to be released. They will cause a violent shaking that will shake you right out of those seats of power and positions. 

Another coup is coming but not how you would expect. It will be a coup of a greater magnitude that your enemies will make against their own. They are willing to turn their own in to save what is left of their establishment. 

Desperation is growing. The more the polls turn against them, and they see their puppet slip further and further down in popularity, the more they see the writing on the wall—that no amount of cheating will be enough this time. Their target is the down-ballot if they cannot get their circus puppet to perform. The more she malfunctions, the more they will look to other races. 

My children, take authority over every seat—House, Senate, and Presidential. Take authority over all of them. Many of My children only care about winning one when you need to take them all back. Do not leave out any for your enemies to steal. 

As I have told you before, your enemies are working to steal the House of Representatives once again. They are preparing for an impeachment, if necessary, and they are working on the Senate to approve that impeachment. They are looking for more indictments against President Trump if they can’t do the unthinkable, which is ending My David’s life. But they do not have the power to take it. 

They are trying so desperately to find anything that will incriminate him, to get rid of him by throwing him in prison and throwing away the keys. This is part of their plans. I am telling you these things so you will tear them apart with My Words and with My Authority, which you have been given, says the Lord. 

Kamala Harris: your lies, manipulation, and deceitful ways will soon catch up to you. You believe your puppet masters will never release the secrets they have on you, the ones they use to keep you under their control. Well, I will tell you, all your secrets will be released. You think that you are safe because they picked you to replace “the Biden” and that you finally have your safety and the power you so desired. 

You thought that if they used you as their puppet, you would finally be accepted, and there would be no denying you now. You were George Soros’s puppet and one of his favorites because of the favors you did for him. But no matter what favors (you did) for him or anyone else, you are not respected or accepted. George Soros is no longer pulling the strings, so you are no longer safe where you are. Soon, there will be no denying their hatred for you. They hate “the Biden” and threw him by the wayside, and you are next. 

You will be discarded as a failure with shame and embarrassment, and betrayal will be the end of your political career. You will be sentenced for treason, no matter where you try to hide or if you are hiding behind another mask. Kamala, your days in the spotlight and politics are coming to an end, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

An impeachment committee is about to be shown fully out in the open. The exposure will be explosive and catastrophic to the left’s narrative on My David. I am sending documents and pouring out videos to prove these farce impeachments and the fake insurrection. 

My children, get ready for the truth that will pour out like a flood. The truth will shock many in this Nation, especially the ones who have blinders over their eyes. An awakening is coming about who are the traitors in this Nation. I am putting a spotlight on them and exposing them to the world. 

Your enemies will cause great diversions and distractions to get the people’s attention off Washington and the hatred that so many will have because of the death, the corruption, and the financial chokehold they have had on the masses. 

My children, a Red Sea-like moment is coming. You will see where your enemies now are, and then an unprecedented event will take place, and they will be gone. 

I will show you how many actors were actually in DC and how many of the old guard is gone, but they still wanted the illusion that they were still all there. 

The old guard in DC will be rocked and shaken to their core. Evidence is coming that cannot be hidden, and they cannot distract from. 

So, the Land of My Eagle: a great shaking is coming to wake up more people, and a shaking is coming to remove those in power.  

My children, pray in this hour for more to turn to Me and away from your enemy. I am pouring out My Spirit, so receive it. Take it and watch the miracles and answered prayers take place like never before. Your enemies are trying to bring destruction to you, but I am bringing a great restoration. So, hold on. The time of great shaking is here, saith the Lord your Redeemer.