I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are on the prowl. They are here to attack. They are here to destroy. But they are coming up against Me.
In this time, My Church is coming alive in My Name. With My Words going forth from your lips, you will see stronger, faster manifestations of My Words; stronger, faster manifestations of your prayers that go forth before Me. They will manifest on this Earth faster than at any other time in human history.
This is a time when I am moving My Glory. I am moving. I am moving across this land. I am moving across this Earth. I am moving with My power in this hour to take out your enemies’ onslaught of attacks against My Church. No longer will you be mocked. No longer will you be sitting on the sidelines, just taking everything your enemy is dishing out.
It is time for My children in the Army of the Lord to stand guard, to watch your words, and to only speak Mine. For this is the day, this is the hour, and this is the time to shine, children of the Most High God. Trust, believe, and stand on My Words for your lives, your health, your children, and your finances. Whatever you ask in My Name, it will be given unto you as long as you do not give up and you hold on to My Words.
You will see your enemies try to stop this Nation, but once again, you will see Me move My Hand across this land and knock out your enemies. So, shout right now that no matter what attempts the enemy makes to try and stop My David or this Nation, they will come to nothing.
This world will know that I am the God over this Nation, that I am the One Who is the Protector of this Nation. I do not sleep, and I do not slumber. I see your enemies’ rooms, their back rooms. I see what plans they are trying to make. I am there. I am ever present.
I am declaring and decreeing right now—enough is enough. Enough is enough, I said. Enemies of Almighty God: enough is enough against My children. Enough is enough against My David. Enough is enough against My children throughout this world.
These are not your days. Globalism is not for now. It is not for now. Now is the time for My Glory. Now is the time for the Greater Exodus. Now is the time for the wealth transfer. Now is that time. I will not be denied. This is the Earth that I created for mankind, and the world will know it. I am still alive, and I still do miracles, signs, and wonders through My people.
The enemy is about to shatter their walls. Their walls are coming down. They are scattering, and they are shattering. Their walls are shattering like glass. Your enemies are scattering, and their walls are shattering. Do you hear that? (Do you realize) how important these words are? I am going forth to remove them and to cut them off in very unprecedented, unconventional ways.
What you are about to see in this coming new year, you have never seen Me do these things. I am a big God so do not limit Me with small thinking about what you think I can or will do. If you think about it, think about the bigger thoughts that I have. I have placed them on the inside of you. You are so much bigger than your circumstances. You are so much bigger than the enemies’ attacks against you. You are so much bigger because I am on the inside of you. Think about how powerful you are because of what I have done for you. You have (My) resurrection power in you. You have the Greater One on the inside of you.
So, receive this great power. Receive your prayers being answered more speedily in this hour—what you have longed for, what you have prayed for year after year. It will be clear that I am the way, the truth, and the life.
My Word is about to come alive in you, on you, and surrounding you in every way that I have designed it. My children, you are entering a new season, a new season of revival, a new season of breakthroughs. So, break out, break forth, and breakthrough every wall your enemy has had up against you. Receive this, this day, says the Lord.