TRANSCRIPT: 10-28-24

I was praying one day the Lord spoke to me regarding the Mormons and Freemasons. I was given a glimpse into the ceremony in a Mormon temple. This was not an average ceremony. This was not for lower-level members. This ceremony appeared to be of the highest-level leaders within the Mormon church and freemason occultic practices and ceremonies.

There were officials in that room and in that ceremony from the highest levels of government, trusted and esteemed business leaders, and leaders within the Mormon church.

The things that I saw in that room absolutely disgusted my spirit. The ritual abuse that was taking place I could not cast my eyes upon. The most evil of evil realms being released through these acts and ceremonies worked on with the highest levels of intention for power control money and corruption on every level.

The shame and the torment that these victims brought into brought a fracturing within them that only the Lord Jesus can heal and restore.

I saw the Lord looking over these very things. He was sitting at the bench in the courts of Heaven as the judge of all. I saw Him stand and release a verdict and drop His gavel to bring justice and an end to these most evil practices.

He spoke to me, and He said there’s going to be a wave of revival that is going to come out of the Mormon church. There are going to be whistleblowers coming forward-looking for help in desperation. They’re looking for a way out. They’re looking for a back door and they’re looking for a safe place to land to get out of there safe, protected not only them but also their families.

I saw the Lord putting a freeze on their bank accounts. Where they have flourished financially through witchcraft and manipulation, that is coming to an end. I saw properties being seized and cleaned out. Forensic audits, files being gone through with a fine-tooth comb. No one in positions of authority or in active, unlawful practice would be able to get away with a thing.

Justice will be served for all. There will be charges against them for crimes against humanity – and there will be justice! There is also going to be a wave of victims coming out who have been abused by pedophiles throughout these organizations.

The Lord is giving them (the victims) a way out and He’s bringing them into safe places for healing and restoration. Down to the depths that they’ve been abused and wounded the Lord is going to restore and heal and they will be great deliverers and great end time harvesters.

The Lord is going to be removing the scales from the eyes of those that are involved that don’t really realize the depth of what they’re involved with, and the Lord is going to come with a spirit of repentance, deep repentance that will actually break generations of brokenness through the false religion of the Mormon church and freemasonry.

There will be many crying out to the Lord for what they’ve done in repentance when things are brought to the light but that does not diminish the consequences of the actions that they have done to bring harm unto others.

The fear of the Lord is going to be released upon the Mormon church and upon the Freemasons there will be visitations and there will be shakings and revival that will change this landscape globally.

So, hear the word of the Lord. Turn unto Him on this day. Consider your ways. Today is the day for repentance. Today is the day to come into the light. Today is the day to open the door to get out—to bring truth, to bring exposure to these dark places. To turn from your wicked ways and call out to the Lord today and turn your heart unto Him. Today is a day of salvation. Let him who has ears to hear, hear the word of the Lord today.

Holy is the word of the Lord.