My children, a systematic change is coming to the church, to governments, to your health, to your families, to the economic system, and to the nations

A systematic change (is coming to take control) out of the hands of the evil corrupt regimes who hijacked your nations and your lives. It is time for the great winds of change to decimate your enemies’ plans and to bring in Mine worldwide. 

Rogue, corrupt governmental control is over, and I will put a new system in place in every nation in the world. It is called a system of freedom, freedom from your enemies’ culture, their propaganda, their thievery, and their torment. It is time for an unprecedented refreshing in all nations—with My Glory filling each country and the choice of starting new with My way and My plan to give them the gift of restoration of what your enemies have taken from you. 

Peace will be restored. Your joy will be filled. Your bodies will be healed. Your families will be restored. Your finances will be replenished. My children, do not think this cannot be done. It can be, and it has been done before, in the land of Goshen. It is time for you to experience this reset, refresh, and restoration with freedom from the hands of the wicked. I am the same God now, so if I promised to deliver the Israelites then, why would I not do the same for you? Your enemies will pay back what they have stolen from you, and there is no way around that. 

The criminals in the establishment and the global leaders will be forced to turn over what is yours, and they must pay it back. Their accounts will be emptied, and everything they have will be given back to whom I choose—to pay the price for the slavery and the theft they have done unto you. 

2025 is the year to thrive. It is just the beginning of My reset. Can you not see it? Can you not feel the shift change for your good? As more time goes by this year, the more you will see your enemies exposed and the more they will have to hand over what is not theirs. 

The nations are not theirs. Your minds are not theirs. Your bodies are not theirs. Your children are not theirs. Your finances are not theirs. Your freedoms are not theirs. My children, do you not see? They are thieves. They have been caught, and I will not leave it with just them being exposed. No! They must return what does not belong to them, and I will make sure of it. 

A return is coming to My children and the nations. So, look forward to this and be excited. A great release is taking place because I have paid for it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

All the slush funds, money laundering, Ponzi schemes, and insider trading will be discovered and ripped apart. This is how your government has been funded, and it will all be exposed—every offshore bank account, every hidden tunnel, and every place where they hid their fraud—the front companies, corporations, agencies, and illegal entities, which include certain things in the art world, the entertainment industry, the medical industry, aid to nations, and the conflicts and wars they created with war racketeering or biological warfare on a scale you would not have expected. 

There are numerous viruses, diseases, and chronic health issues people are struggling with or have died from because of their (biological warfare) designs. (They also designed) weather modifications to cause dangerous storms and catastrophic damage and clean energy that is not clean at all and does more damage to the environment than the liars in your governments have allowed you to hear about. And the list of things goes on. They made these things up so they could strip more of your freedoms from you but made them look like they were there to help you. 

They are liars, deceivers, and manipulators. Their removals will be unprecedented, and so will the shaking that will tear their system apart.  

My children, there is so much coming. Some will not be able to hear and prepare for the truth about how your lives were destroyed for their great reset. Deaths were orchestrated for the depopulation of the Earth. They designed viruses, diseases, famines, and wars. They caused fear and mental disorders. They created a systematic system of death against the nations so they could control this Earth. This is why dramatic measures must be taken.  

As they are being shaken, your enemies will fight for you and the nations, but it is coming to an end. Stay in My Word and remember—I will not fail. I have promised to deliver you out of it all. It is all coming—freedom and change for the world to receive more of My Glory, says the Lord your Redeemer.