I, the Lord, this day am warning the ones who have brought great darkness to this Nation and the world—darkness so gross and overwhelming on Earth that many have been enslaved by it.
To the enemies of Almighty God: all your dark secrets, dark past, dark wars, deception, and dark and evil systems meant to destroy everything they touch will completely be annihilated with My light. My light will uncover every secret and plan. Your full control over this Nation and all nations on Earth will be brought to nothing. I am moving My Hand across the nations to devour your systems and annihilate them as if they never existed.
The mental darkness you have plagued so many with to deceive them into doing your bidding will be lifted. Many people will receive the light and their freedom from your mind control. All the neuro weapons, PSYOP (psychological operations), and propaganda that you used to ruin nations and move your reset to full existence will be ripped apart by My outstretched Hand. People do not belong to you. Their bodies and minds are not yours. Their children are not yours. Their livelihoods are not yours. Their happiness is not yours to take.
A great shaking will cut off access to more human minds and mind control. This will cause a great shift in society, but do not get into fear or be confused when it appears to look worse at first. Your enemies will ramp up their system to destroy as many people as they can, but My children, I am stepping in, and you will win this war against your peace, your minds, your nations, and your children.
I am exposing every scientific lab, all bioweapons, and all forms of PSYOP (psychological operations), along with everyone who has been part of these, and how they accomplished so much against you in such a short period of time. I will stop every weapon your enemies have used against you, and I will destroy them, says the Lord.
My frequencies will destroy your enemies’ frequencies against you. Fear will leave. Depression will be destroyed, and the darkness overwhelming you will be replaced with My light and My peace.
My children, get ready for My rapid response to your enemies’ attacks against you. I am destroying every part of their functioning system and the rogue regimes they have placed in every nation, just like I have done numerous times in the past, to fully set My people free from their enemies. I want this Earth to be free to choose Me.
Your enemies’ systems will continue to collapse. You will see them try to advance their darkness and their war against you, but it will fall. Do not fear what you hear or see when the financial system falls apart because I have another one for you. Do not fear when your infrastructure is attacked because I am bringing you one that your enemies cannot control at their every whim.
I will warn you again—there will be surges of power with your electricity, both in and out. Your phone lines will be temporarily cut off, but none of this will last. This is to confuse and stifle your enemies’ 5G warfare against you. They were about to use technology to destroy as many people as possible at one time and to shut down the world to take back control.
Their 5G towers need to be cut off. Their PSOP (psychological operations) using social media have to be extinguished. (No matter if) everything is abnormal, or how uncomfortable it may seem, this is truly for your freedom and your enemies’ demise.
So, stay the course and hold your ground because what you see is coming to an end with your enemies and their war against you, says the Lord of Hosts.
Manifesto: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Sworn affidavits will be in your news for a significant reason.
Election interference will be in your news for a shocking reason. It will bring this Nation to a standstill, or so it will seem. Follow the money and find a gusher of truth. A massive honey hole will be discovered, showing how your government manipulated many elections year after year. The number of years and the number of elections that were stolen will bring catastrophic damage to your enemies. They have tried to hold you in bondage with this rogue regime by hijacking your elections so you could not vote them out.
An internal election fraud system was paid for by the American taxpayers. It was used to steal every voice and to keep the establishment in power.
The sloppiness of “the Biden” regime with the election system will bring the establishment’s downfall. Your enemies’ desperation gave way to weaknesses and massive mistakes. Elections will be restored to this Nation exactly how they should have always been, says the Lord your Redeemer.