He gave this to me on December the 18th of 2024, and he told me to wait. But last night, as I was preparing and I was in the presence of God, he said, son, release the word. It’s time.
And so I want to release this word to you that God gave me that I have been holding since December the 18th of 2024. So he said, hold the line and pray for the enemy wars in silence and plans against you. For I have invaded his camp and there has been one blow after another concerning his plans, but yet he is strategically planning again.
I speak to my own, my remnant, hear me. Now that’s to us, the body of Christ, the faithful. Listen, listen, I speak to my own, my remnant, hear me.
It is not time to lay down. It is not time to rest. It is not time to be lax in your prayer life.
There is much to accomplish during this time. And I count on you to keep the line intact. I say again, hold the line.
My son, Donald is now at the helm and he will be my hand in America and the earth. He’s talking about our president, Donald J. Trump, as I use him. But there is much that has to be done, exposure that shall come and uprising from the enemy that will be planned.
Now he’s speaking of what’s about to take place. We have victory, my children, but hear me clear. Now it is urgent to pray and to remain steady.
Now it is urgent to pray and to remain steady. Much I will do and great works shall be accomplished, but you must pray and stand in faith. Speak and declare my will in the earth.
All that I have said and more shall be accomplished. So he’s not telling us that what he has promised is not going to happen. He is telling us that we must pray.
He’s telling us that we must be strategic in hearing the voice of God and stand on the wall and not come down. He is telling us that we must intercede and pray during this time. I know that we have prayed.
I know that we have sought God. I know that we’ve asked the Father, bring your servant Donald in and seat him as president again to make America great. The ladies and gentlemen, just because President Trump has now been elected does not mean that we rest, does not mean that we lay down.
God is speaking to us. Our Father is speaking to us and he is telling us, hold the line. Now that is a warring declaration.
Whenever there’s military involved, what does the military say? Hold the line, do your part, stand shoulder to shoulder, don’t back down now. It’s time, hold the line. Here comes the enemy, hold the line.
And so I’m telling you what the spirit of the Lord is telling me this morning. It is not time to rest. It is not time to be lackadaisical in our prayers.
It is not time to say, well, he’s president now, so now I can rest. No, that’s what the church did when President Trump was president 16 to 20. They said, well, he’s the man and he’ll take care of everything.
And the church got lackadaisical. We cannot do that. We must pray now more than we’ve ever prayed.
Come on. We’ve got to uphold his man in office. We’ve got to uphold America and God’s agenda for America.
This is the time to pray. Are you hearing me? He said, we will have victory, my children, but hear me clear. Now it is urgent to pray and remain steady.
Much I will do and great work shall be accomplished, but you must pray and stand in faith. Speak and declare my will in the earth. All that I have said and more shall be accomplished.
Hallelujah. Great wealth is being released to you. And I do a quick work in this.
An abundant release comes to you, my faithful, from my hand. An avalanche of my goodness and faithfulness is going to be heaped upon you. Oh, I say, hear me, for I am doing it and you shall see breakthrough after breakthrough, increase and favor, an abundance of rain to do my work and establish for me and your families.
But again, I say to you, hear me. You must hold the line. Hear me and know that there is a shaking coming and a great fall for the workers of darkness, for I will reveal to all and quickly it shall come.
As their downfall is even now at the door, declares the Lord. For I am moving and I will win because you are with me. You are also victorious and you shall rejoice and celebrate our victory together.
Hallelujah. I say great wins are coming, win after win, victory after victory, a crescendo as I take you upward. Oh, America, I am not done with you.
I shall bring you from the ashes and you shall be great. But you must hold the line and do not back down now. But again, I say to you, hold the line.
Hear me and know that there was a shaking coming and a great fall for the workers of darkness. I will reveal to all and quickly it comes. As their downfall is even at the door, I am moving and I win because you are with me.
You are also victorious and you shall rejoice and celebrate our victory. I say great wins are coming, but you must hold the line and do not back down now. For the enemy is on a time clock and he knows it.
Hear this. He senses my grip upon him and his camp getting tighter. And he is retaliating now in fear for what I’m about to do in the earth, in America and for my people and what I am about to expose.
Hallelujah. My light shall shine upon all those who try to hide and they will be exposed. There is nowhere that they can run and there was nowhere they can hide that my light shall not reveal the darkness.
Hear me, hold the line. I need my people to stand and pray. I need you to hold up my standard and war for my kingdom in the earth.
Remember Jesus said, this is the way that we’re to pray. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is. What? In heaven.
