Last night, I had a vision. In this vision, I saw watchmen with ram’s horns who lacked the strength to sound them. It appeared they had fallen into a deep slumber, losing their fervor to press on toward victory. Then, I beheld an angel, shining like a star, in each state, poised and waiting for the trumpet’s call to act on behalf of the saints. The Lord urged me to remind the watchmen to stay alert, stand firm, and persist in prayer. They must sound the alarm and unleash a mighty intercession, for their prayers will activate the battering rams needed to bring forth breakthrough for America and summon the angels in each state to dispel the darkness.
As the watchmen rise and pray for America, the angels will be released on the winds, ushering in victory. The Lord declared, “Watch for record-breaking winds and shifts in the weather patterns in key battleground states; these will serve as signs. For the battering ram will swing in the swing states, bringing forth a breakthrough of light in the election.”