My children, there has been a massive data breach in your enemies’ servers. This has brought much panic to their camp, not knowing what has been seen or who has the information that was taken from their secret servers. 

Your enemies are petrified because now they do not know who to trust. They are all out to save themselves from the complete collapse. The information that My infiltrators have confiscated is catastrophic to their establishment. The amount of proof that is in the possession of My David and others with him will be used at the exact right time to bring down the whole house of cards and destroy the machine that has been running this Nation and others. 

This information has everything—from who has been blackmailed, sabotaged, set up, or murdered to every honey hole, and it shows where your enemies have hidden the money that is not accounted for in their record books. 

I will show you log after log, every money trail, and who it all leads back to. It lists every establishment participant, their assignments, and who paid them. It shows every foreign nation that was paid to spy on your Nation and all their informants in your government that gave them special intel so they could sabotage this country in every possible way. 

It will show their attempt to start WWIII and their attempt to collapse the dollar. It will also show every attempt that has been made against My David’s life, and the real number is staggering. It will show you who they have put by his side to betray him. It will show every dirty politician and all the dirty political games they have been playing. There is more video and audio evidence that is so unprecedented and catastrophic to the majority in Washington DC. There are also videos of the innocent being set up in vicious and cruel ways. 

Get ready for the explosion of proof and truth that will hit your enemies when they least expect it. They have a plan to lie and deny, but this time, it will not work because these are the days of Haman, and I will make sure every person receives the judgment they deserve, says the Lord of Hosts. 

To “the Biden”: you think you can protect Hunter from the coming catastrophic collapse of the Biden empire and save yourselves from the establishment letting you go. But, by pardoning Hunter, you just set off a chain of events that will further your fall, along with every person and part of your crime family. You are not who you say you are, and that truth is coming out. Your mask will be removed by Me, and all the crimes Joe committed will break wide open. Every person who allowed and paid him to do these crimes will be exposed, and it is more than just Obama. 

The Biden family is about to fall. “The Biden” is about to make yet another major mistake that will backfire on him and everyone with him. Justice will be served in this case, and they will pay for every crime they committed because of the undeniable proof of his friendship with Ukraine and all that he took part in over there. It is far more sinister than people originally thought. 

The dark secrets in Ukraine and the hidden honey holes will soon be exposed, and it will bring down everyone who helped with this corruption. The machine controlling the nations and that system are all collapsing before your very eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Acosta: this company will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Siberia will be in your news for a significant reason.  

Lyle: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

I will say again: Lloyd Austin will be in your news for an unprecedented reason. He is one that will fall after being exposed for everything he took part in. 

My children, these are the days of great removals and great exposures. No one against Me can hide or get away from all the evil and corruption they took part in. Hold on because these great removals will cause a great shaking in the Land of My Eagle, says the Lord your Redeemer.