But we are the remnant. We are his vessels in the earth realm and so we open up our mouths and we decree his will. And then his will is manifest from the heaven into the natural.
He depends upon us in the earth realm to decree and declare his agenda, to decree and declare the prophetic word, to decree and declare, to stand in agreement. Come on, to be in unity so that the will of the kingdom can be established in the earth. Are you hearing me today? Very, very important that you get this.
Hear me, hold the line. I need my people to stand and pray. He is telling us, ladies and gentlemen, we can’t just hear this today and then just go ahead and do our own thing and turn away like we’ve never heard what the Lord is saying.
He is telling us, hold the line, pray. I need my people to stand and pray. He was urgently speaking to me.
I need you to hold up my standard and war for my kingdom in the earth. Hear me, hear me by my spirit and obey. Go forth in my power and my strength.
Watch as I cause the dominoes to begin to fall one by one. Then there shall be an avalanche of exposure. I say, it has already begun.
I am moving and I will do it, declares the Lord. I must have your prayers and your faith for the manifestation to be fulfilled. I say, war in the spirit, war for your prophecies and stand in great faith.
Shout out of your mouths from the north, the south, the east and the west, victory and praise to your God. March and release a praise just as my servant, King Jehoshaphat, for he sent the praisers out ahead of the army and the enemy turned upon themselves and they were defeated. I say to you this day, understand the authority that you have in your praise.
Understand the power that you possess as you cry aloud and give me praise. I need you to do this now in the earth, my children. Speak out of your mouths and command my angelic warriors to do their part and to move forward in their assignments in the earth, to assist you for your kingdom victory in my name.
Stand with me in heavenly places now and kingdom realms. And again, I say, understand your authority, hold the line. I say it again, hold the line for a great shift is now happening.
The darkness is giving way to my light, but there is a war in the heavens and I must have my remnant in stance with me. You must yield your hearts and your ears to me. Hear me and obey, pray and war in the spirit.
Speak to those things to be as though they were. Decree and declare, move forward in my light and watch my hand move, declares the Lord. For this is the hour of my greatness.
This is the hour of your greatness. This is my time and you will be a part of all that I do. I say, hold the line and move with me in this new time and this new era of my divine glory between now and the ceremony.
Hear this, hear this. Between now and the ceremony, they call an inauguration. I speak to you, my children, to stand in an attitude of prayer and intercession that I might work through you to defeat the adversaries and enemies of your God and the enemies of my servant Donald and the enemies of America.
They shall not win. Speak, declares the Lord. Speak, make declarations.
Forcefully advance in the spirit with your praise as the walls of their plans will then come crashing down. Think it not strange that my wind blows, hear this. Think it not strange, this was given to me in December, December the 18th, so hear what is happening right now.
Listen to this. Think it not strange that my wind blows in deep freezes even now to fault their plans, to defeat their forward advancements. I say, speak to the winds and declare with your authority that I have given to you.
Stand in triumph and victory this day. Stand tall with me, your God, as I bring down their evil agendas for it is the day and the era of my advancement in the earth and the darkness shall fall. The light of my glory, my God, I feel that anointing.
Glory to God. The light of my glory shall penetrate the agenda of the enemy and all will see my peace come into the earth for that is who I am. Watch, for I shall do it.
I say, bring forth the new. I say, bring it forth with your declarations for I am doing a new thing, for I am God and all shall be as I’ve spoken that it would be for this is the hour that you will see recompense and you will experience vindication and you will see restoration and you will see my hand move as I have promised that I would move upon you. I say, that wealth transfer is coming, declares the Lord.
It comes quickly. You will see the treasures of heaven opened up, but I say, this is the hour. You must stand in a stance of prayer and intercession and believe and stand with me, declares the Lord.
Stand with me, decree and declare, intercede and pray, for have I not told you that if you would humble yourself and pray, turn from your wicked ways, then would I hear from heaven and heal your land. I say, hold up America. Hold the line.
Do as I have asked. Be obedient, my children and stand, hold the line. Pray for my Donald.
Pray for his family. Pray for his cabinet. Pray for those who encircle around about him.
Pray, pray that the witch will be exposed. Pray that the devices of the enemy shall be exposed. Pray that those who operate in darkness behind the scenes and have made covenant with him, pray for they shall be exposed in this hour.
I say, pray for my servant, Donald, that his mind shall be anointed and that his mind shall be clear. I say, pray, pray and hold the line for I am doing a new thing. This is that hour and you will see as I have spoken for it shall be done, declares the Lord.
Hold the line, hallelujah.