TRANSCRIPT: What is next? My children, you keep asking this question. Some do not understand the prophetic (Word) and what it means. Some are questioning the unknown of the future because of the fear of what is to come. 

My children, have I not given you My Words? Have I not promised you protection? Have I not promised you victory from your enemy? Why are you magnifying the unknown? That is what your enemy wants you to do—dwell on it. It is not unknown; your victory is your future. It should not matter how I get you there. But it is My promise that I will. 

Stop magnifying the destruction your enemies are causing or the confusion and the disinformation they are spreading. Stop worrying about the power and the control they think they have. My children, your enemies want you paralyzed with fear of the future. They want you to truly believe they have you exactly where they want you and where they want this Nation. 

My children, trust Me. Trust in My Words. Trust in My vengeance. Trust in My promises. Trust in My power against your enemies. Do not forget Who I am. I have shown you that I save nations in a day, that I deliver, and that I am a promise-keeping God. If you get to know Me more, all those thoughts and fears your enemies try to control you with will disappear because you will know that I, the Great I AM, am still bigger than anything you are facing.    

As things drastically change across this Earth, politicians will fall to scandals, indictments, embarrassment, and shame. And some will even die. Governments will collapse, some from a coup against them and some because they are destroying themselves from within. 

My children, your enemies around the world are in for a world of hurt, punishment, and judgment along with justice. You will see nations rage against one another in fear of collapsing and losing the power and the globalism they were just about to accomplish. 

There are other nations that are joining in this fight against the global regime and joining forces with My United States and Israel. You will see more leaders join My David. Some have even made deals with him behind closed doors, seeing that he really is the one who will claim a victory in this Nation and bring the United States back to the Nation everyone knew it was supposed to be. 

Oh, Israel: trust the One Who defends and protects you. I have not left you alone. I have never, and I will never leave you. So, take back your land. Take back everything your enemies forced you to give up. Israel, take back the inventions your enemies tried to deceive you out of. Israel, remove the infiltrators in your midst. Remove the leaders beside Netanyahu who are there to bring down your Nation and hand it to the globalists and to your enemies. You have traitors in your midst. Remove them. They are sabotaging your efforts to protect your Nation. They are giving your enemies vital military intelligence. Trust the ones I have sent to you. I will prove they are the right ones. 

My Israel, I will give you a victory that you have not seen in your time. It is time to come back to Me, the One Who defends and protects you, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

A well-known political leader, one that is part of the old guard, will be in your news for a surprising reason. Questions will arise (asking) if this person is fit for office. Many in your capital are not. Many have health and heart problems that they have tried to hide, like “the Biden.” His health will become more of a problem to the establishment, and more will be just like him. 

Health reports that have been suppressed are about to be released. A great shaking will take place against (those in) the old guard who are trying to hold onto this Nation. 

Medical emergencies that were suppressed, buried, and destroyed are about to come out into the open. I told you that the skeletons in the closets of Washington will be released. Their health and medical conditions are part of what many are hiding. So, get ready for all the things that will be revealed, says the Lord. 

Minority report: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

An earthquake will shake and get the attention of the Land of My Eagle. I warned you that natural and political shakings were coming. Do not fear these shakings. It is necessary to wake people up from the sleep of deception, and it is also to remove the ones that caused it. 

There are scandals brewing with this hurricane. FEMA is not who you think they are. They are a front to look as if they are here to help you and your Nation. But it is just another thing your enemies use to siphon money (to go) where they want. Great exposure about what FEMA is really used for is coming. 

I will break down the doors of the Federal Reserve. My children, prepare for a battle in this Nation. Your enemies are trying everything (to keep) this information from hitting the airwaves, but it will come out anyway. I am moving to expose, annihilate, extinguish, and destroy every organization, every agency, every corporation, and anything else that was sent to enslave or bring death to you. (Instead) I will allow death to it. 

A great shaking is coming to the Land of My Eagle. Do not get distracted by the chaos or the confusion your enemies have tried to bring. It will not stop what I, the Lord, have promised you, and that is freedom and deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer.