TRANSCRIPT: Woe to those against My nation of Israel. And woe to those who are against My United States of America. You have many attacks (planned) against this Nation and against the land of My Israel, the land of My people. You have multiple types of attacks (planned) against them. You are trying to bring death to their freedoms and death and annihilation to both nations. 

Well, I will tell you, to anyone who is against Me, you are going to run into Me and My Army. Your army is not big enough for anything that I have. No matter what you have for terrorist attacks, I will bring them down. No matter what you have for death, I will bring it to nothing. No matter what you are doing to their economy, I will destroy the ones that you made. No matter what you are doing against the food and the supply chain, I will destroy your supply chains. 

For everything you do (to bring) death and destruction, I have said over and over that these are the days of Haman. You may not understand that, enemies of Almighty God, but you soon will. The more destruction you pull against My people and My nations, the more destruction you will ensue. You will be destroyed. I will bring you to nothing. And you will soon see that you are nothing against Me. 

I am the Great I AM, and I am still the God Who saves a nation. You are the pharaohs of today, and I will show you what I will do just like I did to the pharaohs of old, no matter what you try to do against My David. Have you not realized by now that the more you try to weaken him and the more you try to destroy him, the more popular and stronger he has gotten? You tried to kill him on multiple different occasions and with multiple different styles, but you couldn’t. The world does not even know how many attempts you have truly made against him and his family. But I do, and I have had My angels against you. I have defended him, and I will still protect him. 

No matter what attempts you try next on his life, you will wish you had not because some of your lives will be shortened. I said what you sow, you reap. You are reaping (from the) many attempts on his life, and now you will have attempts (made) on your own. You think you are very smart. You think you can do whatever you want, but you cannot. 

You think you can have Iran do your dirty work? You think you can have China do other dirty work for you? Every single plan against this Nation, every single plan against the election, every single plan against their food and the economy, and every single plan with every type of mass destruction that you are trying to use against My nations, I will do unto you. 

I am still the protector of Israel. You want to wipe them off the face of this Earth? Well, your plans will be wiped off the face of this Earth. I am the One Who protects Israel, and I never sleep, and I never slumber. You will never catch Me off guard, and you will never catch Me asleep. 

You have thrown many rockets at My children and My people, and you noticed that they are not going the way or the direction you want them to go. All those things you are putting in the path of My people, well, those things will be turned around and will backfire on you—your socialism, your communism, your globalism. Everything you are trying is failing. 

You cannot destroy My people. You cannot destroy My nations because I am in them. I am the life that you cannot kill. You are trying to kill this Nation, but I live in this Nation because I live in My people. 

To those who are in Washington: you think you are so smart. You think you can use all of your weapons against My David and the people of this country. You have not seen anything yet—the judgment and justice you are about to experience. You have no idea what it is like to be on the other side, but soon you will. 

I have told you time and time again—you will not have My Nation. No matter what kind of interference you cause in this election, you will not have the president’s seat. It does not belong to you. The House of Representatives does not belong to you. The Senate does not belong to you. The Supreme Court does not belong to you. The people in this Nation do not belong to you. The taxpayer dollars do not belong to you. And the murderous plots you have planned, they do not belong to you. None of this is yours. 

To enemies of Almighty God: I have warned you. If you do not heed My warnings, with the next moves you make, for some of you, it will be your last. I told you to turn from your wicked ways, but you chose not to. You doubled down. You tripled down and quadrupled down. You turned more away from Me. 

I wanted you to repent. I did not want to have to do what I have to allow next. Enemies of Almighty God, your destruction is near. Your expiration date is very clear. You and your end game for My nations are over. 

Israel will live on. The United States will live on. But your establishment will not. It will go down in flames. 

You chose this path, and you chose your destruction with your words and your actions. So, enemies of Almighty God, I am moving My Right Hand to shatter you, scatter you, and annihilate you for everything you have done against My people and against My nations. Your end is near. 

For My children: you hold on because I am protecting you. And I have come down to restore what has been lost. I will restore to you peace and a sound mind. I will restore to you health and healing in your body. I will restore the families that were divided. I will restore the finances that have been stolen and used for evil. I will restore everything. 

So, ask of Me. Learn Who I am and what I do. I am your ultimate source of supply. Receive what I am doing in this day. Do not fear and do not panic concerning what your enemies will do to you. It will be nothing compared to what will happen to them. Just know that I have your unprecedented victory. It is right at the door. So, hold on to My Words and hold on to Me for that ultimate victory, says the Lord.