TRANSCRIPT: 12-29-24
So the word of the Lord, he continues here and he says, I will anoint you with great favor and I will bring to you great influence. This era will be known for monumental wealth and miracles, suddenly miracles from my hand. Oh, I say my people prepare now to step into my greatness that I have prepared for you.
For this is the time of all things possible. This is the time of great resources and great wealth. This is the time that I will heal and I will perform the miraculous through you.
This is my time that my kingdom shall reign and manifest in the earth realm through you and all will know that I am God. Hallelujah. I say, get ready, get ready.
I say, get ready for your lives shall shift all and be changed in a day. I will transform and shift all things that you currently see and cause there to be a monumental release of my divine glory. The dragon and his imps shall be dealt one blow after another and they shall fall as dominoes with my judgment.
As I arrive upon the scene for you, my people, my heirs, my sons, and my daughters of royalty.
Hear me. You shall be given new mantles and you shall be given new assignments.Some shall move geographically and others will position and reposition where they are currently, where they currently reside. But all shall be new, he said, for I will do a new thing, declares the Lord. Your government will shift dramatically.
Watch, watch this as I move from your house that you call white to the house of my church and your homes and all in between. I am moving, declares the spirit of the Lord. All things shall be now realigned and new shall be established.
New thinking processes, new ways of living, new technologies, new paradigms, and new dimensions. Quantum banking and technology is now here. I am shifting all things.
I am bringing forth new terms, new methodologies. You cannot proceed into this new realm with me with old wineskins and thinking processes. You must shift with me now.
Do not stand in the way for what I am doing will overtake you, for I am moving now with great force and great advancement to accomplish my will, my agenda, my plan in the earth. It shall be done quickly, but with great strategy and calibration. Prepare and get ready now, for you shall enter into your year, hear this, you shall enter into your year of 2025 and find five, my grace, in everywhere you are, everywhere you go, and everything that you move forward into.
But it will be known as a year of birthing as well, for as you add the numerals, you receive nine.
And what is nine? Nine is gestation, development, maturity, and birthing. What is five? Five is the number of grace.Hallelujah. So you’ve got five, seven, eight, five, which is the Jewish calendar year that we’re inalready, and that’s grace. You’ve got seven, which is completion, five, seven, then you’ve got eight, which is new beginnings, and then another number five.
So you’ve got five, you’ve got completion, and you’ve got new beginnings. Then we step into our national new year, 2025, and there you see five again. You do the addition, and 2025 also becomes nine.So you’ve got grace and birthing. Hallelujah. So God is completing, God is reestablishing, you’re having a new beginning, you’re having grace, you’re birthing the promises, those things that you have held on to, you’ve been believing God for, now you’re birthing.
Come on, somebody, you’re moving into a time that has been unprecedented and that all of us have asked God for, we have waited for, we have prayed for, we’ve sown into and believed him for.
Now we’re stepping into it. Hallelujah.So he says, and remember, as Marianne said earlier, numbers have meaning to God. And if numbers have meanings and those meanings mean something to God, then how much moreshould they mean something to us? So don’t just look at a number and say, oh, well, whatever. No, it has a meaning, two, double fold, three, trinity, come on, five, grace, six is the number of man, 10 is the number of responsibility, 11 is transition, eight is beginning, it’s 11, 11, come on, it’s time.It’s time for transition. It’s time for new beginnings. It’s time for completion.
It’s time for birthing. It’s time to see all and more that God has promised for us. So he says to us, but it will also be known as the year of birthing for as you add the numerals, you receive nine.So see the Lord sees all this and he’s speaking it. So much I will do, he said. So much I will say.
And so very much will I release to you. Align your hearts and align your minds with mine now and get ready for all things to shift and to change, declares the Lord. For this is the hour and the year.
This is the era of monumental shifts. This is the era and the time of monumental shifts. I am shifting the paradigm, declares the Lord.For you will speak it out of your mouths as you see it manifest in front of your eyes, declares the spirit of the Lord. 2025 shall now be a year of restitution and recompense. You will see vindication and there will be order that I will bring into the earth with my angelic remnant, establishing and working with who? You, my sons and my daughters.
Great kingdom manifestations, revelation shall be given. Be mine and let me synchronize you with my timing and my cadence. See, I’m a drummer.
So when he talks about cadence, I’m automatically hearing the drum corps. I was in the drum corps. I played.I did all of that. The rolls and the flam, the paradiddles and the triplets. And I did all of that.We established the beat for the band. We established the bass beat for the band, for the music.So when he talks about cadence here, he’s talking about a new beat.
He’s talking about a new sound. Now, some of you that are not musicians, you won’t get it. But for those of you who do, those of you who are musicians, you understand exactly what God is saying.
And for those of you who aren’t musicians, now you understand the cadence. It means there’s a beat. There’s something being established.
There’s a rhythm. Drums and others in the orchestra, they’re the rhythm section. And we established the bass, the basis, the timing of the music.
So he’s saying here, glory to God, he’s saying here, be mine and let me synchronize you with my timing and my cadence, declares the Lord. For there is a new sound. Hear me? And the spirit of religion hates this because the spirit of a religion wants to keep you in the old ways, in the old hymn books.
Come on, I love the old hymns. I love them. But there’s also a time to bring forth the new.You can also establish the old with the new and have a nice balance. Come on. So there’s good songs with the old hymnals and then the worship songs that we have today.
Glorious, hallelujah. So he’s saying there is a change that’s coming now. There was a new sound.There’s a new rhythm. He says that right here. He says, he says, for there was a new sound and there was a new rhythm that I shall establish and all will know this is not from the earth, but rather from the Lord of hosts.
Hallelujah. Happy new year, he says. Happy new year to you, I say.
Rehearse the words that I have given to you and worship me. Rejoice and give me praise. For as the clock strikes 12 and time advances into your nations with the new, I say, in fact, it shall spring forth the new and you will begin again.
And all that I have spoken to you declares your father in heaven. Glory to God.