I, the Lord, am rattling the cages of the religious leaders in the churches who have refused to obey Me, refused to wake up, refused to quit the world’s way of talking or acting, and refused to put Me first. Instead, they are being lords of their own lives. Not only will the leaders of these churches be rattled, but so will their congregations because they followed the leadership and not My Written Word.
A great shaking is coming to many churches and congregations who refuse to allow Me to move because of their theology and legalism, which they preach from the pulpits.
A shaking is coming to those churches that have allowed and embraced sexual immorality like it is a fad and somehow thought it was okay, when My Word is clear that it is not.
A shaking is coming to those who were bought out by your government to preach or teach a lie in order to have status and importance in the government or in the churches’ eyes. Many have let money dictate what was preached, which was not Me or My Written Word. Some have even been blackmailed by the government for taking these bribes out of desperation. They were then forced to preach falsehoods and false doctrines to save their reputations and status amongst others.
As you see the government and political parties shake, be audited, and exposed, you will also see many in the church fall for being part of such wickedness. I am once again turning the tables over to rid the churches of evil and cleanse them of this filth.
Many churches have refused time and time again to preach My Word, as it reads, because they have been too afraid of offending their congregations even though it is the real truth that will set them free. Because of this disobedience, most Christians are in complete bondage. This lack of obedience and refusal to lead the congregations in the right direction is due to these leaders’ fear of losing money or not being accepted by some of the church body, clicks, or groups that think they are better than everyone else.
There are some who are afraid of losing their status in the Body of Christ. So, they have gone after those who dared to preach about the authority in My Name and the authority you have against your adversaries. Those same leaders have been weakening the churches due to their lack or refusal to obey My Words to resist the enemy. Instead, they have stayed silent because some of their board or church members have disapproved of this type of preaching. So, they bowed to the demands of the church and did not obey My Written Words, which would have changed the church as you know it. The world would not have become so out of control if My Church had been using the authority I have given to them.
Woe to those who have judged and persecuted My leaders who dared to take on politics to bring Me back into governments and the leadership of nations, so that politics and governments would be run by justice and truth and not in darkness or by rogue criminals leading the nations to death and destruction. You thought anyone standing for the right leaders to be put in place were out of control politically because most of the Body of Christ believed the lie regarding the separation of church and state. You believed this lie from the enemy and had others believing the same lie because you did not want to ruffle the feathers of your followers and your ministry friend groups, for fear of being ostracized. And some of you just gave in to this lie without asking Me if it was the truth or My Will. You just decided to believe man and their words.
Woe to those who went after My prophets and claimed they were false when you were preaching false doctrines and leading your congregations over a cliff. I sent My prophets to reach the nations with My Words so that the world would stop following the leadership and direction of the enemy. My Word clearly states why there must be a fivefold ministry—to mature the Body of Christ so they are strong and have the necessary knowledge to stand up and fight against the enemy. I also gave the prophets to the church and the world to warn about events that would take place—events that would have led My children into great panic, fear, and right into the hands of the enemy if there was no warning. The world is shaking. My children, the world needs to know the truth to set them free. My children, if the prophets had not been warning, where would this Nation or others be today?
There has also been too much jealousy and division in My Body. It has prevented Me from moving the way I wanted. There is too much of the world in the church body.
My children, flush out the world’s ways—their ways of acting, talking, and believing. It is time for the church to wake up and rise up as My warriors in the Army of the Lord. There is a war going on to overtake this Earth, and My church has stayed silent for far too long. So, shout now! Shout My Words! Stop letting your enemies torment you and control your lives. Get all forms of witchcraft out of your congregations. Yes, I said witchcraft, witches, and warlocks have embedded themselves in your congregations, your church bodies, to suffocate your power, the power I gave to you. They are leading many churches away from Me, not to Me. This must stop now, says the Lord of Hosts.
The world needs the Body of Christ with My Son, Who is the Head, to lead the nations to My Glory and to receive the freedoms that He has already paid for.
A great shaking is coming to the church to shake the darkness out, to let the truth be preached and no longer suppressed. Truth is coming like a flood. My children, you will be partakers in this outpouring of My Spirit—an outpouring like never before. Let freedom ring throughout your congregations and in your homes. No longer let anyone or any of the enemies’ tactics keep you where you do not belong—enslaved by him, his doctrines, or his man-made systems. Break out, break forth, break through, and break free to your victory, says the Lord your Redeemer.