PSALM 45:3 (TPT) “Now strap Your lightning sword of judgment upon Your side, O Mighty Warrior so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as You go out to war!”
I found myself in the Council Chambers of Heaven, standing behind my Elder. All the Elders arose as one, and they took off their crowns and laid them on the table. They looked beyond the Father, who had also arisen, with anticipation. Suddenly, Jesus appeared on a huge white war horse. Jesus and the horse were about eight feet off the ground, and He had a lightning sword strapped to His thigh. Even though it was sheathed, the sword gave off flashes of lightning power. The Father nodded His head to His Son, and the war horse took off with great power towards the earth. Awe, wonder, and anticipation filled the room. The Father speaks:
“I have released My Son with His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT to visit the earth with TRUTH and JUSTICE. DO NOT FEAR any dark scheme of the enemy—no matter how POWERFUL it looks—because when My Son draws His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT, TRUTH and JUSTICE will SHATTER and EXPOSE ALL the LIES and DECEPTIONS and ALL those partnered with darkness will be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE before the world. Let NOTHING MOVE you or SHAKE you from this vision of the Son of God as your Majestic, Mighty Warrior come to RESCUE your nation with His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT.”