I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, 2025 is a year to thrive. It is a year for My Church to come alive with a shift of power and a shift of the seven mountains of influence from the hands of the wicked to My Church.
This year there will be a great political shift. Many governments that are against Me will begin to fall. A great economic shift will also start to take place because this is the hour when I will completely destroy your enemies’ source of power against you.
In this year, you will see giants fall. You will see their global government and all their entities begin to be wiped out. You will see a great change in this Nation—justice being served. You will see more major players fall for the crimes and the corruption they have been a part of.
You will start to see the real truth about your election system. You will start to see how many people really do not belong in your government. You will see an exodus out of your capital but not by their own choice. You will see where and how billions and even trillions of dollars were laundered through your government for themselves, their entities, and foreign enemies.
You will see your enemies put up a great fight to try and stop all this from taking place, but you will see them stumble and fall away.
In 2025, My Word will come alive in you, My children, because the great wake-up call is here, and a great awakening is taking place. You will not only see My Word come alive in your lives, but you will see more of My Word and My promises come alive on this Earth like never before. You will experience a great restoration of things you have been hoping and believing for. You will see how you are no longer just barely surviving. You will be thriving because I am the Lord God of abundance and more than enough.
Right now, you see how bad things are financially across the world. Wait until you see what I do to your enemies’ economy, their interest rates, their inflation, and their taxation. Just watch how things begin to turn around for your good.
My children, expect more from Me and receive more of My Glory manifesting in and through you. In 2025, you will start to see My Hand drive out your enemies from your land.
In 2025, the United States will come alive more because it will be reborn. It will start to be the Nation it was meant to be. There will be a cleansing of nations and governments, but there will also be a cleansing of My Church right along with it.
In 2025, there will be a great shift politically and spiritually. My children, receive what I have for you this year and every year moving forward—with Me.
You will see a greater Exodus in 2025, and you will understand why I have been preparing you for this for so long. So, hold on because everything is about to change, says the Lord of Hosts.
In 2025, you will start to see the big lie of 2020 destroyed. You will see pardons annihilated. You will see how many people in your government paid for the seats they stole. You will start to see judges being disbarred and removed. You will also see the beginning stages of the IRS being restructured. You will see what (your country) was really meant to be when it was part of a Republic and not part of a corporation.
You will see liars and impostors exposed. You will see a crime syndicate in your capital collapse once and for all. You will see the hidden and dark secrets of the establishment come out, and that will tear them apart. You will see fake presidents exposed. You will see your enemies in a way you have never seen them before.
You will see their wars cease for a time. You will Me and that I save nations in a day when I take out your enemies’ nations and their governments in the same day. And you will see that I will have the final say, says the Lord your Redeemer.
After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this:
Victor: this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.
The Biden crime family will be completely exposed and brought down. “The Biden’s” mask will be removed, as will everything he was part of.
Ukraine will be brought to nothing, and its government will collapse. And the people of that nation will be freed from the bondage of their control.
My children, hold on for what next year brings. It is good for you and bad for all enemies who are against you, says the Lord.