TRANSCRIPT: My children, you see the blatant and arrogant abandonment of your government in this time of crisis. Well, you have not seen anything compared to what they planned to do. I told you they can modify the weather. They had this plan for what they truly wanted in the mountains of North Carolina. They chose this area for total devastation. They are choosing to withhold FEMA’s help and to leave you abandoned so (they can) take over your land. I will show you this plan. I have everything they have designed and proof of everything they are doing, as they blame Me, saying it was an act of God. It was their design to bring devastation and destruction to you in unprecedented ways. 

I warned you that they would stop at nothing to make sure this country is theirs once and for all. They want mass casualties, just like the pharaoh of old, to weaken you, bring total devastation to your land, and enslave you for their New World Order. I will show you conversations of your leaders laughing about Maui, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. I will let you hear their evil snickering and giddiness that their plans are working to stop help from getting to you. 

They do not want people to know what is in that part of the Nation. It is more than what is being told. There is something precious in those mountains of North Carolina that is being kept a secret. They want to run you out of town, cut you off entirely, and evict everyone there so they can jump in and take what they have found. I will show you what they did in Maui and how it was the same. 

My children, these were not accidents or natural disasters. I will show you the leaders of this Nation (involvement) and the agreement with other nations to cause this devastation and destruction and to cripple this Nation. I told you to follow the money. They are lying to you about the funds to help the victims. They can give you money. They can send help. They are purposely choosing not to, and I will show it. I will show this Nation how truly cold your leaders truly are. 

Money trails are about to be found and exposed in an unprecedented way. My infiltrators have proof of these heinous crimes and how many your government has committed against you, says the Lord. 

A laptop is about to surface that your enemies thought they had destroyed. They will wish they had made sure it was because this laptop will shake the establishment to its core—videos, emails, and all the proof needed to bring down “the Biden,” Kamala, Obama and many (others) that are sabotaging your Nation and holding it hostage. You are about to see that they will be made to let it go, says the Lord. 

The P. Diddy case will explode. Many will sing like canaries to save themselves. Some are making deals to turn over more evidence that will bring down the elites in Washington for good. 

The economic Ponzi scheme that Washington is part of is about to implode. I will show you how they are connected to Wall Street. I will show you how they use your tax dollars to destroy you in ways you never imagined. I told you, My children, money will be the fall of your enemies. 

Hold on, children of the Most High, because more is coming against you. Don’t you see that they are not even trying to hide how much they truly hate you and your freedoms? I told you I was removing their masks even more with every move they take against you. As you are praying, standing, confessing My Word, and praising My Name, you are causing unprecedented and catastrophic damage to the establishment and their plans moving forward in destroying your Nation. 

So, keep going. Keep fighting back. Keep taking back more territory in the spirit by using My Words. Your enemies are falling, and you will see them all fall the rest of the way for their final takedown, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Uganda: this country will be in your news for a significant reason. 

An unprecedented mudslide will be in your news. Pay attention to this location. Secrets will come out of that region that your enemies are trying to hide. 

Mexico: you will pay for the deal you made with “the Biden” and Obama’s regime. Something significant will happen in your Nation that will get your attention to let you know you are against Me. Turn now or what happens next will be worse. Judgment is coming for your part in the destruction of My Eagle. Do not take those next moves you are being asked to take because they will be your last if you make them. Leaders of Mexico, I am warning you to stop now and turn back, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch Iran’s next moves against My Eagle. You will see they fall and fail against Me and watch what biblical type of events take place against them. Think of what Egypt was left with. Iran will be left with the same. All the money they have received from Washington is going to be ripped from their bloody hands with no way to stop this judgment that will hit them, says the Lord. 

No country, nation, or leader against Me or My nations will last much longer. None of them will get what they desire, which is death to My nations and death to any freedoms around the world in any nation. Their final takedown of this world will be their takedown instead. Judgment day for the One World Government is almost here for the world to see