TRANSCRIPT: 12-29-24

My children, your enemies’ walls of deception that kept them in those high and lofty places are crumbling before your eyes. 

Their voices, which they used to control the masses, are being silenced by Me. Your enemies’ long reign of darkness is ending, while My Church and its new beginning are just starting—for those who are awake and remain steadfast in My Word and with My commandments. 

Another one of your enemies’ lines of defense has been severed. Their media is losing control of the narrative (and their ability) to keep you sedated under their lies. The tactics of their news stations, where they used great deception to distract and rock people into sleep, are forever changing in your land, oh United States. The mainstream media and its chokehold over you are about to end. 

A great leak of truth will pour out and destroy their dam of lies. A whistleblower is coming with damning proof that will destroy the establishment’s mouthpiece once and for all. 

The mainstream media used money, blackmail, bribes, seduction, and manipulation to keep one of the arms of the One World Government strong and in control, but now it will be ripped away in unprecedented ways. My children, hold on. A great shaking is coming to the news media that will forever change the news across this land and other nations. Big corporate media companies will fall to corruption and bankruptcies. 

I will show you who funded this arm of the establishment to keep it going for as long as it has. I told you before, I have many scripts that were retrieved from their servers, and they will be released. They will show you the footprints and blueprints that were used to control your Nation and what you were allowed to hear. 

I will also show you the architects of the news media that control the establishment and other nations and their news cycles. ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC—their walls will come down. Their influence will evaporate. Every person against Me will fall. All their businesses will fail, and their control will be annihilated, says the Lord. 

The big banks will come crashing down. My children, these banks were managed and controlled by the establishment and the global regime. There were plans for depressions, recessions, and all their bailouts, while many lost everything. I will expose the 2008 recession and other times when an economic collapse happened. I will show you the money that your government gave to these big banks and how they had all of this planned out to destroy you while they took away everything they could from you to enslave you even more. 

I will show (about) the Great Depression and the plan to change this Nation and its direction—it was to strengthen the establishment while they weakened every other part of your Nation and the citizens. I will reveal every economic hiccup and all the collapses your enemies were behind. Do you not see that these things don’t just happen? They were acts of war against you. 

My children, I am tearing their systems apart in front of you so that you can see how things were really meant to be. Debts will be wiped out because I will restore what belongs to you. 

A wealth transfer is coming. Don’t let your adversary talk you out of it like he has so many other people before. Read My Word—in times of war, there has always been a transfer of wealth. My children have always been the ones that took the spoils of war. I am blasting the wealth out of their hands, so they cannot keep controlling or lording over you with it. I said I would shake the desires of all nations, and I have said that the gold and the silver are Mine. Do you think I would allow your enemies to keep it? If it is not in your hands, it is in the enemies’ hands, and why would I want that? 

I have always been the same. I do not change. My Words have gone forth, and this will all come to pass for the ones who will receive these Words. But, not everyone will reap the spoils of war because they do not believe. Do you see, My children? Your enemies are collapsing. I am destroying their power in every way, and I am not leaving anything out, says the Lord. 

Their empires are falling. What used to be theirs will be taken away from them because it never belonged to your enemies. 

My children, stay awake because things are about to shake. I see My children being rocked back to sleep by their enemies because (they believe that since) the election is over, everything will just be fine. Yes, it will be, but first, I must shake everything to destroy the powers of darkness from trying to swallow the nations. I am coming with My outstretched Hand to heal your lands, says the Lord your Redeemer.