I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, oh United States, the biggest political slush fund that was criminally organized but designed to look legal and acceptable in your government spending operations is about to be discovered. This slush fund finances the establishment, and it is their main source of power and control for manipulating this Nation. 

You may ask, “Where does the money come from that our enemies thrive on?” Well, My children, it comes from your taxpayer dollars. The doors will be opened wide on the IRS, and scandal after scandal and fraud after fraud will be discovered and exposed. It is a cesspool of corruption. The design of the IRS was never meant to help you or to make this Nation stronger. It was (created for) the exact opposite. It was (designed) to financially break the American people while the establishment became more powerful by the day. 

Your taxes pay for the criminals who are running your Nation as well as the ones who are trying to kill this Nation and make it their own. The biggest audit of taxpayer money will find corruption on a scale that makes USAID and others look like nothing because the IRS and their tax system are the heartbeat of the death machine. 

Yes, this is the hub of all financial criminal activity. Where all your money has gone and who it went to will shock this Nation. The tax system, as you see it, will be dismantled. 

And the ones in the House of Representatives, holding this Nation and its purse strings, will be held accountable for all the money they have tried to hide under the table- to strengthen the establishment, your enemies, and other nations, to finance weapons and terrorists to make them stronger, to bring fear into nations, and to have a bigger government for your supposed “protection,” when big government has been the biggest enemy to your freedoms and against your peace across this Nation. There will be a great shaking in your House, oh United States. There will be explosive exposures about every House member who used this Nation’s purse and your tax dollars for their financial gain or to destroy and dismantle your country. 

Every House speaker in the past who helped and took part in this type of deception and treason will be exposed. There are many traitors who have left government positions who truly thought they had gotten away with the crimes they took part in or allowed to take place, but justice is at their doorstep. 

Woe to every federal or government worker who stole from this Nation or was part of this government slush fund. I have your number, and it is about to expire. This cleaning of the House will expose more than just your government’s financial slush fund, it will begin the biggest political reset in human history. You are the same people who stole money from this Nation, and you are the same people who stole elections and manipulated every part of the government system to benefit yourselves. All your systems, your power, your hidden agendas, and your secrets will come out into the open, and justice will be served in front of the ones you stole from. Your government, your seats of power, and this Nation will be ripped from your cold hands and given back to the American people right before your eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

I, the Lord, will dismantle the IRS, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street as you know it, the private financial sector, Silicon Valley, and the complete financial market in this Nation. A new one will be put in place, and gold and silver will rise like never before. The gold standard will come back with vengeance during this Nation’s golden age. A new way is coming, oh United States, and the finances will be even greater than they have ever been in this Nation because the financial leeches will be a distant memory, and their system will be obliterated. So, enjoy the new (golden) age in this Nation. It will be far greater than most realize. 

The debt clock will evaporate and be like it never existed. I will show you where all the money is, the money that was taken but belongs to this Nation. It will be given back. This is far greater than what was seen in Egypt because this is the Greater Exodus, and this will affect every nation, not just one. So, hold on, My children. Finances across the globe will be given back in unprecedented ways because I am restoring all that has been stolen from you. 

This is the time for the greatest financial shift the world has ever seen. Your enemies’ control over the financial system and this mountain will disappear. 

Oh, United States, everything taken from you will be given back. A flood is coming that will bring an overflow to My children. So, hold on! The doors are open, and this restoration has only just begun, says the Lord your Redeemer.